stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]

Jarrith knows that name very well: Doru was Father Danovich's son. And Ismark had the Symbol last. Finally, there are rumors of rituals being performed over your head (at the top of the Hill) during the 'dark moon' in three nights time

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James Heard said:
Looking upward, Janis decides to move to examine the circle herself.

" Perhaps. Or maybe someone only means for us to believe that."
On closer examination, it appears less a summoning circle and more... something else. It seems tied to the strange power coming from the pillar, though that too seems to be pulling its strength from beneath the bedrock. When Jarrith hands her a flake of the crystal, she recognizes it immediately---Khyber dragonshard. Used for binding.

Jarrith states off into space for a few moments... then suddenly snaps back to reality. "What am I thinking of? DORU!!! Of course! Gods I'm dumb! I'm sorry... I do not know where my head is at. Doru was the son of Father Danovich... the poor boy who got turned into that... thing... at the church."

He shakes his head a few times, as though he's trying to clear cobwebs. Ever since he finished Danovich's journal, his mind has been floating back and forth elsewhere and he's been losing focus. Not the greatest situation to be in for something like this.

"And of course... the ritual HASN'T occured... that's what Ochem was talking about when he said we had four days. It was four days until the ritual was being done here. Hrmph. So the question is... who has the Symbol now? The person who's been sleeping here? And when will they be returning? At the dark moon ritual in three days? Gah... I'm getting so confused."

He sits down in the center of the circle and ponders their problem.

"Well, I say we give these caverns and the ruins upstairs one more once-over on the off-chance we have missed finding the symbol. If we don't find it, we might just have to wait for the new moon in three days and hope the symbol shows up with whomever comes here to perform it."

Jarrith's inspection did not turn up any indication that the pillar was recently made; nor did it turn up any way to open it up.

Janis begins a closer and around, and if she can manage it somehow - inside...of the pillar. Is it some sort of rock formation that might have grown over time, something that could have been placed here by powerful magic? Just how natural is it?

[Kn: Nature]

Janis steps inside the circle, and she too feel the tarry resistance a moment. She examines it closely, looking at the other stalagmites and stalactites in the area. Once thing is clear---it is not a natural formation, though it is natural. The rock is much denser than the surrounding cave stone. It was as if someone magically called up the rock from far below the earth. The power to do so would be---great.

The age of the rock, from what she can tell, is very old---even underground, water and time have their way. She would guess that it is older than Galifar was at the least, but could not be more certain than that.

Janis runs her fingertips across the surface of the pillar, peering at it intently.

"It is not a natural formation, though it is natural. This rock is much denser than the surrounding cave stone. It's as if something magically called the rock from far below the earth."

"This is very old. Older than Galifar? Perhaps - but this land is very old. Sheltered, as it has been, from visitors? Perhaps..."

Janis examines the circle again, trying to discern how the circle and the pillar might interact - whether the kyber shards were created as a consequence of such a calling of the earth, or if they're a part of the functioning of the circle. Is there a way to unravel or unmake the circle and unmask the source of power within the pillar and...

" Inquisitors? What do your senses say about this thing? I've heard stories...sometimes it is better to let evil things sleep where they are bound, but if this is the doorway to our prize? And...I think we should be wary in case whatever protected this place returns?"

Her eyes the color of softly glowing milk from her spell, even as she speaks to the others she does not seem to truly see them, bound by the interplay of the unseen forces around her.


The magic of the circle and pillar seem beyond Janis. While Khyber stones are typically used for binding, all the traces of magic are those used in creation, none of the expected traces of abjuration which would be necessary. Without some guidance in the nature of the magics, she is blind. Perhaps further study or divination may illuminate its origin.[/sblock]

Jarrith's brow furrows at Janis' statement. "So you think the Symbol of Ravenkind might be inside this pillar? Oy." He begins an even more intensive search of this pillar, hoping against hope he might've missed a nook, a cranny, or a button or something last time. (Take 20 on Search of pillar)

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