Trailer Star Trek: Discovery - Official Season 5 Trailer


New Publisher
Dropped Discovery at the end of Season 3. Strange New Worlds has been excellent...I prefer the episodic format.
That was clearly the mistake in season four. The opportunity was there to be episodic and they didn't take it.

Whomever posted how silly the dilithium loss was was 100% correct.

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I watched all four seasons in full. I enjoyed them. Yeah, it got a little soap opera ish at times but nowhere near as much as Voyager did. I think I only managed 1 and a bit seasons of that show.


I watched all four seasons in full. I enjoyed them. Yeah, it got a little soap opera ish at times but nowhere near as much as Voyager did. I think I only managed 1 and a bit seasons of that show.

Voyager I made 6 episodes and gave up. This was around 2 years ago. Using that metric Picard and Discovery are better than season 1-2 of TNG and Voyager. To scared to try enterprise.

Between Netflix and TVNZ on demand we're fairly well covered.

Voidrunner's Codex

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