stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]

James Heard

Somewhat dazed by the cacophony of her companion's fury, Janis moves to place the creature within the range of her stormbolt and lets fly.

I'm glad Daellin has been out and about meeting new friends.

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First Post
Ashlyn, having been resting and somewhat quiet since combating the demon trees due to the fight having drained much of her reserves, suddenly springs into action at the sound of a companion in trouble.

Moving forward she draws her blade and closes with the creature.

[Double move up to creature]

[Note: Ashlyn used a sacred healing after the fight with the trees here, so she and Jarrith should be at full health, and Perriwimple should be at 50/55hp]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Stormwind said:
[Note: Ashlyn used a sacred healing after the fight with the trees here, so she and Jarrith should be at full health, and Perriwimple should be at 50/55hp][/SIZE][/COLOR]
I updated my in-house sheet, but not the online one. Sigh. No worries.

Update in the afternoon/tonight.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Ecaterine Husk: Round 1

Staggering back away from the moaning miasma, Daellin mechanically fires away. All three zoom into the twisting faces, but two pass through harmlessly. Only the third tears a wisp away. [Incorporeal miss chance spoils 2 attacks; AC 22 hits for 7 damage]

Ashlyn, encumbered by her armor and slowed by the rubble, moves ever so slowly toward the unsettling faces. [Double move through difficult terrain]

Something fiery churning inside, Tessa channels forth a finger of flame at the twisting mass. By the rubble walls provide difficult to aim through, and her efforts are are in vain. She, however, manages to keep the bile down from her Khyber-born gifts. [scorching ray; AC 5 touch misses; Fort 13 succeeds vs daze]

Unconcerned with the others, the bulk of the faces writhe to face the elf, and a wordless scream fills the spaces between them. The ranger staggers a moment, but shakes his head to fight off the worse of it. [Ability damage]

Janis too struggles to find firm footing in the rubble as she strides forward. [Double move through rough terrain; still not close enough for storm bolt]

Confused and horrified by the sudden appearance of the ghoulish faces, Jarrith's mind is overwhelmed. He runs, babbling madly, as best he can through the rubble. [Fleeing for 1 round]

Perriwimple awkward crawls out of the hole around Tessa and looks with abject horror and confusion at the creature. He struggles forward like the others to do what he can.

The Ecaterine Husk: Round 2

D: 20 35/35 [Significant ability damage]
A: 20 49/49
T: 14 35/35
C: 10 [lightly wounded]
J: 5 42/42
J: 4 31/31
P: 2 50/55

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, c: crocs, C: Screaming Heads, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, P: Perriwimple, T: Tessa.
Conditions: Moving through dense rubble (rocky-looking squares) cost 2 movement.

[Round 3 actions for all please]


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James Heard

Janis hops indelicately on one foot, having stubbed her toe on the strewn remnants of the tower then continues to make her way implacably to within range of the creature.

" That's it Daellin! Go grab the holy weapons at the campsite, Father Perriwimple will blast it with his divine powers!"

I hope that thing understands what I just said, because otherwise I feel like a complete ass."

OOC: What the hell, Action Point on the Bluff check. It's for Janis to show off her inherent feminine wiles and copious amounts of manipulative powah. Plus, it's only stupid if it doesn't work. Here's to not looking dumb.


First Post
For a moment, Tessa stood with her arm still extended, gazing at the last flicking wisps of flame on her fingertips with something much like fear. Then she reached down to recover her morningstar from where it had been dropped and slowly began to make her way through the rubble-strewn ground of the ruins...

OOC: Retrieve morningstar, then follow the others out of the confined area


As he scrabbles over the rocks and rubble, Jarrith's mind races with panic. However, one more quick glance over in the direction of the elf snaps him back into a more coherent place. What-- no-- pull-- yourself-- together... come on--

He shakes his head one time to regain focus, then realizes that he is needed here. Hoping that his footing is strong, he immediately moves forward while pulling free his wand, and taps himself with another Cat's Grace. (Move action towards creature, cast Cat's Grace on self)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Ecaterine Husk: Round 2 (Partial)

Almost staggering, Daellin takes a final shot at the twisting faces, but they two arrows go wide. He then pulls back. [AC 12 misses; move to K-2]

Lady Ashlyn pushes through the rubble, determined. [Double move through difficult terrain] As she closes, and tendril of wailing faces whips at her, reaching through her armor as if it were mist. She feels something inside tearing as the howling mass renders her insides. [Incorporeal attack hits; 6hp]

Tessa retrieves her weapon and struggles to move forward. [Move through difficult terrain]

Ignoring the others, the menacing faces stream through the ruins after the elf, once again soundlessly screaming after him. Blood streaming from his ears, the elf falls, catatonic. [Ability damage; Daellin helpless]

[Paused for Janis to restate action; previous invalid in current context]

The Ecaterine Husk: Round 2 (Partial)

D: 20 35/35 [Severe ability damage, helpless]
A: 20 43/49
T: 14 35/35
C: 10 [lightly wounded]
J: 5 42/42
J: 4 31/31
P: 2 50/55

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, c: crocs, C: Screaming Heads, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, P: Perriwimple, T: Tessa.
Conditions: Moving through dense rubble (rocky-looking squares) cost 2 movement.


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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Ecaterine Husk: Round 2 (Complete)

Enigmatically, Janis turns away from the churning mists and strides confidently towards the runic circle.

Shaking his head to clear his disorientation, Jarrith pulls himself together and heads into the fray, his wand providing added dexterity. [cat's grace]

Perriwimple follows close behind Jarrith, terror plain on his face.

The Ecaterine Husk: Round 3

D: 20 35/35 [Severe ability damage, helpless]
A: 20 43/49
T: 14 35/35
C: 10 [lightly wounded]
J: 5 42/42
J: 4 31/31
P: 2 50/55

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, C: Screaming Heads, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, P: Perriwimple, T: Tessa.
Conditions: Moving through dense rubble (rocky-looking squares) cost 2 movement.

[Round 3 Actions]


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