Special Conversion Thread: Finishing off giants and their kin

Big Mac

freyar said:
I like the second option, but give it a Will save to avoid frenzy. Then we can say that trained stormcrown ogres get a bonus on that Will save and can make a Will save to initiate the frenzy voluntarily. (The trained bit can go in a sidebar.)

I like the second option too. It is a lot shorter, so is less for a DM to learn. I do like your Will save idea as the alternative would be a bunch of Stonecrown Ogres biting their tongues to cause a point of damage that gives them the extra attack. However, shouldn't the "training" count as a monster feat that is only available to NPC/PC Stonecrown Ogres? I'm thinking something like this:

Controlled Frenzy [General, Fighter]

Blood Frenzy

A creature with this feat has trained itself to go into a Blood Frenzy as a standard action. A Controlled Frenzy is identical to a Blood Frenzy, but the creature does not need to take damage before it can go into the frenzy.

A creature without this feat can only enter a Blood Frenzy after taking damage.​

That could go into your sidebar if you think it works. We could change "A creature with this feat has trained itself to go into a Blood Frenzy as a standard action." to "...as a free action." if you think that is better.

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Monster Junkie
OK. Getting back to ability scores...

Normal ogres are Str 21, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7.

We decided on Str 25. Int is listed as 8-10.

2e ogres had 4+1 HD. These guys have 4+3. Hill giants have Con 19, so I don't want to go that high. So how about...

Str 25, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 7?


Extradimensional Explorer
I think the stats look fine. If we want to push Str higher, is there any precedent for some type of ogre being stronger than a hill (or similar type of true) giant?


Monster Junkie
I don't believe so, although the skullcrusher ogres in MM3 also have Str 25.

What if we compromise to Str 26? It is mechanically the same as the hill giant, but still gives the giant "bragging rights".

Big Mac

freyar said:
I think the stats look fine. If we want to push Str higher, is there any precedent for some type of ogre being stronger than a hill (or similar type of true) giant?

I had a look in the Monster Indices thread, but although it lists a bunch of useful "All the Different Types of..." threads, there isn't yet one for ogres. Orcs have been done, but not Ogres. If you think this information would help, maybe now would be a good time for the "All the Different Types of Ogres" thread to get made.


Monster Junkie
demiurge1138 said:
Psst. Str 26 has a higher modifier than Str 25.

D'oh! What was I thinking? :heh:

Added to Homebrews.

They can climb sheer stone faces through force of willpower alone, often reaching a mountaintop with bloodied hands.

It looks like they have a climb speed.

Stonecrown ogres run to fat, not surprising considering how much of their time they spend eating.

Add 50 pounds to the weight of the standard ogre?

They speak their own language, and leaders and mercenaries often speak the goblin, orog, or common tongues.

Stonecrown ogres speak Giant, and those specimens who boast Intelligence scores of at least 10 also speak Common, Goblin, or Orc?

Mercenary captains have superior armor and often carry Stonecrown arbalests, a type of rock-hurling heavy crossbow. The 10 lb. stones that these arbalests hurl can crack skulls and breastplates; their range is 30/60/120, and their damage is 1d10/2d6, plus an equipment saving throw vs. crushing blow for shields and armor.

Add this weapon as a sidebar? Give stonecrown ogres weapon familiarity with it, or just leave it up to them to take the appropriate Exotic Weapon feat?

Voidrunner's Codex

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