Some more miniatures.

Now this one was not a hasty job. Along with the other lizardmen miniature these were used for a foray into a swamp. The party didn't fare too well.

Lizard with Stone Axe


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Now, I don't recall who exactly makes these miniatures. All I remember is that it was very cheap to buy 3 in a pack.

These were not so hastily painted and were also used for the Ravenloft game. I've just painted a little bit of them as I go along, never completed in one sitting. The Ravenloft game was over a year ago and I think I put the flock on the bases of these about 3 months ago.


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Another set of miniatures that I don't recall who manufactured them. They might have been old grenadier miniatures. They were also used for the Ravenloft game. Do you see a trend here? The bases are made out of a GW warmaster (15mm game) split in half.

More skeletal undead


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More of the undead. These were not hastily done but I remember not really sitting down to paint them. I just applied color to them whenever anther mini was being painted. All in all I think they have been painted in about 3 years and are still not completed. Must be the longest running painting project.



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Darius101 said:
I love aenur the Elf he rocks man.
The runes or design on the inside can be very cool ideed.
Look at Jen's version with Black on black or the one on they both inspired me.
The original had an interesting thin glolden delecate line design on it that was simple but hard to duplicate.

Celtic designs are interesting for that.


BTW, thanks for the encouragement. Yes, I've looked at many different pictures of Aenur. The Haley one is the one that inspired me to put something on the cape in the first place. I just haven't been motivated enough.

It takes me a long time to paint. I have to paint in between hundreds of little things that eat up my time. So when a miniature turns out in a pleasing manner, like the Aenur one. I'm usually reluctant to go back to it to work on it simply because I might not like the additional result.

That sculpt is still one of my favorites. I am temped to get another of the same mini for experimentation. However, with the lack of time I doubt it will happen.

Now these are Reaper miniatures. I remember buying them because they were packaged incorrectly. They put 5 miniatures in a package that was supposed to only have 4. CheapAss me couldn't resist the bargain.

I can't recall these being used in Ravenloft. But they have been used many times in the past.

As you can see the bases have not been completed, another side effect of my growing laziness. They are going to be flocked in a "sandy" pattern to look like a desert instead of a grassy area.



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Now these miniatures that follow are used in my campaign to represent many different PC's. I did not paint any of these. They were painted by my good friend Tim. I greatly envy his talent, his patience and more importantly the fact that he has time to do this. :D

It is embarassing when the PC's look this good and the monsters (the ones I painted) look so rushed... LOL

So for the Big Bad Evil Monsters I usually have Tim paint them. He is currently working on a Black Dragon for me. I can't wait to see it. I concentrate on the DMing, he concentrates on the painting.

Tim's Character Veit Holderhek


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Some more of Tim's work.

This is a reaper miniature. The base is a washer unto which the miniature has been glued. Static grass and rocks added.



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And some more of his work.

This is Magnus Burne. Tim's first character in my campaign. He met an untimely demise while skulking around in the Underdark while separated from the rest of the group.

Magnus Burne


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Continuing with the works of Tim.

This is Darian Ralius a swashbuckling scoundrel from the port town on Donegal. He just advanced in his first level of Duelist and seems quite confident of his fighting style.

Darian Ralius


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