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D&D 5E some tweets

@QueerSeer Tashas Hideous Laughter's wording implies the incapacitated effect only applies if the target is made prone, is this right?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Failing a save against Tasha's hideous laughter means you're incapacitated even if you can't fall prone. #DnD
[MENTION=29740]Robyn[/MENTION]koz Are elves immune to the paralyzing touch of ghasts too, or just ghouls?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Elves are, indeed, immune to the paralysis of ghouls but not ghasts. #DnD
[MENTION=16299]Kai[/MENTION]rinDenrei I have an elf in my first session ever, so I was wondering which rule or skill is responsible for that. BTW we play #DnD5e.
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford The fact that an elf is immune to a ghoul's paralysis is stated in the ghoul's stat block. #DnD
[MENTION=73944]zar[/MENTION]conistPreist Truesight sees through magical darkness. But does it see through heavily obscured areaa? I.e. a fog cloud?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Truesight pierces darkness but is no help against physical things (fog, smoke, bushes, etc.) that obscure. #DnD
[MENTION=10247]Ei[/MENTION]ghtspancrow Does an ettin's Two Heads grant it adv. on saves against Sunbeam?Or only effects that just grant the blinded cond (no dmg)?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford An ettin's Two Heads works with any save, including the save in sunbeam, vs. a condition listed in the trait. #DnD

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[MENTION=29740]Robyn[/MENTION]koz Can a warlock with Devil's Sight see within/out of/into/through Hunger of Hadar? (I think no on the first 2: blinded) #DnD
&#8207 [MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Devil's Sight is meant to pierce the dark created by a spell like darkness, not the void of hunger of Hadar. #DnD
[MENTION=80872]smug[/MENTION]lord but its frustrating to try to commit to RAW to keep players on the same page when designers give diff rulings
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford I give official #DnD rulings, while other members of the team give advice, as well as insights on tweaking the game.

@ItsZagur can a physically mute cleric cast spells?
&#8207 [MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Speech is only necessary for a spell with a verbal component. #DnD
[MENTION=5875]dan[/MENTION]_Dillon_1 Another ex: Misty Step. Can I Misty Step across WoF, because I can see it, but I don't have a clear path? Door w/ peephole?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford With misty step, you must be able to see your destination, but you don't need a clear path there. #DnD
@jaa0109 What if I see it through an animal or familiar? Does that qualify as seeing for Misty Step?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Spells don't care how your vision works. The sight required by a spell can be by any means. #DnD

@Dior_Saursi Is the Swashbuckler's Panache ability resisted by protections against the charmed state like the Elves' Fey Ancestry?
@JeremyECrawford Fey Ancestry gives you advantage on saving throws against being charmed. Panache doesn't involve a save. #DnD

@Eugenemarshall Can a diviner declare portent after the die has been rolled? Or only before? Thanks!
@JeremyECrawford Using Portent: "You must choose to do so before the roll" (PH, 116).
@Eugenemarshall Sorry, follow up: and does diviner's portent replace roll only or roll plus modifiers? Thanks again.
@JeremyECrawford A Portent roll replaces a d20 roll, not modifiers

@zarconistPreist If a huge creature tries to grapple a medium sized creature, do they automatically succeed?
@JeremyECrawford No.

@ninjakirby1322 Question about glaives and halberds: Can the bonus attack from Polearm Master be taken at 10 feet reach as well?
@JeremyECrawford The bonus attack of Polearm Master can use the weapon's reach. The feat would tell you if it couldn't.

@mrprotoman Can a Warlock pass their Pact Blade off to another to use, as long as they are proficient with the weapon it replicates?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford You can hand your pact weapon to someone else. But it disappears if it's 5+ ft. away from you for 1+ minute.
[MENTION=82555]the[/MENTION]Waterman Conjure Barrage uses a weapon for damage type but not damage dealt. Nets lack damage type so what if one is used for spell?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Conjure volley is meant to work with ammunition or a weapon that deals damage.

@IRakhlin Can a weapon be used with a different stat if used as an improvised weapon? For example, a glaive used with dexterity.
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford The finesse property lets you use Str. or Dex. w/ a weapon attack. An improvised weapon doesn't also do this.
[MENTION=86210]Sen[/MENTION]nSationalist Intention for Wild Magic unicorn: if Polymorphed, Planar Bound, inside Magic Circle, etc. it still 'disappears' after 1min?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford None of the spells you mentioned would stop the Wild Magic unicorn from disappearing.

[MENTION=6803072]Dummy[/MENTION]urd Do you roll concentration for every instance of damage taken? id est every Magic Missile hit?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Concentration: "You make a separate saving throw for each source of damage" (PH, 203). Roll for each missile.
[MENTION=50503]cri[/MENTION]tOuttaLuck 5e question: Moonbeam can be moved UP TO 60 ft. or EXACTLY 60 ft.? Other spells specify UP TO, Moonbeam doesn't
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford The intent is that you can move moonbeam's light up to 60 feet.
[MENTION=39652]Yo[/MENTION]unes_KE if a player tries to charm a creature immune to charm, would it guess that it is immune to it?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford If a spell fails to affect a target, you simply learn that the spell failed to affect it.
[MENTION=6781944]Athinar[/MENTION]_mills What is the Poison Kit DC to apply poison
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford The Poisoner's Kit doesn't have any built-in DCs.

@RChiesa07 Why Will-o-wisp has +4 to hit if they have +9 on Dex
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford The will-o'-wisp's spell attack is based on its Wisdom, not Dexterity.

‏@thomas_conners Can warcaster be used to cast a lvl 5+ Eldritch Blast as long as all the rays target only the provoking creature?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Yes.
[MENTION=73944]zar[/MENTION]conistPreist What kinds of things count as "Nonmagical trinkets" for Prestidgitation?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Prestidigitation can create a little bauble, the nature of which is up to the spellcaster and the DM.
[MENTION=20989]bobby[/MENTION]Barbarian how do you fix someone who was attacked by an Intellect Devourer? Will a long rest work, or is something else required?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford The greater restoration spell can restore an ability score that's been reduced.

[MENTION=13340]AI[/MENTION]ratome Using Hit Die = Roll + Con mod. What if con is so low the roll + ( - 3) Con Mod = negative? No healing? min of +1? Lose HP?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford You regain no hit points if you spend a Hit Die and your Constitution modifier reduces the total to 0 or lower.

@imnotasnowflake A mummy w/ a Ring of Fire Resistance: how does it interact w/ mummy's fire vulnerability?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford You apply resistance and then vulnerability after all other modifiers to damage (see PH, 197).

@jaa0109 Warlock Mystic Arcanum: Do these count against the Warlocks spells known?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford No.
[MENTION=13359]emperor[/MENTION]pingpow If I cast Green-flame blade, or similar cantrip, can I follow with a regular attack with my off-hand weapon as well?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Casting a spell uses the Cast a Spell action, not the Attack action.

[MENTION=29740]Robyn[/MENTION]koz When trying to be undetected using stealth, does being invisible give any advantage at all?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Being invisible confers the benefits of the invisible condition (PH, 291).
[MENTION=29740]Robyn[/MENTION]koz If you can't breathe due to a monster effect (ie Darkmantle) are you immediately suffocating? Or have Con Mod+1 mins?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford You can hold your breath.
[MENTION=39652]Yo[/MENTION]unes_KE Fighter : Indomitable : you must use the new roll, means i can't une 2 indomitable for the same saving throw?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford That's correct.
[MENTION=6701422]Plaguescarred[/MENTION] Then could it be possible that Feral Sense invisible creature location awareness is pointless if invisible doesnt conceal?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Feral Senses lets you detect an invisible creature within 30 feet of you that isn't hidden—no effort required.

[MENTION=44305]da[/MENTION]y_Knights Can you be damaged by moonbeams light if you're pushed into it?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford If you get hurled into an effect, you have entered it. This is true for moonbeam and similar spell effects

@ofthemagi A paladin/driud with extra attack is in a wild shape with multiattack> extra on primary only, or extra the whole sequence?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Extra Attack works with the Attack action, not with any other action, including Multiattack.
[MENTION=6689955]Lemarc[/MENTION]Sharma Is a spellbook a magical item RAI/RAW ? Same question for any spellcasting focus
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford A normal spellbook or spellcasting focus is not a magic item. A magic one is possible, such as a magic staff.
[MENTION=39652]Yo[/MENTION]unes_KE would a fireball triger wrath of the storm? it says when he hits you
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Wrath of Storm is triggered when you're hit by an attack. Fireball doesn't include an attack.

[MENTION=618]DMG[/MENTION]RRHero Sorry to bother you, does a Life Cleric's Disciple of Life affect the spell Aid?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Disciple of Life doesn't benefit the aid spell. The spell increases your hp maximum. It doesn't restore hp.
[MENTION=52572]Vengeful[/MENTION]_Divine Does Guardian of Faith not deal damage to a hostile creature that starts its turn already in range?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Guardian of faith is triggered by a creature's movement. Simply being within 10 ft. doesn't trigger the spell.
[MENTION=37609]Jameson[/MENTION]Coase A giant with reach makes a melee attack against a prone target 10 feet away. Advantage or disadvantage on the attack roll?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford The prone condition makes no exception for reach.
[MENTION=17627]Ant[/MENTION]yface would a player with unarmoured defence benefit from a shield?
[MENTION=4036]Jeremy[/MENTION]ECrawford Barbarian's Unarmored Defense: a shield works (PH, 48). Monk's Unarmored Defense: no shield (PH, 78).

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