Trailer Star Trek: Discovery - Official Season 5 Trailer


This is a general issue when you have shows that are written with an ongoing plot season-long in mind. You'd probably have the same problem with Picard.

You're liable to get more out of Strange New Worlds, which has largely been deliberately kept to a more episodic approach, with some carry-over plots.
Yes, Picard suffers from the same problem as Discovery. Rushing ahead, action galore, blockbuster stakes, saving the world, no time to catch your breath and generate some Trek-like atmosphere :(

SNW on the other hand, is excellent Trek!

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Yes, the McFlurry is a well know product offered by McDonald's, but it is not the point of McDonald's.

Fine, then let us refine the analogy - Disco isn't an entire McDonalds. It is the McFlurry machine.

Star Trek has many things in it, like the McDonalds menu. Not every show has to be all those things. A bit of diversity among them is a good thing.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I just want them to go back in time and reverse the 'Federation fails' thing. Because Star Trek to me is about a hopeful future, and knowing that doesn't work out puts a bit of a downer on all the other shows. For me, at least. I don't have to know the Federation lasts, but I don't want to know for sure that it doesn't.

(I know, I know, 'technically' that's still the Federation. But it's not!)


I just want them to go back in time and reverse the 'Federation fails' thing. Because Star Trek to me is about a hopeful future, and knowing that doesn't work out puts a bit of a downer on all the other shows. For me, at least. I don't have to know the Federation lasts, but I don't want to know for sure that it doesn't.

(I know, I know, 'technically' that's still the Federation. But it's not!)
I'm not sure "doesn't last a thousand years" can be considered a failure, by the standards of pretty much any civilisation in history.

Thomas Shey

Yeah, Picard definitely hasn't sounded like my cup of tea. I was thinking Lower Decks might be my next foray back into Trek, but SNW sounds promising.

Lower Decks is fun as long as you can work with the fact its a comedy.

FWIW, I do like season long arcs as long as they're balanced with things that happen on a weekly basis. Things like BtVS or Supernatural are fine (well, some seasons of Supernatural are better than others).

Yeah, but those shows also had a basically episodic approach with a thread of ongoing plot. Its a different dynamic.

Thomas Shey

Yes, Picard suffers from the same problem as Discovery. Rushing ahead, action galore, blockbuster stakes, saving the world, no time to catch your breath and generate some Trek-like atmosphere :(

SNW on the other hand, is excellent Trek!

I quite like them both, but I can easily see the difference in approach.

Thomas Shey

I just want them to go back in time and reverse the 'Federation fails' thing. Because Star Trek to me is about a hopeful future, and knowing that doesn't work out puts a bit of a downer on all the other shows. For me, at least. I don't have to know the Federation lasts, but I don't want to know for sure that it doesn't.

(I know, I know, 'technically' that's still the Federation. But it's not!)

See, to me, the fact they get up, dust themselves off, and move on is hopeful. Something went wrong in a big way, they took a while to recover (but parts continued the good fight) and they succeeded. I don't see how you can call the Fed at the end of Discovery anything but a continuation of the older version; they just had a period when they were heavily backfooted.

Voidrunner's Codex

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