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Stonefist Academy - The Beginning


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The conversation started out civil enough with simple introduction until the dwarf started boasting... He thinks as he pours himself some water. He is taking notes of how these races interact in his mind. He has always heard of the elvish disdain for the dwarves but this is his first experience with a dwarf and now he understands why after only a few minutes. He finally begins to serve himself after everyone else has helped themselves. He manages to get some bacon, eggs, and fresh fruit. He begins to eat silently as he listens to the bickering.

Unable to contain himself he lets out a slight chuckle at the new arrival Daelyns words of wisdom.

"Master Ararion is correct Master Dwarf." He says with a pause. "That is how you would introduce yourself amongst YOUR people. But alas, it seems that we are not among our own people either Master Ararion. This is the realm of men. We need to remember we are guest." He turns to the rest of the table and gives a slight bow. "I am Silvas. Just Silvas. I am a simple lover of nature and I am seeking out the Academy to hone my skills. What brings you away from your mountain Master Dwarf?" He hopes he can ease the hostilities by redirecting the conversation.

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Bleary-eyed and unkempt, Leilani shuffles down the stairs to the common room. Her throat was raw from all of the singing at last night's celebration. In truth, she could not remember the guest of honor's name, nor what event was being celebrated. She did remember that the wine was flowing freely, and there was dancing, and the the magical colors... her stomach lurched at the thought.

Hearing the lively debate from the table nearest the stairs, Leilani gingerly took the seat next to the boisterous Dwarf. Though her head pounded, she could tell that there was something interesting going on and she wanted to be a part of it.

She reached past the Dwarf, procured the jug of milk, poured herself a mug. She gave a wan smile to the Dwarf by way of apology, then set the milk down between them on the table.

She looked at each of the patrons in turn. Satisfied that they had each acknowledged her presence, she gave a curt nod and a quick wave to the table before starting in on her drink.


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Lune sighed. He had heard rumors of the dislike between elves and dwarves back at the Monastery, but this was the first time actually witnessing it. "I have to say that we are ALL guests here, Silvas of the Forrest. We all have a large number of things to learn here at this Academy. And I have learned much in the last few minutes that I have never learned before.

As for Targas, it is at least a fortnight away by walking. It is a small farming town, and the only significant part of it is a Monastery for Heironeous there. It is from that place that I hail from. To come to this place, I had to walk though the mountains to the south of here, and make my way through Traders' Path. I was lucky to not encounter anything among the trail here, as bandits and other vicious things are known to be there."


Miranda had been told of the animosity between Elves and Dwarfs by her mentor. She had not witnessed it prior to this day. She was not sure if the banter between Olek and the Elves was serious or not. At least no one had drawn a weapon yet.

"Mr. Olek, Riverbend is many leagues from here. I have traveled for many months to this place. My parents own an Inn back home. I have met many travelers and adventurers but you are the first Dwarf I have encountered. Do your people rarely leave home?" she asks before taking a bite of bread.

Fangor the Fierce

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One good thing is that this breakfast is on the house! Complements of Maximo himself. Likes to give the prospective students a good meal and all, keep their strength up he says. So eat up and get a move on.

She saunters off again after replacing the pitchers with filled ones. The dining room is in full swing now, as talk and chatter fills the place. Taking a look around, you note that there are all manners of people here. The bar itself has a trio of halflings drinking up and laughing with an elf. To the side, a dwarf and gnome seem to be talking about the right price of a barrel of Jensons Mead. Across from you, two tables over, you catch sight of two half orcs and a human joking and laughing.

Realizing that this inn seems to take in all kinds of people, your table does not seem so out of place with the seven of you seated at it. It doesn't take long, but people start to finish up their meals and head out to start their day. When attempting to pay, the barmaid waves off any coins, adding
Maximo takes care of it. Spend the coin another day.

Gathering what gear you have left from the long journey, you exit the inn, taking in Springside for your first time in daylight. You see the Western Gate; the one you entered Springside from. It is the only one open for travelers during the night, as the north and south ones are barred shut during the late hours.

From what you had learned from last night, Springside sits in the shadow of a range of mountains to the east. North is the forest that protects the town as well. A great wall is built around the town, with three gates exiting. The Western Gate is the main entrance and exit, by which the trade routes head in and out. There is a smaller gate on the southeast side, next to the small creek that runs through the eastern side of the town. This is used primarily for the farmsteads that dot the south of Springside. North is the last gate, which leads only to the cemetery.

The Academy sits at the foot of the mountain at the northeast of Springside. As you head there, the sounds of kids playing and running around can be heard to the south. To the north, you spy the marketplace, bustling with people bartering their wares. Stalls seem to be orderly and the moods seem to be high. A bell tolls to the east, bringing your attention to the church tower near the eastern edge of town. It is then that you get your first glimpse of the Academy that lays beyond the church.

It is a stout structure, built of solid granite and standing two stories high. The side you face is unadorned and spans at least a hundred feet north and south. The road takes you to the southern side of the Academy, toward a set of opened steel doors. They seem to be polished, with no signs of wear on their ten feet high frames. As you stand there in the doorway, you can hear signs of people within.

Looking down the ten foot wide corridor that ends in a T section heading left and right, you can only wonder just what today would bring. The floor is marble, earthen in contrast and gleaning as if recently polished. Even dwarven standards would easily be met here. You spy a small figure walk from around the corner, stop in mid stride, and turn in your direction. He stands there, looking at each of you in turn and simply nods slightly. He is bald, short with a blonde goatee, and wears a loose black tunic.


Can I help you?


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Olek felt comfortable back in his armour. It was odd really, since shedding it's weight had been a relief at breakfast time. Still, the number of unfamiliar and vaguely threatening things that abounded in the area made an armoured skin feel reassuring.

I would've liked to have told that uppity elf at breakfast a thing or two more about proper manners and respect. Still...don't think anyone else was that interested in our conversation. Humans are very clever at diverting me it seems.

At the sight of the well constructed and thought out entranceway, plus well hinged and manufactured front doors Olek grunted in satisfaction. To the small, odd man Olek stepped forward with his hand on his chest, as before, and replied, "Greetings. I am Olek, third son of Ovo, Patriarch of the Stonebreaker clan, Guildmaster of the Masons of Khordaldrum. I bring tidings from the mountain Dwarves to those that would hear them. Finally, I also seek the wise master of this place, such that I may learn new things of him."

OOC: [MENTION=36150]Herobizkit[/MENTION]. FWIW I thought it was a great intro. Potentially very in character. :)
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The cool morning air and brisk walk cleared Leilani's head, and she was feeling more human... or, half-elven, to be specific... than earlier.

Leilani marvelled at the architecture of the Academy. Never in her life had she seen such a grand creation; her upbringing on the family ranch and the overprotective ways of her parents had denied her such pleasures until now.

Her eyes lit up at Olek's introduction. How formal! How unique! She cleared her throat.

To the small, odd man Leilani stepped forward with her hand on her chest, as Olek did before, and replied, "Greetings. I am Leilani, first-born daughter of Kale, Patriarch of the Shalaendael clan, Guildmaster of the Ranchers of Crescent Lake. I bring tidings from the human plainsmen to those that would hear them. Finally, I also seek the wise master of this place, such that I may learn new things of him."


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Ararion rolls his eyes as the dwarf begins yet another haughty introduction of himself. He's a little amused when the dwarf leaves out the business about the trolls. Perhaps now he knows such boasts will gain little respect here.

Then the girl mimics the introduction and Ararion snorts, a very un-elven sound. "Dear girl, please don't speak like that boor. Saying such miserable words doesn't suit your beauty in the least."

The elf takes a few strides forward, moving so smoothly as to seemingly glide across the distance. He gives a graceful bow as he says, "I am Ararion Nailo and I have come in the hopes of becoming a student here. I believe all of us are here for that same purpose."


Leilani giggled, a musical sound that hinted at a practiced voice. "Worry not, sir Elf... Ararion, was it? I have no intention of sporting a beard and digging for coal. I fear I might not mimic a Dwarf at all without magical aid."

"I seek training in order to become a stage performer,"
she said by way of explanation. "I long to see the grand cities of the realm and make my name known amongst the noble... and wealthy," saying the last with a wink. "But do not misunderstand me... the play's the thing, but I do not wish to return to the barren plains to tend horses and farm potatoes."

Voidrunner's Codex

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