Special Conversion Thread: Finishing off giants and their kin


Extradimensional Explorer
Agreed, and agreed to everything in Shade's post above. Looking at the original numbers, though, I think the climb speed should probably be higher (base climb about 2/3 base speed). How about 20 ft for the climb speed?

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Monster Junkie

Skills: 7
Normal ogres have Climb, Listen, Spot

Feats: 2
Normal ogres have Toughness, Weapon Focus (greatclub)

CR: 4? (That extra attack each round at low levels seems to warrant an additional +1 CR over a standard ogre)


Inventor of Super-Toast
CR 4 sounds right. Shouldn't there be some sort of penalty for entering a blood-frenzy, if there's a Will save? Such as--attacking the nearest creature, or being unable to stop attacking? If the latter is the case, we'd want to give it a real duration, since the definition of "encounter" could prove problematic.


Extradimensional Explorer
How about going the same route as the dire wolverine and saying "until either it or its opponent is dead"? But yes, I agree, it has to attack whatever damaged it (or the nearest creature if prevented from attacking whoever damaged it).

Split the skills about evenly among those three. How about WF (greataxe) and Power Attack?

There's an extra t in "arbalest" in Weapon Familiarity. For the arbalest, let's leave the threat range at 20 but give it triple damage on a crit. I'm all for ranged sunder attempts, too.

Big Mac

freyar said:
For the arbalest, let's leave the threat range at 20 but give it triple damage on a crit. I'm all for ranged sunder attempts, too.

Tripple damage sometimes seems to fit in better than double damage more often.

Ranged sunder also seems to fit in well with the original version. I like it. But can weapons "crack skulls" in third edition? That sounds more like a called shot, kind-of effect. I realise this is just flavor text, but I can see a slightly dim DM searching for the skull cracking rule.


Monster Junkie

Someone wanna rewrite the blood frenzy to incorporate the suggested changes?

ORGANIZATION: Tribe or company
INTELLIGENCE: Common low (8-10), Leader/Captain average (11-12)
HIT DICE: Common 4+3, Leader 5+4, Captain 6+6

Units of Stonecrown ogres that have worked and trained together for long periods can control their battle frenzy, raging only when they deem it appropriate. The sight of an entire company of ogres going into battle-rage at once has routed more than one army.

Stonecrown ogre leaders always have maximum hit points and superior armor, generally a form of chain. Mercenary captains have superior armor and often carry Stonecrown arbalests.

Ogre's Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (3–4), or band (5–8)

Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (3–4), band (5–8), tribe (2-20 plus 1 leader of 1st level), or company (2-20 plus 1 leader of 1st level per 5 ogres and 1 captain of 2nd level)?


Extradimensional Explorer
Blood Frenzy (Ex): If a stonecrown ogre takes damage from an attack, spell, trap, or any other source, it must make a successful Will save (DC 10 + points of damage suffered since its last action) at the start of its next action or enter a blood frenzy. While in a blood frenzy, the ogre
must attempt to attack the most recent creature or object to damage it; if that is not possible, it must attempt to attack the nearest creature instead. In addition, it gains a single extra attack each round at its highest bonus when making a full attack. The blood frenzy lasts until either the ogre or its opponent is dead, after which the stonecrown ogre is fatigued.

Big Mac

My only concern is with this: "While in a blood frenzy, the ogre
must attempt to attack the most recent creature or object to damage it; if that is not possible, it must attempt to attack the nearest creature instead."

I can see someone trying to manipulate this into making Stonecrown Ogres attack each other. I think the Controlled Frenzy feat should also give the creature some sort of way to avoid (or try to avoid) attacking allies.

(For example if an archer in a fortified tower shot at a Stonecrown Ogre at the back of a bunch of Stonecrown Ogres, that creature can't attack back. Instead of hitting another Stonecrown Ogre next to it, I think it should charge forward and start hacking at the door at the bottom of the tower. As long as people between it and the archer don't stop it moving forward, I think it should be able to move past them and carry on searching for the archer.)

In other words, I think the Controlled Frenzy feat should also allow the Stonecrown Ogre to control (to an extent) who its frenzy is aimed at and delay fighting creatures if breaking down doors or ripping down walls will let it get to a creature that has attacked it.

I think they also need to be able to recognise when an opponent has escaped (teleported away or whatever) and try to prematurely end their Blood Frenzy. How about giving a Stonecrown Ogre with the Controlled Frenzy feat the ability to make additional will saves (maybe one per round) to delay or end their Blood Frenzy or alter the target of their frenzy?

EDIT: Or is this too much for a single feat? Would you want to make a second feat that adds to the first one?

Voidrunner's Codex

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