I've just realized it shouldn't have "and natural lycanthrope" from "The werepanther presented here is a 1st-level human warrior and natural lycanthrope", since this form of lycanthropy doesn't come in natural and afflicted varieties.
I'll remove it...
Just noticed the panther form's AC is all screwy. +4 Dex and +4 natural give AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14, not the AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 in the draft.
Must have forgotten to change the deriver numbers from the Werejaguar base creature we used.
Easy enough to correct...
Werepanther Working Draft.
EDIT: Oh, and the "Unusual Curse" trait applies to his human form as well as his animal one, so it ought to be in both the Special Qualities lines.
Werepanther Working Draft.
EDITED EDIT: Dang it, the +8 racial bonus to Climb that should be in the skills description is AWOL. I've added it in.
That also means it's probably missing from the Werejaguar...
Yup, it's not in the new conversions'
Werejaguar post, so we'll have to fix it if (when) the Creature Catalog is working again.
Hold on, I typed too soon.
I checked my CC archive and we've already corrected it with "A werejaguar in jaguar or hybrid form has a +8 racial bonus to Climb checks and it can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened."
It's just the New Conversions post that's in error, and we can't edit that.