On the helmsman, note that it is possible for them to touch another spellcaster and pass that duty to them (Astral Guide, p 23). If any of the players are spellcasters, they could fill in for one or more shifts to reduce cost on having someone helm the ship.
I'm not sure the rules have ever really considered "shifts" into their crew complement. If they did, that means that the ship can be actively crewed by 1/3 the numbers noted (8 + 2 officers, if the ship above) at any given time. The extra hands would just be needed as "all hands on deck" in the case of crisis. This could mean that if the party is willing to extent their journey by x3 and avoid combat (hah!), pulling only one shift in a 24-hour period and "anchoring" or "drifting on course" during the other periods, they could attempt to do so.
I'm not sure the rules have ever really considered "shifts" into their crew complement. If they did, that means that the ship can be actively crewed by 1/3 the numbers noted (8 + 2 officers, if the ship above) at any given time. The extra hands would just be needed as "all hands on deck" in the case of crisis. This could mean that if the party is willing to extent their journey by x3 and avoid combat (hah!), pulling only one shift in a 24-hour period and "anchoring" or "drifting on course" during the other periods, they could attempt to do so.