Special Conversion Thread: Finishing off giants and their kin

Big Mac

freyar said:
Looks pretty good so far. I'd change rock throwing to

Dual Rock Throwing (Ex): An ogre giant can throw rocks as other types of giants can. In addition, as a full round action, an ogre giant can throw two rocks (one per hand) with no attack penalty. The range increment is x feet for an ogre giant’s thrown rocks.

It already says Duel rock throwing in the Special Attacks section, but not below the stats yet. It is stil listed as Rock Throwing (Ex) there.

I'm wondering about the Rock Catching (Ex). If the Ogre Giant can throw two rocks at once, should it be able to catch two rocks at once? (I'd guess that big rocks wouldn't fit in one hand, but smaller rocks might.)

Ogre Giant Characters

An ogre giant cleric has access to two of the following domains: x.

What do ogres, merrows and ogre magi get?

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Extradimensional Explorer
Big Mac said:
It already says Duel rock throwing in the Special Attacks section, but not below the stats yet. It is stil listed as Rock Throwing (Ex) there.
That's why I wanted to change it below! :)
I'm wondering about the Rock Catching (Ex). If the Ogre Giant can throw two rocks at once, should it be able to catch two rocks at once? (I'd guess that big rocks wouldn't fit in one hand, but smaller rocks might.)
I think I'd just stick with one rock caught.

What do ogres, merrows and ogre magi get?
No domains listed for any of those (in the SRD), so I guess I'd be inclined to leave this off.


Monster Junkie
I agree that the "frenzy" should be flavor text. I also agree with dual rock throwing, but single rock catching. I dropped the Characters section since we're ditching domains.


120 feet for rock throwing?

Skills: 17

Feats: 5


Extradimensional Explorer
Is it too much trouble to add the character section back? Hill and Stone giants get one, so I think it makes sense here.

120 ft is good.

9 and 8 in Spot and Listen or do we want to go with something like Climb/Jump?

Power Attack, Cleave, Imp Bull Rush, Awesome Blow, Imp Overrun or Great Cleave?


Monster Junkie
freyar said:
Is it too much trouble to add the character section back? Hill and Stone giants get one, so I think it makes sense here.


freyar said:
9 and 8 in Spot and Listen or do we want to go with something like Climb/Jump?

Lets work those in...maybe Climb 3, Jump 3, Listen 5, Spot 6?

freyar said:
Power Attack, Cleave, Imp Bull Rush, Awesome Blow, Imp Overrun or Great Cleave?

I'm least in favor of Great Cleave, and could see swapping Improved Overrun with a ranged feat due to their preference for lobbing stones.


Extradimensional Explorer
Skills sound good.

Only gets 5 feats. So we could swap Cleave and Great Cleave for PBS and Far Shot. What do you think?


Monster Junkie
I like...it helps differentiate them a bit more.


Organization: Solitary or clan (x)

Challenge Rating: 8? (They are about equal to stone giants)

An ogre giant's bag usually contains x.

Big Mac

Shade said:
Organization: Solitary or clan (x)

The original had the number appearing as 1-6. That would seem to suggest that a clan would be 2-6 giants. They say elsewhere that a clan consists of a male (with full hp), then 1-3 wives. Any more giants in a clan are children or unmaried siblings of the clan leader. But I'm not sure that 6 is enough giants to make up a proper clan. Maybe the 1-6 was supposed to be the number encountered rather than the entire clan.

If some giants keep herds of sheep or goats, I'd expect them to mostly be the ones in clans.

Shade said:
An ogre giant's bag usually contains x.

Do they need a bag?

If they throw twice as many rocks as other giants, I'd expect them to carry more of them.

If ogre giants keep sheep and goats, I would guess that they would carry food like an extra large goats cheese as well as meat from their sheep and goats.


Inventor of Super-Toast
Personally, instead of Far Shot... I'd give them Quick Draw. More rocks/round.

I say that their bags are mostly rocks, although goat cheese, shears and wool would also make sense.


Extradimensional Explorer
Quick Draw is a good idea too. I'll leave that up to Shade.

Agreed on the bags. For the clan, I'd say 2-6 adults and a similar number of children.

Voidrunner's Codex

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