stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


Jarrith ignores everything going on around him as he uses all of his concetration to keep the nausea and panic from rising up again. He moves to the creature while drawing both his rapiers, and then begins to attack. (Move action to get to creature, Standard action to attack)

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First Post
Her face grim and set, Tessa continued to slog forward through the rubble-filled space.

OOC: Continue to cover ground- should be able to get to about where Perriwmple is by next round.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Ecaterine Husk: Round 3

Daellin continues to lie curled up where he collapsed.

Gritting her teeth, Ashlyn moves up to the horrific mass, bringing her sword down. She slices through the tortured face of an old woman, causing it to dissipate into the night. [AC 21 hit, no incorporeal miss, 5hp]

Tessa slogs through the rubble toward the unnatural creature.

What happens next sends trickles of fear even in the paladin's warded heart. Ignoring Ashlyn, the mass twists and surges toward the fallen Daellin. All the party can do is watch as it engulfs the fallen elf, and, with a wrench, something vital is ripped from the ranger. His back arches, then falls, still. As the faces reform, Ashlyn finds herself confronted by the horrified face of Daellin, not part of the mists. [Special ability; Daellin perishes][/slategray]

Though horrified, Ashlyn attempts to use the creature's distraction against it. Her blade flashes again, but catches only mists. [AoO misses due to incorporeal miss chance]

The Lady of Storms walks into the runic circle, and immediately feels---something---that she can only identify has warding. Her heightened senses detect no trace of the scent of madness that is the creature. As best she can tell, it seems to have come from under the rock of the ruins. [Janis has a +2 AC when in the circle]

Dancing lithely around the snapping faces, the Stalker closes with the churning madness. His jab, however, catches only air. [AC 15 misses]

Moving around the others, Perriwimple is caught exposed as the faces reach out for him. The young man bellow in pain it is reaches into his head! [AoO Critical hit! 15hp] The big man's jabs fail to damage anything. [Incorporeal auto-miss]

The Ecaterine Husk: Round 4

D: 20 [Dead]
A: 20 43/49
T: 14 35/35
C: 10 [lightly wounded]
J: 5 42/42
J: 4 31/31
P: 2 35/55

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, C: Screaming Heads, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, P: Perriwimple, T: Tessa.
Conditions: Moving through dense rubble (rocky-looking squares) cost 2 movement.

[Round 4 Actions]


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James Heard

Janis mentally dismisses her most powerful magics for the ever-present words of the Tester's Prayer she memorized so long ago, attempting to seek out and subvert the subtle magics she detected before in the ruined circle to aid her, and calling for nature itself to come an allow itself an opinion of the abomination.

OOC: Ditching her final Call Lightning spell in exchange for Summon Nature's Ally III, calling a Celestial Dire Badger to appear as close as Janis can see to the creature (I admit, I don't really get what all the stairs and stuff mean on this map :) )


First Post
"By the Host!" Tessa rasped, stunned by the fate that had befallen their comrade. Even as the initial shock faded, she had a flash of inspiration. Dropping her morningstar once more, she began to rummage through her Haversack, searching for one of the scrolls she had received as they prepared for this expedition.

OOC: Using the scroll with Spiritual Weapon at CL 6, from the party spoils stack of gear divided up a while back. She needs to make a DC 7 caster level check to use it, but if it works it should give her 6 rounds of 1d8+2 force effect, with an attack bonus of +6 (3 base +3 WIS), and a range of160 feet.


This is not good... not good at all...

Jarrith thinks to himself, his face frozen in a steely grimmace. As weapons continue to pass ineffectually through the incorporeal form of the creature, he decides that he needs to hit it with a solid attack that he knows will do damage. He takes a step back then casts Deific Vengeance, sending a wave of the Silver Flame's divine power into it. (Move action step back 5' / Cast Deific Vengeance: 4d6 damage vs. undead, Will save for half)


First Post
As she sees Daellin's end, Ashlyn's face goes gray and an expression akin to pain crosses her face. Once more she draws on upon the strength of her faith, this time in an attempt to turn the foul creature before them.

[Turn undead (Effective level 3, turn +6, damage 2d6+7)]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Ecaterine Husk: Round 4

Crying out to the Sovereign's, Lady Ashlyn channels her faith to dispel the evil in front of her. A vicious wave of vertigo strikes her as she tries, almost driving her back, as the full strength of its evil slams down upon her. She knows it is too strong for her limited arts. [Turn check cannot succeed]

Tessa cries out victoriously as she finds the scroll in her pack, and with a strident plea, calls forth a weapon of spirit. Surprisingly, it takes on the form of a blood-red dagger, until Tessa remembers the source of the scroll---the Vol Cultist Selase, felled by the zombie plague.

The dagger shines the night, but the twisting creature writhes away. [AC 11 misses]

A churning mass of protean madness, the caller's faces scream in all directions. The haunting visage of Daellin floats in front of the lady paladin, and with a wordless moan, slashes at her mind! However, it leaves itself open enough for the brute Perriwimple to sock in one of its many faces! The brief image in Ashlyn's mind causes her to shiver, but the fades with the attack! [All AoO's other than Perriwimple's miss; Perriwimple hits AC 20 for 7hp] The ghostly form vanishes through the ruined structured to appear in the rubble on the other side.

Stormhand begins to call another minion to fight for her.

A look of determination on his face, Jarrith calls forth the power of the flame to punish the creature. But its insubstantiality proves the spells undoing. [Incorporeal miss]

Stepping ahead, though the creature tears at him again, Perriwimple swings at the chaos, only to pass through it. [Reach attack hits; 7hp; Attack misses due to incorporeal miss change]

The Ecaterine Husk: Round 5

D: 20 [Dead]
A: 20 43/49
T: 14 35/35
W: 14 [6 rounds]
C: 10 [lightly wounded]
J: 5 42/42
J: 4 31/31
P: 2 28/55

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, C: Screaming Heads, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, P: Perriwimple, T: Tessa, W: Spiritual Weapon.
Conditions: Moving through dense rubble (rocky-looking squares) cost 2 movement.

[Round 5 Actions]


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