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I'm Ray...of Enfeeblement
Seeing as how me other thread with regards to treasure we've just found has drawn several responses I thought I'd open another........

Ozric stared at the bejewelled crown in fascination, his dweomer of magic revealing was blinding.......what he held in front of him radiated powerful magic. He carefully placed the crown onto the floor, straightened up and withdrew a slim, oak wand. Ozric pointed the wand at the crown and muttered something in the arcane language of wizards and rocked back on his heels as the powers of the crown were slowly revealed to him.

"By the gods! I, I, I cannot believe what this thing does!!!" Ozric stammered, the rest of us stared at him intently and in anticipation. After a few seconds of mumbling he finally piped up, "It seems as though this crown will allow its wearer to polymorph into a certain creature at will!".

"What's the big deal then?", Davion retorted, "It sounds nice but hardly cause for such a reaction. Mind you, does it do tentacles?" The samurai just glared at him.

"It doesn't just polymorph you into any creature though, it polymorphs you into a sodding Lich!!!" THAT caught Angmars attention straight away and I have to admit I was quite concerned also. "I've got to try this out" Ozric continued.

"If you so much as even entertain any more thoughts of doing such a thing I will most certainly intervene whereas if you actually make good on said thoughts I will turn your animated corpse into ash......... courtesy of Pelor of course." Everyone turned to regard Angmar and couldn't help but notice the glow in his eyes as he spoke those words.

So we have a crown that polymorphs you into a Lich and a VERY potent cleric of Pelor, (Radiant Servant 8-10 me thinx), who's intent on annihiliating, (how do you spell that word?), anybody who so much as even thinks it would look good on their bonce. The crown allows you to turn back when you remove it so what's the deal? As far as I can see it's just a special polymorph item although we haven't checked to see if it's evil however identify should have verified that, yes?

I'm thinking that it could possibly come in useful considering our major goal at the moment is the destruction of the Githzerai Lich Queen? However being a Paladin that's quite anti-undead, maybe I shouldn't be its advocate!?

What do ya reckon? :confused:

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First Post
If the other characters agree with you than I don't see why you should allow the Pelorite to dictate what you may and may not do. If he attacks you then he is clearly at fault and, with the help of the others, you should be able to handle him. If he's ready to kill another character in the party I don't see why you shouldn't respond in kind.


First Post
Well, the other player probably thinks you'll get the evil laughter of a Lich as well when you become a Lich.

And do you really trust that the item is going to let you turn back?

I agree with the Radiant Servant.

But just like in the Lord of the Rings, an item like this makes for a good sneak off and try the item, just like the halfling tried to use the Palantir even though Gandalf warned him against it.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Uhm excuse me? Yes hi. As a DM I just question the fact that ANY player would WANT to be a lich. I mean sure if you're a necromancer, determined to fight off death, that's fine. But some little pip-squeak wizard wants to try out a crown that can change him INTO a lich and DOESN'T think it's evil?! Please. Roll me a common sense check people!

If you find a ring that changes you into a Solar, different story but a lich? Dude I'm seeing "I am an evil plot device!" written all over it.

Btw if you want to take down the Lich Queen, just as Raziel if he can take a day off to hunt down the Queen for you. Tell him you'll fight the Blood War for him. That will keep him happy. :p :)


First Post
I would avoid putting it on, and just to be safe avoid touching it as much as possible. An item the transforms you into a lich sounds like just the type of item with nasty side effects like turning you evil, or worse. My advice would be to not use it at all, until you've used every possible divination spell to make sure its safe. Even then you should be cautious as it might have been enchanted to mislead identification spells.


First Post
Take a moment to think like a DM. Anything that powerful has to have some form of drawback built in or you'd never have had a chance to get your grubby little adventurer's mitts on it, right? I mean other than the fact that there's, as you said, a very powerful cleric of Pelor ... a god known for his hatred of the undead... who can and will blast you to smithereens should someone use said item.

Step back a second and follow this train of thought -

Q: What does the crown do?
A: Polymorphs you into a Lich.

Q: What's the primary schtick of a Lich?
A: They can't die.

Q: Why can't they die?
A: If you kill their body, their soul just resides in their phylacrity for a while before reforming anew.

Q: If you're turned into a Lich via a polymorph effect rather than by otherwise normal lich-becoming channels, what key ingredient are you missing...?



Breaks Games
Another thread! Who'd think Darminicus had just gotten broadband. :p

IIRC, the crown acts as a phalyctery whilst worn... Which is really stupid when you think about it... I can't die unless this special magic box is destroyed, so I'll wear it on my head? Bah! :confused:

Once again, I'm in total agreement with that do gooding pelorite... That thing has trouble written all over it. I think we'd save ourselves a lot of bother by getting rid of it. I met this very friendly Devil in the city who'd offer a good price for it? :D You can always trust a Devil.


I'm Ray...of Enfeeblement
I'm not too sure why I asked about the crown really, I think it might have something to do with the fact that, with regards to me quest to kill the queen, Raziel has given me, let's call it, some extra 'leeway' when it comes down to dealing with her.

So far I don't think I've stepped out of paladin/exalted boundaries and this has got me thinking, is he, (Morrus aka Raziel), just testing me? I wouldn't put it past Morrus to do this to me, especially since I've been after sainthood status for MANY levels and he's been toying with me with regards to that goal.

I think yer right folks, take said crown to nearest good temples evil waste disposal unit and get it disposed of, even if we totally discern that it's not evil and just a polymorph effect.

Actually, just thought of another thing, Morrus is letting us use the sanctify evil stuff rules from BoED however he's not let us have any time to actually try it out. Maybe that might be worth checking out depending on exactly how that crown works and obviously if it's evil in the 1st place.

I seem to recall that there is a good type undead template in the BoED also and maybe if we can snctify/redeem crown if appropriate it might turn into an item that grants that template?

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