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Star Wars:Knights of the Old Republic


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Darth Ecks said:
Arcos returns to his own commlink, "Brasa, where are you guys? I am on my way!"

"Weesa at de Redlight Deestrict, Arcos," Brasa answerd. "Here'sa our coordinates..."

The Gungan then passed direction on to his fellow Padawan.

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Darth Ecks

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garyh said:
"Weesa at de Redlight Deestrict, Arcos," Brasa answerd. "Here'sa our coordinates..."

The Gungan then passed direction on to his fellow Padawan.

"I am on my way."

Arcos then takes off in the speeder, flying as fast as he can and taking every shortcut he knows in an attempt to reach the other Padawan Jedi before his dream becomes a reality.


Daiymo said:
The bartender begins to pour Mira's drink. Mira recognizes the Zabrak as "Lucky" Alk, a bartender who's been working in the cantina for a few years. Alk slides the whiskey to the woman; his eyes narrow for a moment as he tries to place the woman.

Looking around Mira sees the various Twi-leks scattered through the bar. Most look like spacers, dressed in jumpsuits or old flightsuits. As befits a cantina like the Twilight, a few wear holstered blasters on their hip. But there doesnt seem to be anyone Mira recognizes.

As Mira takes her drink, the doors of the cantina open. In walk two human men dressed in the orange and black uniform of the Republic Fleet. One is young looking, dressed in the uniform of an officer with a peak cap and sidearm. His escort is dressed in light armor complete with a swoop back helmet and carries a short blaster rifle. Both have short cropped dark hair.

As they enter, a groan goes up from the bar's patrons.

The officer ignores the patrons and looks around for a moment.Then both men take a seat near the door.

"Now theres something you dont see everyday." murmurs Alk, shaking his head. "I wonder what those soldiers want. Kinda got some nerve comin' in here in uniform."

"Oh great, a couple of idiots." She murmurs to the barkeep. "Lucky, you got insurance on this place?" She says, looking at some of the patrons "I've got a bad feeling about this. They're looking for someone, and I doubt anyone in here's just gonna go peacefully, what do you think?"

Her thoughts turn quickly from getting a job to just avoiding a firefight with a republic officer.


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Starman said:
"I didn't need your permission to go in there, but I certainly intend to," Joran says.

Lightsaber still in hand, he steps into Griff's room and flicks the light on.

Yun gently lays his hand on Joran's left arm.

"While I agree with you under these special circumstances that it would be wise to inspect the room, you shouldn't take our access to it as granted or of small consequence, Joran. We haven't been granted any special authority in order to accomplish our mission. Thus we are to abide the planetary laws, not to fling them aside as we please.

We are not constables, we are Jedi! We must behave accordingly."

Taking his hand back, he turns towards C8-22 and Duros and gives them a slight bow:

"Our thanks for allowing us to enter Vao's room to examine the exact circumstances of this strange assault. You have my promise that we won't strain your generosity unduly."


Douane said:
Yun gently lays his hand on Joran's left arm.

"While I agree with you under these special circumstances that it would be wise to inspect the room, you shouldn't take our access to it as granted or of small consequence, Joran. We haven't been granted any special authority in order to accomplish our mission. Thus we are to abide the planetary laws, not to fling them aside as we please.

We are not constables, we are Jedi! We must behave accordingly."

"But we can't just let people think that they can just attack Jedi without consequence. We keep the peace. An assault on us is an assault on every innocent person in the galaxy. We cannot be seen as weak. This," he holds up his lightsaber, "is our special authority. We are Jedi!"


First Post
Darth Ecks said:
"I am on my way."

Arcos then takes off in the speeder, flying as fast as he can and taking every shortcut he knows in an attempt to reach the other Padawan Jedi before his dream becomes a reality.

The airspeeder flies through the crowded traffic lanes of the city as the padawan rushes to his destination. Within minutes, he is within sight of the Crimson Corridor.

The ships on board comm link chimes, and the familiar voice of Master Vandar fills the cockpit.

"Padawan Arcos, is something amiss?" the voice is even and calm." I have been informed you have abandoned your training. Do you have an explanation, Jedi?"


First Post
Jemal said:
"Oh great, a couple of idiots." She murmurs to the barkeep. "Lucky, you got insurance on this place?" She says, looking at some of the patrons "I've got a bad feeling about this. They're looking for someone, and I doubt anyone in here's just gonna go peacefully, what do you think?"

Her thoughts turn quickly from getting a job to just avoiding a firefight with a republic officer.

Lucky shakes his head as he wipes the already clean bar with a towel. "Heh, yeah insurance. The police dont even come down here any more their so busy. I wonder what a couple of uniforms are pokin around for. Ain't been a big raid down here since tha swoop gang war a few years back." The Zabrak turns away from Mira."Uh oh look out."

Near the door,the officer removes a datapad from his tunic. Looking around he spies the only human in the cantina --Mira. Standing up he strides over and stops behind the human female.

"Pardon me." the young officer says politely. "My name is Ensign Roke of Planetary Secrity. I'm looking for someone; have you seen this being by any chance?" The officer holds up the datpad- a frozen image shows two pictures of a male blue skinned unsmiling Twi-lek, one in profile and one from the front. The image is labelled Vao, Griff - CD1289-005H7.


First Post
C8-22 silently bows at Yuns words, and remains unmoving in the corridor.

Joran flicks on the room's light, and all three Jedi can see the interior of the room. It is square about seven meters wide, windowless, decorated in the same bland green as the corridor.

To the right of the room is a single bed unmade. A meter long cylindrical shaped plastisteel container lies toppled over on the bed. Its top has been removed and some of the contents have spilled out. Clothing and something with a metallic surface lie on the bed.

To the left is a simple low bureau of drawers. Attached to the top of the bureau is communciations terminal screen. As the room's light flicker on, the screen tunrs on as well. The words "Welcome" flash on the screen in Basic and several other languages followed by a melodic series of chimes.

"You have one new message." the terminal reports cheerfully.

Darth Ecks

First Post
Daiymo said:
The airspeeder flies through the crowded traffic lanes of the city as the padawan rushes to his destination. Within minutes, he is within sight of the Crimson Corridor.

The ships on board comm link chimes, and the familiar voice of Master Vandar fills the cockpit.

"Padawan Arcos, is something amiss?" the voice is even and calm." I have been informed you have abandoned your training. Do you have an explanation, Jedi?"

"Master Vandar, sorry for leaving so suddenly. I had a vision that Brasa, Yun, and Joran were in grave danger...and I wasn't there to save them!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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