stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


First Post
Ashlyn recovers quickly from the mental assault and moves in beside Perriwimple to strike the creature with her blade.

[Move; Attack +9, Damage 1d8+3]

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Jarrith curses to himself when his spell doesn't effect the thing. He moves forward and tries to attack the incorporeal form with his rapier. (Move action to undead, Standard attack with rapier)

James Heard

Janis summons more crocodiles to fight for her, placing them as close to the creature as she dares on the undead's flanks and out of her line of fire. Then, hurrying to enter battle once again, Janis moves forward toward the creature through the rubble and attempts to blast it with her bolts of lightning once again.

All we need for this fight to be more inconvenient are a few dozen innocent bystanders, a manifest zone, and a tea set.


First Post
Tessa let a wry grin spread across her face, if only for a moment- how fitting that the power of Vol be put to use against such a foe... Then she returned to the task at hand, gesturing so that the glowing weapon might press the attack.

OOC: move action to direct the Spiritual Weapon to pursue its target, then pick up her own weapon preparing to move forward to support the others


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Ecaterine Husk: Round 5

Pushing through the rocks to reach the creature, Ashlyn temporarily lowers her guard. It is enough for a tendril of faces to reach inside of her once again, tearing that which is most vital. [AoO touch attack hits; 7hp] Distracted by pain, her followup attack swings wide. [AC 13 misses]

Tessa focus her spell, then retrieves her weapon for the fight. The bloody dagger flashes through the air to embed itself in the horror, tearing lose wisps of its essence! [AC 20 hits; no incoproporeal miss chance; 7hp; moderately wounded]

Floating as both part and separate from the ruined wall, the calling voices thunder out! Two waves of force slam into Perriwimple and Ashlyn, crushing bone and tearing flesh! Both are grievously wounded. [Force attack, 17hp]

Her summoning complete, a single crocodile appears near the madness. The animal, however, rears in uncontrollable terror, and in a panic, flees, but not before the faces tear into it! [1 croc summoned; fear effect; flees; AoO hits for 9hp]

Determined the creature taste the storms, Janis moves around the building at through the rubble toward the undead column. Its unnatural reflexes send a pillar of torment through her as well! [AoO hits; 5hp]

Seeing its quick reaction, Jarrith attempts to acrobatically weave and dodge through the rubble to evade its blows. Luck is with him, and the reach pillars flow around by not through him. With a yell of vindication, he plunges his deep into the swirling chaos! [Tumble 23 avoids AoO; AC 18 hits, no incorporeal miss; 7hp]

Wounds weeping, Perriwimple dumbly carries on. Tripping on a rock gives the mass the opening it needs to tear even more life from the man, but in moment of triumph, the large boy brings a two fisted blow down hard! [AoO his, 7hp; Perriwimple near death; Natural 20 hits, no incorporeal miss, 8hp; Creature severely wounded]

The Ecaterine Husk: Round 6

D: 20 [Dead]
A: 20 19/49
T: 14 35/35
W: 14 [5 rounds]
C: 10 [severely wounded]
J: 5 37/42
J: 4 31/31 [cat's grace 38 rounds]
P: 2 3/55

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, C: Screaming Heads, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, P: Perriwimple, T: Tessa, W: Spiritual Weapon.
Conditions: Moving through dense rubble (rocky-looking squares) cost 2 movement.

[Round 6 Actions]


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James Heard

Janis claps the wrists of her snow-white gloves together and the air grows suddenly electric, as she unleashes the full fury of her lightning gauntlets against the creature. They glow white and she pulls the storms out in a wide arc that lashes the beast.

OOC: Lightning Gauntlets for 3 charges, 4d6 electricity damage, DC14 Reflex save for half.


First Post
Ashlyn follows the creature and attacks.

[Move; Attack +9, Damage 1d8+3]
[If she can't move and attack, then she will do a full lay on hands on Perriwimple]


First Post
Most of Tessa's attention remained focused on directing the attacks of the flying blade, but she could not hope that that would be enough. She began to make her way forward, to support those still fighting.

OOC: Direct attack for Spiritual Weapon, then move forward to reinforce the melee group
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Ecaterine Husk: Round 6 (Partial)

Ashlyn pushes through the rubble, though she knows its will leave her open. With preternatural speed, a pillar of deadened voices shudder through her once again. [AoO touch attack hits; 7hp] Even with her strength flagging, she valiantly slides through the column of madness, causing it to howl! [AC 26 hits, no incorporeal miss, 6hp]

Seeing her spell still in action, Tessa moves cautiously forward. The dark dagger plunges forward, but the deadened mist parts and flows around it, negating the blow. [AC 11 misses]

Maddened from wounds, the chaotic morass sinks into the ground. Only Jarrith is able to plunge into it as it vanishes, doing minor damage. [Janis unarmed, Perriwimple and Ashlyn miss due to incorporealness, Jarrith his AC 20, 3hp] It coalesces behind the group, and once again bolts of pure force volley from its mouths, passing eerily through Tessa and Janis to slam into the paladin and the dumb brute. Ashlyn feels her ribs crushes once again, and spits up blood while Perriwimple's knees buckle as he falls senseless. [Force attack, 5hp, Perriwimple dying]

[Janis and Jarrith's actions need restating]

The Ecaterine Husk: Round 6 (Partial)

D: 20 [Dead]
A: 20 7/49
T: 14 35/35
W: 14 [4 rounds]
C: 10 [severely wounded]
J: 5 37/42
J: 4 31/31 [cat's grace 38 rounds]
P: 2 -2/55 [dying]

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, C: Screaming Heads, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, P: Perriwimple, T: Tessa, W: Spiritual Weapon.
Conditions: Dark Red Border: Dying. Moving through dense rubble (rocky-looking squares) cost 2 movement.


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