Special Conversion Thread: Lycanthropes and their ilk

Updating the Werewyvern Working Draft.

Here's a start:

A great vaguely humanoid reptilian with batlike wings and a long tail ending in a scorpion-like stinger. It stands roughly one and a half times taller than a human. The creature's scales are dark brown-gray, lightening to reddish-orange on its belly and underside.​
[Bit of background?]​
A hobgoblin werewyvern is about 15 feet long in wyvern form and 12 feet high in hybrid form; in either form it weighs about one ton and has a tail 7 or 8 feet long. Its humanoid form is the size of a normal hobgoblin: a burly humanoid roughly 6½ feet tall.​
This werewyvern speaks Common, Draconic and Goblin.​

I have to do stuff, so that'll have to do for now!

Adding a bit of background and slightly tweaking the description…

A great vaguely humanoid reptilian with batlike wings and a long tail ending in a scorpion-like stinger. It stands roughly one and a half times taller than a human. The creature's scales are dark brown-gray, lightening to reddish-orange on its belly and underside.

Since hobgoblins and wyverns are common monsters in warm hills, drakanthropes that combine the two species are not as extraordinarily rare as other weredrakes, although there are still few in existence. Hobgoblin werewyverns are conflicted creatures; their hobgoblin love of organization and tactics clashes with the aggressive solitary nature of a wyvern. Despite their savage nature they often find acceptance in hobgoblin society. These werewyverns seldom fill leadership roles, usually becoming champions and elite warriors who use their flight ability and draconic power to scout for enemies and spearhead deadly commando raids. A hobgoblin werewyvern tends to dwell apart from normal hobgoblins, living in an aerie overlooking the goblinoids' settlement or the nearby wilderness.

A hobgoblin werewyvern's wyvern form is about 15 feet long and its hybrid form stands 12 feet high; in either form it weighs about one ton and has a tail 7 or 8 feet long. Its humanoid form is the size of a normal hobgoblin: a burly humanoid averaging 6½ feet tall.

This werewyvern speaks Common, Draconic and Goblin.

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Just a comment about the scope of this thread - is it for 3.5e and 5e or just 3.5e? If the latter would it be prudent for an admin to rename the thread to "Special 3,5e Conversion Thread: Lycanthropes and their ilk"?

Just a comment about the scope of this thread - is it for 3.5e and 5e or just 3.5e? If the latter would it be prudent for an admin to rename the thread to "Special 3,5e Conversion Thread: Lycanthropes and their ilk"?

Yes, we pretty much only use Lycanthropes and their ilk for 3.5 conversion destined for the Creature Catalog, like most of the threads here.

We could try asking an admin to rename those threads and add :conversion: and :3e: tags, but considering the admins haven't returned the Displaced Creature Catalog Threads and we asked them back in 2019 I wouldn't hold your breath!

This is something of "the Forum the Admins forgot," presumably partly because it doesn't get much traffic/attention. There are often only a couple of people here.

Just a comment about the scope of this thread - is it for 3.5e and 5e or just 3.5e? If the latter would it be prudent for an admin to rename the thread to "Special 3,5e Conversion Thread: Lycanthropes and their ilk"?
I think it would be better to have separate 3.5e and 5e threads. I don't have a lot of time to post, so I'd completely lose whatever we're doing on a 3.5e conversion if it got mixed up with the 5e work you're doing. We have a somewhat quixotic quest to convert all previous critters to 3.5, and we're actually sort of getting close!

Actually, that reminds me: Cleon, if we have more 3.X conversions that would make sense for the threads with 5e conversions in them, we should start new threads. I didn't lose track of one already, did I?

On the werewyvern, the proposed description and flavor look great! So I think that one's good. Still want to do the werepseudodragon?

I think it would be better to have separate 3.5e and 5e threads. I don't have a lot of time to post, so I'd completely lose whatever we're doing on a 3.5e conversion if it got mixed up with the 5e work you're doing. We have a somewhat quixotic quest to convert all previous critters to 3.5, and we're actually sort of getting close!

Actually, that reminds me: Cleon, if we have more 3.X conversions that would make sense for the threads with 5e conversions in them, we should start new threads. I didn't lose track of one already, did I?

Yes, I agree we need some way to keep the 5E and 3.5 conversions separate and using separate threads seems the sensible way to do so.

How about from this point on I start new threads with "Fifth Edition" in the thread title once Casimir and I do a 5E conversion from a particular source?

I'd rather leave the old threads for 3.5 Creature Catalog conversions as that's their original purpose. If I can edit any of those thread titles to, say, "Third Edition (3.5)" I'll do so, but I didn't create most of them so can't edit the first post.

On the werewyvern, the proposed description and flavor look great! So I think that one's good. Still want to do the werepseudodragon?

Do I want to make another overly complex 3.5 creature?

Why even bother asking the question when you know the answer will be yes!

You OK with Forest Gnome as the humanoid as initially proposed?

I think some of the old threads have become 5e threads (I don't think we had any ongoing 3.5 conversions in them, but you'd know better, since I would just have lost track). Maybe better to start new threads for new 5e conversions, though.

Do I want to make another overly complex 3.5 creature?

Why even bother asking the question when you know the answer will be yes!

You OK with Forest Gnome as the humanoid as initially proposed?

It's socially acceptable small talk to ask! :p And the Forest Gnome sounds like a great base humanoid whenever you're ready to go on it.

I think some of the old threads have become 5e threads (I don't think we had any ongoing 3.5 conversions in them, but you'd know better, since I would just have lost track). Maybe better to start new threads for new 5e conversions, though.

I agree we're better off starting new 5E threads for those conversions as they're non-CC.

We've got a few 5E conversions in the Converting First Edition Monsters thread so I'd better start a 5E version for that…


Named the new thread 5E: Converting AD&D Monsters to Fifth Edition so we can convert generic 2E monster conversions for 5E as well as 1E ones.

Oh and I've added "5E" and "Fifth Edition" as a prefix/postfix to the Converting Monsters from White Dwarf Magazine thread, since that was created for 5E conversions.

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