Some Stories Are True

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

The Rheini Youth looks a year or two older than the average group member; he looks perhaps 19 or 20 years old. He says that his name is "Maka" for short. He also politely greets Wrenn, Oorvid, and Astrid, all of whom he had spent time with in his village during their recent visit, with a simple gesture, as is the custom of his people. He then introduces himself to the newcomer, greeting her with the same gesture.

He says, "Askari and Volki have wounded spirits. They no longer have the will to fight. My people call it the Blood Weight. There is a point where every person, some sooner than others, cannot carry the Blood Weight any longer. When that happens, it is a sad time. It happened to me two summers ago. I thought I would never fight again. But then, the spirit of my grandfather came to me riding upon an Eagle.

He lifted the Blood Weight from me, and set me free, and showed me the way here. He did not speak. He did not say why he led me here. But he led me into the path of your friends. That was no accident. And I am glad that I feel light and unburdened once more. If you would permit me, I would like to travel with you. I think that my grandfather knew that your friends were leaving. I think he wanted me to help all of you."

At this point, Maka sits on the ground, and begins to nibble on some dried meat from his belt pouch. His intentions are to wait and see if the others will accept him into the group.

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Wrenn is glad to see Maka once more. During his visit to Maka's village, Wrenn spent a lot of time practicing archery with Maka. Maka was a better bowman than Wrenn, which was ok, because Wrenn learned a lot from him. Wrenn enjoyed Maka's easy, quiet mannerisms. Wrenn wasn't much of a talker, either, except when necessity demanded it. Wrenn had noticed that when Maka DID speak, he usually had something profound to say. His tale of the journey here was one such example of this.

Wrenn says, "I cannot speak for the others, but as far as I am concerned, you are welcome here, my friend."

Wrenn's intention is to welcome both newcomers, and to ease concerns among Astrid and Oorvid, if they have any. Wrenn has a good feeling about both of the newcomers; an instinct, if you will.


Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Astrid, who does indeed recognize the young Rheini, addresses the situation, after Wrenn, hoping to further ease any possibility of tension. "I remember seeing you at that Rheini village that is being established around the collapsed pergola, less than half a day's walk through the forest, but I did not know your name. I am Astrid."

She gestures for Maka to rise. "You are welcome to join us but here is not a place for resting or long conversation. We have been attacked here, twice already, and have not made it beyond the kitchen above to see what the Amiradthae are really attempting to do. We need to be moving and be wary."
OOC: 76


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Fully coming to terms with the fact that the party was directly under an enemy stronghold, the five youths readied themselves and began to carefully proceed back up into the kitchen above. The significance was unknown but one of the mystically illuminated globes was no longer aglow. All had been each time the party had previously been in the room. Time to ponder the consequence would have to be sought at another juncture, as the voices of others entering the main hall outside were suddenly heard.

The source of the voices was coming closer. As memory quickly served, to go up or down from the main hall, anyone would have to, first, come into the kitchen. The language sounded like that of the Amiradthae. The idea of being pinned in the small kitchen while facing archers seemed rather deadly for the party. Only a few seconds could be spent to decide whether to charge out and face them or to return to the basement, below.
Astrid: full wellness
Mantle: 24
Stones: 20
Oorvid: full wellness
Tunic: 61 - 6 = 55 - 1 = 54
Wrenn: full wellness
Tunic: 57 - 1 = 56
Ularin Arrows: 22 + 15 = 37
Star Wolfess: full wellness
Maka: full wellness
Ularin Arrows: 10
41 marks: currency

(helps Astrid)
whitish ingot: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Bat Guano: 6 measures, {heat x2}
Bandy Feet: pair, (Confluence +2)
Jay Feet: pair, (Will +2)
Spider Claws: 3 sets, {toxicity x2}
Spider Fangs: 5 sets, (Cohesion +2)

(helps Maka & Wrenn)
Bandy Feathers: 1, (Strength +2)
Goat Beard: 1, (Will +2)
Heckling Jay Feathers: 1, (Will +2)
Viper Blood: 1 measure, {athleticism x3}
Viper Venom: 1, {toxicity x3}

(helps Star & Oorvid)
Bandy Skull: 2, (Confluence +2)
Teal Skull: 2, (Cohesion +2)
waterfowl skull: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Coal: 7 bricks, {heat x3}
Slate: 1, {sound x2}
Livestone: 4, (Strength +2)

(helps Maka & Wrenn)
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Mend x2}
Rend Leaves: 2 measures, {Siphon x2}
Flowers: 4 measures, {Restore x3}
Tranquility Flowers: 1 measure, {Identity x3}
Bat Colony: 2
Chain of Keeps Tunnel System
name: Temnyy Veter
Rheini Village
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions. Provide a random roll.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Astrid quickly and quietly addresses the group. "We should divide ourselves and enter the main room from each side of this kitchen. Wrenn and Star should take the left doorway, while Maka and I take the right. For Oorvid, it does not really matter since you will charge them if they attack."
OOC: 75

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Wrenn and Maka both understand the severity of the situation, perhaps Maka most of all. Maka had faced warriors from rival tribes many times since his coming of age, during the 15th summer of his life.

Both do as Astrid has suggested; Wrenn goes with Star to the left doorway; Maka goes with Astrid to the right. Both men take a moment to bend waylines, in order to make themselves harder to see and to hit.

Maka = Camouflage (Cohesion 10, Evocation 1)
Wrenn = Camouflage (Cohesion 10, Evocation 7)

Maka = Projectile attack (once the fighting starts) = 92(+61 Luck) = 153
Wrenn = Acidify (once the fighting starts) = 94(+21 Luck) = 115

Other random rolls you might need = 70, 73, 88, and 71.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Astrid quickly...
Wrenn and Maka both...
... Star Wolfess...
Maka: 42(camouflage)
Oorvid: 43(motility)
Wrenn: 43(camouflage)
Astrid: 22(readiness) + 32(speed) + 41(clarity) + 75(d100) = 170
Maka: 25 + 33 + 42 + 115 = 205
Oorvid: 32 + 22 + 34 + 98 = 186
Star: 27 + 33 + 28 + 50 = 138
Wrenn: 23 + 44 + 43 + 153 = 263
Amiradthae: 110 + 108 = 208
Oorvid chose to go to the right, moving ahead of Maka and Astrid, as he would, indeed, charge at the enemy. The approaching group was backlit, as several of the globes in the main hall no longer glowed and the Daylight showed through the main opening. The group was momentarily halted at seeing faces appear in the portals to which they were headed. Only a few seconds passed in inactivity, each group assessing the other.

The entering group was a hunting party of Amiradthae, not Shimadows. For the briefest of instants, it appeared that they might not be hostile, but it was like some unknown signal ended the peace. Those carrying the game, unceromoniously dropped it, and all archers began to take aim at the party members. The six Snipers are arrayed perpendicular to the length of the hall, though staggered in distance by a couple of strides, forward and back. The nearest on each side was about 8 strides distant or medium bow range. These Amiradthae appeared to be quick on the draw.
Astrid: full wellness
Mantle: 24
Stones: 20
Oorvid: full wellness
Tunic: 61 - 6 = 55 - 1 = 54
Wrenn: full wellness
Tunic: 57 - 1 = 56
Ularin Arrows: 22 + 15 = 37
Star Wolfess: full wellness
Maka: full wellness
Ularin Arrows: 10
41 marks: currency

(helps Astrid)
whitish ingot: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Bat Guano: 6 measures, {heat x2}
Bandy Feet: pair, (Confluence +2)
Jay Feet: pair, (Will +2)
Spider Claws: 3 sets, {toxicity x2}
Spider Fangs: 5 sets, (Cohesion +2)

(helps Maka & Wrenn)
Bandy Feathers: 1, (Strength +2)
Goat Beard: 1, (Will +2)
Heckling Jay Feathers: 1, (Will +2)
Viper Blood: 1 measure, {athleticism x3}
Viper Venom: 1, {toxicity x3}

(helps Star & Oorvid)
Bandy Skull: 2, (Confluence +2)
Teal Skull: 2, (Cohesion +2)
waterfowl skull: 2, ??

(helps all characters)
Coal: 7 bricks, {heat x3}
Slate: 1, {sound x2}
Livestone: 4, (Strength +2)

(helps Maka & Wrenn)
Mend Leaves: 3 measures, {Mend x2}
Rend Leaves: 2 measures, {Siphon x2}
Flowers: 4 measures, {Restore x3}
Tranquility Flowers: 1 measure, {Identity x3}
Bat Colony: 2
Chain of Keeps Tunnel System
name: Temnyy Veter
Rheini Village
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State target. Intended action may be changed or confirmed. Provide two random rolls.

Voidrunner's Codex

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