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SPYCRAFT: Blood Money (Regrouping)

Game Control

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Luddite said:
What do you know about the conditions in Binga? Or the TB Epidemic?

OOC: He already gave you some info about this in his comments about N'Gambe and Gournay. He doesn't know much more, most of this comes from occasional field review. Binga is To Zimbabwe what Zimbabwe is to thre rest of the world. TB wise, you know more than him. He's only starting to get the link between Balladur and TB from your questions.

I'll think carefully about what further information he could give you on this topic.

Meanwhile, the chase at the African dream is over and you should all get together and start discussing your next step.

I believe that we are not too far away from opening a Binga thread.

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OOC: I did not think there would be much more from Neilian for now. The next thing is to find out from our captive is "Why was Nielan targeted?" and "What was passed between Balladur and CPG?"

However, when CPG gets here, I would like to examine the phone and see what numbers were called, and what other information was stored. Also some hacking in to the local Celluar network may be in order. Those with the Intimidate scores can do the interogation.

Uless I get a sense that there is anything that he is hiding (Sense Motive +4) I end my questioning.

IC: Luddite sips his tea and takes some notes while Neilan talks. After some discussion about the TB epidemic, Luddite has no more questions. He invites Neilan to relax and enjoy our megar hospitality.

The pieces are strating to fall into place, and lets just say that I am not thrilled with what is forming. We should be able to have you out of Harare, and to a much nicer place, with less bullets, soon. Until travel is finalized, you will be in the good hands of the Colonel.


Game Control

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OOC: I'm waiting for Tokiwong and the others to come in thsi thread and interrogate CPG.

Meanwhile I'll give you your cellular network hacking results by anticipation; From a continuity POV, you should only bring them up toward the end of this thread or in the next one. Don't hesitate to interact with the others; hacking does not keep you so busy that you're oblivious to everyone else.

Computer (+12 if I remember right)

It took six checks (20 minutes each), the sixth was 18 + 12 = 30. You spent almost 3 hours on this. No critical error were rolled. You are finished by 11 PM.

You find out that this Cell phone is on a government account and so do all the numbers (6 in all) it was used to call since it was issued. In each case, no personal names or adresses are provided; all the accounts are in the name of the minstry of security.

You'd need to hack the minstry network to find out to whom these were issued. Sadly, it is doubtful that such information are accessible online.

But then again, perhaps CPG could be convinced to put names on the numbers for you, hmm?

Game Control

First Post
When Roman mentions scotch, the Colonel smiles broadly. He go fetch a bottle and makes sure that the bruised Roman and the shaken Neilan all get their fill

-''This stuff is harder to procure than military grade explosive, you know. But is also much more essential to the job! Cheers.''


First Post
Kim walks through the door with the CPG and smile on his face. He looks no worse for the wear, and has a gentle swagger in his step...

"Well that was fun..."

Sharply pushes the CPG into the room...

"Oh we brought home a stray. A soldier working for Captain N'gambe... oh... and you got Mr. Neilan thank goodness I thought I had scared him with my charming personality. Sorry for the scare good man... but well you know how it is... right?"

Kim sighs and looks to Ghost-Fox.

"Cute little message you have Ghost... though I prefer the real deal myself... glad to see you made it out alive... I would be pretty upset if your contract ran out before I had a chance to..." grins, "really get to know you..."
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Steel Ronin

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Ken is the last one to enter. As he walks into the room, he nods to the rest of the team. Ken then grabs a chair and pulls out his high-powered Browning. Slowly, while listening to the others and eyeing the CPG, he reloads his weapon.

[OOC: Ken is there to listen to what the others have learned and to let the prisoner (CPG) know he is a dead fool if he tries anything funny. (Intimidate +5)]
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First Post
Luddite finishes up his notes on his questioning of Neilan. He looks at the bottle of scotch and uncorks it to pour himself a class. At that point Kim walks in with CPG. The Cell Phone is slid across the table towards Luddite. Luddite looks at the scotch, looks at the cell phone, looks at CPG and back to the bottle of scotch.

No rest for the wicked.

Luddite corks the bottle of scotch and picks up the cell phone and his laptop. He slides his notes and tape recorder over to Kim.

Take a look of those while our new friend has a chance to figure out which side he wants to be on.

He also slides over the srynge and vail kit of the Sodium Pentathol.

Just in case he chooses poorly. If you need my services I will be in the other room. I am a little worn out from the last one.

Luddite leaves those who wish to interogate CPG to do their job.

OOC: For the most part I want to leave the room with CPG feeling a little uneasy about me. So Either Intimidate or Bluff (both +2) just to shake him a bit.

EDITI think my action would best be described as an "Aid" action for Kim's fisrt intimidate roll.

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First Post
Kim looks to the syringe then to the CPG... just as he finishes listening the tape and looking over the notes...

"So how do you want to do this?"

Pours himself some scotch and then another cup and places it just out of reach of the CPG.

"Lets play a game shall we? I ask you a question and you give me a straight answer... sound simple enough? The better the answer the better a chance you have to live..."

Kim takes a sip of scotch and smiles.

"Now if I don't like the answer, then I might have to resort to much more entertaining methods of questioning..."

He looks to the needle and smiles... then returns to the CPG.

"Options are going to be slim to none for you, I hold all the cards... there is no bargaining... no pleading. I ask and you answer. I want to know everything you know about Captain N'gambe, I want to know everything you know about your operation, and I want to know why you are after Mr. Neilan... and I want to know now..."

Kim smiles cheerfully and looks to the CPG's hands drumming nervously on the table.

"And just so you know, you don't need working joints to speak. Though I hear it is painful, and can cloud the mind some, it does get results."

Kim takes a sip of his scotch and then slides the second cup to the CPG...

"Here drink up... not as hard as whiskey or soju but it should dull the pain if you decide to be less then cooperative..."

OOC: Intimidate +9 as if there was a guess... along with Sense Motive +7 to see if I have a feeling he is being truthful or not... if he gets consistent lies then resort to the drugs that Luddite gave him... and if that does not work... simple knuckle breaking... *sighs*

Game Control

First Post
The soldier has regained some of his composure and tries to play game.

-''You can't do this. Who the hell do you think you are? I'm a soldier in the national army of Zimbabwe and I was acting on an official mission to arrest this man (he points Neilan). You are going to be executed once they catch you...

[OOC:: You interrupt him before he asks you to surrender. Of course this version doesn't fly, he's contradicting what he already told you when you were back in the bar.

Instert some more threat here.

Intimidate, Ronin and Luddite assist (DC 10, +2 to Kim's check if successful)

Ronin; 3 + 5 = 8
Luddite 2 + 2 = 4
Kim 11 + 9 = 20, DC 11]

The soldier's newfound defiance doesn't hold very long. Soon he's back to being scared of Kim.

-''Man, you don't understand, he's gonna kill me if I talk. You can't do me me anything worse than what he's gonna do. There's no way, I won't say anything!''

[OOC: insert some more threat here and the soldier caves (same check)]

-''All right, enough, I don't know why we were supposed to kill your man there. I was told to do it and that's all. The Captain accepts a lot of screw for money, how am I supposed to know who paid for it?''

[OOC: Some more prompting and he makes an easy guess]

-''Well, it might be that old French guy who came see the Captain two days ago. He didn't look like the squeamish kind.''

OOC: As for the other questions...

The Captain commands about a 100 men who are usually spread over the territory. The Barracks in Binga usually have 20 men at all time.

The Captain make money the following way;

Set up and infrastructure to accomodate smugglers who do the Lake Kariba run, protect them from government scrutiny and takes his cut (Drugs, porn and women/girl, mostly)

He sells those to accomodate some of the humanitarian people working in the area. He tolerates no competition.

He take a tax of ''peace of mind'' on just about anyone doing money in the area. Protection racket, basicly.

He does assasination (sends his men, more accurately).

He's the local mafia, basicly.

You have any specific question in mind?
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Game Control

First Post
OOC: I almost forgot the handoff. The soldier explains that this was simply money, lots of it. He doesn't know what for, he guesses that it was for the hit.

But he also says that Balladur came back later that day and spoke in person to N'Gambe. It was a private conversation he doesn't know about what, but he says Balladur looked worried.
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