Star Wars Reboot

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This also brings up - what exactly is the Force?
In the OT it was an energy field.
In The Last Jedi, Luke tells us it is an energy between all particles.

This is not just differing points of view. One can right, and the other wrong.

But what if it was something else entirely?
An entity local to the Star Wars galaxy that lends it powers to some, certain bloodlines? Perhaps it feeds on the psychic energy of death that it creates due to perpetual wars (Warp god anyone?) Could force abilities stop working outside the galaxy?

Perhaps force powers work universe wide? Perhaps what some believe are psychic powers are the force? Do other civilisations outside of the galaxy use the force too?

Maybe the Ones were actually Elohim (Godsend Agenda anyone?) from another galaxy?
Could super heroes exist? Do they use the force innately?

Can the force be channelled and used with weird / super science? Like with the Star Forge?


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
The only thing worse than trying to explain the force, is trying to explain entirely other IPs with it.


Somehow, you acquired the rights to Star Wars. However, one of the stipulations of the deal is that you must reboot the franchise. The original movies, the Legends EU, all the Disney Wars stuff, it's all in the past. It's your Star Wars universe now.

What is your reboot like? What's changed? What stays the same? What is similar? What is totally different that makes the reboot yours and yours alone?

Personally, I'd go the opposite route of most here. Keep it as close to the original movies as possible and maybe even keep some of the later two trilogies aside from the elements that are pretty universally reviled-- adapt the best of the extended universe novels, possibly even crowdsource what constitutes "the best" and "the worst" or even analysis of entire scripts/novels. People know what to expect if we're trying to keep close to the original, so actually have the fans weigh in on what they want to see and how it should all fit together as well as rough plans for the movies. Hollywood writers "innovating and adapting" has ruined or at least cheapened some of the adaptations I've been looked forward to most, so keeping it simple to start would be the approach I'd follow.

For new content, maybe have it start out life as a "force vision" or something of that nature, which then has to be confirmed as canon and in some cases might even just be a fun excuse to play with "what if" scenarios. Possibly even open it to the public. Having an Extended Universe where a fanfic or fanfilm has a chance of graduating to canon and being professionally published could be kind of cool I think.

I feel like at this point, Star Wars isn’t anything anymore, every movie is a reboot. The IP is just, these are the dirty spaceships we’ll pay for minis of and tickets to see.

I guess I’m threadcrapping, because the last thing I want to see is someone doing Luke Skywalker again, but different. Fork him and everything that’s already been done, fans who want to see Spiderman reimagined yet again are weirdos.

if I had the rights to the universe I’d keep doing what they appear to be doing, find cool minor character, and do their backstory. And then, I’d find cool minor characters in my new shows/movies and do again. I would not try redo stuff I did wrong because fork it, only a few nerds care, I’d just keep making new stuff with new characters In the same style that mints money.

I'd start by buying a ton of antacids and deleting all my social media...

Then I'd mainline re-watching a ton of Kurasawa flicks. Start off with a Chanbara-based flick; maybe fuse together The Sword of Doom with The Force Unleashed. Start with a Sith apprentice seeking vengeance, then eventually redemption.

It'd be a thin line to walk though, starting with an antihero at first - the last thing I'd want is to create some edgelord idol.


Somehow, you acquired the rights to Star Wars. However, one of the stipulations of the deal is that you must reboot the franchise. The original movies, the Legends EU, all the Disney Wars stuff, it's all in the past. It's your Star Wars universe now.

What is your reboot like? What's changed? What stays the same? What is similar? What is totally different that makes the reboot yours and yours alone?
I'd start with a shot-by-shot remake of the first film, but with the genders switched - Lucy Skywalker is recruited by Jane Kenobi for a desperate last mission against the evil empire.

In the second film, however, I'd reveal that while the evil empire is indeed evil, the 'heroic' rebels are anything but. Then conclude the trilogy with Lucy taking out the heads of both factions, leaving the setting wide open for the RPG to run with it.


Deluxe Unhuman
To reboot the movies and tv shows specifically, I'd start by getting massive amounts of diversity behind the scenes and in front of the camera.

Voidrunner's Codex

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