D&D 5E Starter set being shipped early in Canada

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the Jester

This makes me unexpectedly, irrationally, happy. I got introduced to D&D right before 3E was released. And the Sunless Citadel was the first adventure I ever DM'd.

Looks like someone decided that twig blights have some staying power. Personally, I agree, and think they're a great choice for a "from 3e's catalog of new monsters" entry in the MM.


Victoria Rules
This makes me unexpectedly, irrationally, happy. I got introduced to D&D right before 3E was released. And the Sunless Citadel was the first adventure I ever DM'd.
I'm not running 3e but in deference to that module I made sure the first opponents met in my current campaign were twig blights.
Maliki67 said:
Is the spectator, a floating orb like monster similar to(but much weaker than) a beholder, from L1 The Secret of Bone Hill?
Yes, that's where they were introduced.


Voidrunner's Codex

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