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Spoilers Angel 03/04


Well, I saw the first Faith episode of Angel last night and had a couple of thoughts. Spoiler Warning!

1) Cordy is pregnant with Conner's baby (I think we all saw that one) and it is much further along than it should be (ie, there is something supernatural about it). So, is Cordy evil or is the baby controlling her (as some people have thought). Remember the whole - "The father will kill the son" prophecy that we thought meant Angel and Conner?

2) I really don't think Angel is Angelus. I think this is a plan to flush out the traitor in their midst and find the Beast's master. Think about it, Angel has done this before (Season 3 of Buffy to find out the Mayor's plans) and since he became Angelus he hasn't actually killed an innocent (he staked a vampire last night, and he killed the Beast (but only when it looked like Faith was going to die) but he never actually killed Lyla and he hit Cordy in the leg with the crossbow bolt instead of somewhere mortal (which I'm pretty sure he could have if he wanted to). The real cincher was he was REALLY pumping the Beast for information on his master and wanting to meet his master. So much so that it seemed obvious that was all he wanted.


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WotC's bitch
IceBear said:
Well, I saw the first Faith episode of Angel last night and had a couple of thoughts. Spoiler Warning!

1) Cordy is pregnant with Conner's baby (I think we all saw that one) and it is much further along than it should be (ie, there is something supernatural about it).

Or it could just be a chestburster. They grow fast, mang.


Re: Re: Spoilers Angel 03/04

hong said:

Or it could just be a chestburster. They grow fast, mang.

True, but it was lower in the abdomen and lacked that pulsating "I'm going to explode through your body to get out" look :)



Spoilers within

I liked the episode.

I thought the Beast was killed a bit too easily, but then, I guess not every combat has to be glorious. In any case, Faith got a whuppin' :)

At one point, I did think Angelus might really be Angel, since it did seem like a good way to flush out the Beast. I wasn't as sure of that as the show went on, but we'll see.


Re: Spoilers within

theT0rmented said:
At one point, I did think Angelus might really be Angel, since it did seem like a good way to flush out the Beast. I wasn't as sure of that as the show went on, but we'll see.

Agreed, but that could be explained away as poetic licence to keep the audience guessing. Also, the whole Angelus thing started after the group realized there was a traitor among them (someone got past them and killed the guy in the vault) so I can see it later being explained that Angel couldn't reveal himself to Faith as he wasn't sure what her intentions were or who was the traitor. As you said, we'll see :)



Sage of the Scarred Lands
I'd give you my thoughts...but I'd have to wait and actually WATCH the epsiode. (Don't spoil it too much yet! Dead beastie is fine, but we'll see.)


I just watched it earlier tonight (funny how the TV Guide had MASH listed for two hours & Angel to have been on 9:30 - wonder how many people missed it). There has been bad guys on Buffy where she had a hard time killing it & then defeated it a second time.

I actually enjoyed Faith in this episode even though I never enjoyed her on Buffy.

Can't wait until next week's episode :D :D


First Post
Pretty good episode. I think, at least now, that the Cordy baby thing is weak. It is too fast and we just had a baby last season. Anyway, Faith was done pretty well and I really liked the scenes with Wesley and Lila.

I thought when the beast died there was supposed to be some massive destruction because of the release of all the energy.

I did not think of Angel faking the evil thing, but that is not only a good guess, but would make a great twist. The only reason I see it not working is because Cordy did the spell and her goal was not to bring him back. This too can be explained if it is the evil superfast growing baby in her belly that sometimes controls her mind, allowing her to live a double life of Heroine and villain. But I just gave myself a headache with all the what ifs.

The Father kills the son thing was explained as a false prophecy created by that time deamon to trick Angel ans the others into thinking Angel would kill his son.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
I loved this epsidose. Even though she didn't personally take out the beast (and I do think some people MIGHT be on to something about Angel faking it), Faith proved to me she still got. I mean who else uses a a DUMBELL to take down someone twice their size? Or busting out of a prison, via dropping what had to be at least three stories ONTO a car WITH Wes on her. That was cool. I also feel like she's holding back a little but then she's been out of the game a while. Still Faith ROCKED. What I really wished was the confrontation with Cordy and her, if Faith knew, I think she could take Cordy. ;) Boss or no boss, Faith still got that edge. Over all a solid episode after a dry spell without Angel to tide me over for the past two weeks. Can't wait to see next's week epsidose. (I'm sure Cordy and the baby are plotting for ways to take down Faith.)
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Sage of the Scarred Lands
KnowTheToe said:
Pretty good episode. I think, at least now, that the Cordy baby thing is weak. It is too fast and we just had a baby last season. Anyway, Faith was done pretty well and I really liked the scenes with Wesley and Lila.

That was a good scene but I liked the drop cloth with the "Welcome Home Faith!" On it. Very sway.

KnowTheToe said:
I thought when the beast died there was supposed to be some massive destruction because of the release of all the energy.

That was in the dream sequence. There wasn't anything in real life to substantate that idea.

KnowTheToe said:
I did not think of Angel faking the evil thing, but that is not only a good guess, but would make a great twist. The only reason I see it not working is because Cordy did the spell and her goal was not to bring him back.

Yeah but the "evil Cordy" as well call her, (baby or not) might not have figured that Angel was already onto her. Thus even though he might have a dim memory about the events, I do think Angel might have his soul back...or at least is some how semi in control. After all he didn't kill that girl. (Opportunity was there I'll grant you but nothing to substaniate it.)

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