Star Wars Reboot


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I'd turn it into a series of buddy cop movies about R2D2 and C3P0 who keep running into these various situations slowly releaving a much larger and more epic background happening.


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aramis erak

How can anyone suggest getting rid of the final trilogy (7, 8, 9) and keep the first (1, 2, 3) with a straight face?

Let's be right The Phantom Menace was terrible, Attack of the Clones not great either. Revenge of the Sith was meh.
Now Rise of the Skywaker showed us that Star Wars, especially with Star Wars Visions that they could do wuxia fantasy. There is so much you can do with Star Wars and lean into other genres.

What about horror?
TPM's story is good; the execution is what sucked.
II and III, yeah, sucks.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Nah, I need mention a name.

Jar Jar Binks
The atrociousness of Jar Jar is an aspect of the bungled execution, particularly when you can treat him as <local alien eff-up>. Like so:
Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon meet <local alien eff-up> in the swamp.
<local alien eff-up> takes them to his hometown where they will ask for assistance.
Because hometown mayor wants to get rid of <local alien eff-up>, he sends the Jedi away with a vehicle

The full obnoxiousness of Jar Jar is in how <local alien eff-up> was implemented - poorly. He could have been done much better.

There have been fan edits that remove Jar Jar from the Phantom Menace entirely, and it barely improves the movie. Little Anny is still an annoying presence that rivals Jar Jar, and the dialogue is still atrocious.


The atrociousness of Jar Jar is an aspect of the bungled execution, particularly when you can treat him as <local alien eff-up>. Like so:
Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon meet <local alien eff-up> in the swamp.
<local alien eff-up> takes them to his hometown where they will ask for assistance.
Because hometown mayor wants to get rid of <local alien eff-up>, he sends the Jedi away with a vehicle

The full obnoxiousness of Jar Jar is in how <local alien eff-up> was implemented - poorly. He could have been done much better.
It wasn't so much bungled execution it was mainly that the film is for children.
And Anakin is annoying and nothing will change that - not even a rewrite.

In many ways the same is true for the next two movies too - terrible dialogue, with contradictions in the Clone Wars cgi series. The best thing is to keep the Clone Wars CGI series (not the terrible cartoon) which also shows that the Jedi can be bad asses.

The PT takes away from that, and makes them rather wimpy.

The Clone Wars gives Sidious an almost Witch like feel, reminiscent of those from Dathomir in some ways. Plus we have some rather neat lore in Star Wars Rebels.

Now The Last Jedi and Rise of the Skywalker show that force wielders can be really powerful in ways not seen in the previous movies.

Hand of Evil

To me you have to address what is happening in the Star Wars Galaxy, The Empire has fallen, the Rebels have taken over (or have they?). You would have to re-build the senate, build law and order, defend against outside foes. What happens with planets that do not want to go back to the old ways?

Can see a lot of plot hooks and shows for this type of outcome. First would be crime drama or political show, that is different from zone to zone of what was the Empire, you have the inner zone, the rural zone then the outer rim. Inner zone is the developed worlds, so you would have HUT Wars and Corporate Wars. The second zone would be holding on thinking everyone forgot about them, fighting of pirates and raiders. The Outer Rim, the wild wild west, no laws, no governments and might makes right.

I would place the show in between the rural zone and the outer rim. Have a fleet that is trying to keep everything together. Any Jedi would be Jack of all trades.


The strongest overarching theme of Star Wars, in my mind, speaks to the ways in which those in power choose to wield it.

So for me, the backdrop of the Star Wars Galaxy is most interesting when it addresses those issues.

I've long felt that the greatest misstep of Eps. VII, VIII, and IX was that they failed to tackle this new theme just waiting to be explored----you were the scrappy rebels, but now you've won. How do you exercise power in ways that are restrained, yet still maintain order, without becoming the thing you've just defeated?

Rehashing the same basic storyline and themes as the original trilogy in VII-IX was such a massive waste.

Hand of Evil

Add to my post...

Think the Jedi would become hidden, you would have them, but any large group will move underground to re-build their numbers as many planets would see them as the reason the empire fell. Treat them like a secret society. They may never become the power they once were, much like the Knight Templar.


I think I'd actually NOT cancel or delete anything. I'd make a multiple worlds idea, with at least two or three standard universes. The First universe would be Lucas's Film Universe and what HE considered authentic canon in his own words at various times (which does NOT include the Holiday Special, but does, if I recall, include the Radio Dramas and his scripts).

The Second universe would be the original EU done and approved by George Lucas (as well as occasionally his input, though his input got more and more involved the later in the EU you get, until Legacy of the Force had entire plotlines and ideas from him involved with it).

The Third universe would be the Disney Universe they've created currently.

Than, if I thought my own ideas might sell (the others I imagine would sell better than a whole new idea. Tossing out the old usually goes over as well as a cold wet rag to the face when one is in a deep sleep in bed, as the 4e Forgotten Realms idea shows), I'd probably start with a new take on the whole thing starting at 25,000 years before Yavin, but with standard ideas of Star Wars (the Force, establishing the proto-jedi, proto-sith...etc).

Voidrunner's Codex

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