The thing that kinda weirded me out about Osha and Mae is the idea that they are one person split into two bodies. At first, I thought they were building up to them being representative of the light and dark sides of the Force, with Osha initially light and Mae dark ... but when Osha went dark, Mae didn't exactly become light. She just sort of went neutral -- happy to let Qimir wipe her mind so Osha could run away and learn how to be a Sith with him. And Osha seemed kinda sad about that.
I think I would have preferred to see the twins join forces against both the Jedi and the Sith or something. Maybe they'll ultimately do that if we get a second season.
Also, what was going on at the very beginning, when Osha started choking in the helmet, and then Qimir's eyes went fully black, except for when there was a blue filter applied to the camera and then his eyes were just normal? That was confusing.
Also, Bazyl the tracker was more like an animal dressed up as a person who just ran around sniffing, except that he clearly didn't want Sol to kill Mae so he pulled the plug on the engine ... but then Sol just ignored him and walked off after landing on the planet. I think it was hard to tell what was going on with Bazyl because he just made animal noises and no one ever really translated what he was saying, if anything.
On a closer inspection, I think does indeed bleed red because of the strength of Osha's emotions. You can see color in her veins flowing towards the crook of her hand between her finger and thumb (where her skin meets the lightsaber casing) and then there's red color flowing into the crystal, like she is literally shedding her blood into the crystal. And then she looks startled (and even a bit dismayed) when the blade turns red.