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Star Wars: Rebels with Style

Combat Info:[sblock]Okay...sorry for the delay, but I'm back and alive again.

So back to Lia. Though the other pilot has cover behind his chair since he's facing the other way, its not enough to prevent that crit. After looking into it in a few places beyond the books, I can't find any reference to crits and stuns being different, so I'm going to go with crits being 'normal' with stun shots. Since I can't find anything to the contrary, I'm willing to go with doubling the stun damage. :)

And that means P2 gets 36 stun damage...that's just enough to reduce his HP to 0 before halving it. That means he immediately drops 5 spots on the condition track and is out.

That brings up the first pilot's turn. He turns and takes a shot at Lia...but gets a 1 thanks to condition track penalties.

The Imperial in the hold is up. Due to Initiative order and all that, his action is BEFORE Deurr readies his action on the demand for surrender. And that means he's going to take a shot at Deurr...though the attack roll is a 4 so no good there.

Next up are the captives. The free one will help out with freeing the other two.

Now Deurr's up. So his action is readied in case the Imperial tries to shoot again.

I'm going to assume this means Istara doesn't shoot at him, as he's it in the hold with the only other Imp up being the first pilot...though he's a bit away from her and there's no clear shot with both Kay and Lia up there. So, Istara makes a Mechanics check to free one of the other captives, and the first of the three will provide a bonus to the check for helping. With that, she gets a 25 and just manages to get them off. K2 gets a 29, and now all 3 are free.

Viria's last and can just squeeze into the packed cockpit. Kay is in the way enough to provide the pilot with some cover. Viria's attack is a 23, which is easily enough to hit. 16 total stun damage, and that is enough to drop him to 0 HP, so he's taken down to the bottom of the condition track and out like the other pilot.

That ends the round and brings us to Kay. Only real Imperial left conscious at the moment is the Officer cornered in the hold.[/sblock]

Despite the fact that the other pilot was still facing forward and trying to fly the shuttle, Lia was able to fire a stun bolt that hit him right in the back of the head. A gasp escaped the pilot before he simply fell forward onto the control panels with a loud, painful thud.

Next to him, the other pilot shifted his gaze a moment to see the other hit the console. His movements slowed and confused, the pilot reached for something on the panel, hitting three or four switches and buttons before seemingly finding the one he was looking for. With his other hand, he managed to pick up his blaster rifle and fire a wild shot that went into the shuttle's ceiling just above where Lia stood, showering her in sparks.

Just a moment later, all of your comlinks clicked before Garret's voice cut in, "Guys? Tell me that's you in that shuttle! I think we managed to jam that distress call but there's a flight of TIEs heading right for you! We'll be in the air in a second and should be able to help you out but you better get that shuttle into hyperspace before they send more than just a few TIEs!"

While Garret was speaking, clearly unaware of the situation inside the shuttle, the Imperial in the hold tried to fire another shot at Deurr. The blaster bolt went low, catching the deckplates right at Deurr's feet and leaving a black scorch mark. But the Imperial didn't seem to care that much about missing his shot, as he turned towards the tiny corridor leading to the cockpit and yelled. The sounds he made were likely supposed to be words, but somewhere between thinking them and speaking them they were lost entirely, probably due to taking so many stun bolts and only being semi-conscious.

On the other side of the hold, Istara and K2 were working to free the other Rebel captives of their binders. It took some work, and help from the freed Duros, but Istara managed to get Ines out of her binders while K2 got the third Rebel out of his. At first, the only nodded their thanks before looking up towards the cockpit, obviously wanting to help. It was immediately apparent, though, that their help was not needed. So, instead, the three sat back against the bulkhead. While the Duros simple patted K2's dome in thanks, Ines looked to Istara, obviously recognizing her, "Thank you for that."

The young man nodded and motioned towards the cockpit, "Smart move with that armour."

Back in the cockpit, Viria squeezed her way in and lined up a shot of her own over Kay's shoulder. It was an awkward angle, but it still wasn't too hard to hit the pilot with a stun blast since he was sitting just a meter or so away and facing them. The shot was enough to bring him down, causing the pilot to slump down into his chair before nearly falling out of it completely.

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First Post
"Thank you." Istara said. "K2, it's time to get yourself plugged in and plot us a course to the rendezvous point. I'm not sure I'd trust the internal computers for that until I've had my way with them for a bit."


First Post
"Yes, Garret, it is us in the Lambda, and we have a nice load of imperial prisoners for Intel to give the once over, if we can get out of here." Kay said stepping out of the cockpitt to blast the final imperial, and make room for those who actually could pilot the craft.

"If anyone knows how to fly these things, we could use the help up in the cockpit. There are 6 crew stations and 7 of us, and I'm not a pilot." the young woman explains to those in the hold.

(OOC: Attack Action on the Imperial 12 to hit, 24 stun damage)


First Post
"It's no Wayfarer," Lia says as she unceremoniously dumps the stunned pilot that she had shot to the floor. "But I think I can do this." She quickly removes the Stormtrooper helmet from her head and straps in to the seat's crash webbing. "Someone get on these guns," she says. "We've got TIEs on our tail."

Once in complete control of the vessel and strapped in, Lia begins to steer the Imperial shuttle out of the moon's atmosphere.


First Post
"I should be able to hold down the system operator's spot." Istara said, moving forward once the stunned prisoners had been passed back. "Good reflexes and custom-built weaponry can make me look like a passable shot with small arms, but I'll not try and make a fool out of myself running a blaster cannon."


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Once again Deurr raspes something incomprehensible to others and shoots the imperial officer in the back.

[sblock=In case any of the NPC's speak ubese]"Blasted human, so be it."[/sblock]

If the shot is finally able to drop the officer, Deurr moves to the gunner's post to strap himself in.


First Post
"Whatever you need me to do, I'm on it. I know my way around a starship pretty well." The doctor straps herself into a seat, and starts manning whatever systems are free.

Combat Info:[sblock]Kay's stun on the Imperial is enough to, finally, bring that guy down. So that's that.[/sblock]

Returning to the ship's hold, Kay put one final stun bolt into the remaining Imperial. After everything he had taken, it was finally enough to cause him to drop his blaster pistol and then slide back against the bulkheads to the deck.

The three others were already on their feet by this time. Both the Duros and the human male did their best to help with moving the pilots out of the cockpit, while the woman simply tried to stay out of the way of everyone before asking, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

By the time Lia was situated in the pilot's chair, the shuttle was already exiting Yavin IV's atmosphere. Directly ahead, the blackness was interrupted by the huge, orange form of the gas giant, Yavin. A few of the other moons could even be seen as smaller dots against the backdrop of Yavin, but there were also a great many other objects even closer.

Through the viewport of the shuttle, the Imperial fleet was not a hard thing to see. There were at least six Imperial-class Star Destroyers, four older and smaller Victory-class Star Destroyers, and a myriad of support ships that were harder to make out as they were mostly spread across the outer reaches of Yavin IV's gravity well. But dwarfing all of them was something new. Something gigantic. It looked like a Star Destroyer, except the massive starship had to have been nearly twenty kilometers long. You had heard rumours about such ships being in development, and even reports of it in the sky when the blockade and invasion began, but seeing it was something else entirely.

"Why do they need a fleet with that thing here...?" it was the Duros, asking the question to no one in particular as he peaked into the cockpit to look at the Imperial fleet with a mix of fear and awe on his dull, blue-skinned face.

Once again, everyone's personal comlink clicked before Garret's voice piped in, "We're coming up behind you in the YT-2000, but that flight of TIEs is going to reach you before we do at this rate. Kyne says we're probably going to have more than just six of them soon, too, so we need to get out of here before the rest of the bucketheads catch on. Once we catch up, we'll try to cover you as best we can."

OOC:[sblock]Couple quick things. First, a brief of the situation. It'll take you guys only a minute to escape Yavin IV's gravity well, and that means you can safely jump to hyperspace at that point. However, the incoming TIEs are within about 20 seconds of you, with the others in the YT-2000 another 10 seconds behind them.

Obviously, we're going to jump into combat in just a bit, but twenty seconds is enough time for you guys to at least safely set up a plan of action(even if that's just moving really really fast), so I'll wait for my next post to do that.

Second is I'd like to get a more organized look at who's doing what on the ship. Currently, I know for sure that Lia is piloting and Deurr's taking up the gunner's station. That leaves free the Co-Pilot(which operates one of the weapons), System Ops, and two Auxiliary stations to assist if necessary.[/sblock]


First Post
Lia looks at the massive craft with fear and wonder in her eyes. Has it ended so soon? she thinks. She is only broken out of her fearful gaze at the Super Star Destroyer as the Duros speaks. "Somebody get on that navcomputer," she orders to no one in particular. "And we need more gunners!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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