Trailer Star Trek: Discovery - Official Season 5 Trailer

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I fell off early in Season 4, because the whole dilithium plotline of Season 3 was (imho) stupid, and the first couple of episodes of Season 4 were unrelentingly grim.

I will, eventually, get around to watching it, for sake of completeness.

This is kind of like walking into a pizza place and complaining about all the bread, sauce, and cheese... :p

It may seem a little counterintuitive, but I get it.

One of the things I like about Star Trek is that it's often smaller scale. Save the ship. Save this person. Solve this one specific diplomatic issue. The world isn't ending every week. This preview leans heavily into a big serial "we're the only ones who can stop the apocalypse" vibe.

I had a lot of trouble getting into Disco (didn't get past season 1). The "epic" scale of the trailer doesn't really help bring me back. I want more syndicated TNG and Wrath of Khan, less Dominion War or First Contact.

Thomas Shey

It may seem a little counterintuitive, but I get it.

One of the things I like about Star Trek is that it's often smaller scale. Save the ship. Save this person. Solve this one specific diplomatic issue. The world isn't ending every week. This preview leans heavily into a big serial "we're the only ones who can stop the apocalypse" vibe.

I had a lot of trouble getting into Disco (didn't get past season 1). The "epic" scale of the trailer doesn't really help bring me back. I want more syndicated TNG and Wrath of Khan, less Dominion War or First Contact.

This is a general issue when you have shows that are written with an ongoing plot season-long in mind. You'd probably have the same problem with Picard.

You're liable to get more out of Strange New Worlds, which has largely been deliberately kept to a more episodic approach, with some carry-over plots.


I fell off early in Season 4, because the whole dilithium plotline of Season 3 was (imho) stupid, and the first couple of episodes of Season 4 were unrelentingly grim.

I will, eventually, get around to watching it, for sake of completeness.

Think I liked S3 and we gave up in 4. Grim is fine but it was boring.

Probably give it another shot. Think it's on Freeview here.

This is a general issue when you have shows that are written with an ongoing plot season-long in mind. You'd probably have the same problem with Picard.

You're liable to get more out of Strange New Worlds, which has largely been deliberately kept to a more episodic approach, with some carry-over plots.

Yeah, Picard definitely hasn't sounded like my cup of tea. I was thinking Lower Decks might be my next foray back into Trek, but SNW sounds promising.

FWIW, I do like season long arcs as long as they're balanced with things that happen on a weekly basis. Things like BtVS or Supernatural are fine (well, some seasons of Supernatural are better than others).


Yeah, the constant save-the-galaxyness of Discovery does get grating. I haven't regretted watching any season of the show, but I just end up feeling sorry for the characters, and wishing I could get to see them operating at a more routine mission-of-the-week level.


Do not get me wrongI have enjoyed watching Discovery, I will probably enjoy watching the new season, but there is a fundamental shortcoming in their storytelling. Rather than walking into a pizza place and being surprised they have bread sauce and cheese, I think it is more likely walking into a McDonald's expecting to buy a Big Mac and fries and finding they have decided the only thing they are offering is McFlurries. Yes, the McFlurry is a well know product offered by McDonald's, but it is not the point of McDonald's.

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