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stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge

Ireena withers underneath Marot's gaze, and slumps wearily into a chair. "I-I have told you all I know. The dream was followed by the mark I bear. Regardless of you witch's thoughts, I have done no more than share meaningful words with Lord ir'Zarovich, nor have I seen any malice from him. What more will you have of me, or am I to just suffer your scorn some more?"

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James Heard

" Scorn? Scorn?" Janis says, incredulous.

" Girl, we seek to see you live to the morrow. If you feel we test you much, then perhaps you should consider that your aid in our cause concerns you not enough."

" It is clear you have been affected by one the more despicable of undead, and mostly likely the same creature with which you converse and which slew your father. In this realm of walking nightmares, you have never heard of such? What meaningful words have you spoken of with "ir'Zarovich," and what assurances do you have beyond his words that he is who he claims?"
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stonegod said:

Ireena withers underneath Marot's gaze, and slumps wearily into a chair. "I-I have told you all I know. The dream was followed by the mark I bear. Regardless of you witch's thoughts, I have done no more than share meaningful words with Lord ir'Zarovich, nor have I seen any malice from him. What more will you have of me, or am I to just suffer your scorn some more?"

"Forgive me, milady - I lost my temper for a moment there -- I do not wish to inflict scorn upon you."
OOC: Diplomacy +12 to improve attitude

"We wish only to help you and yours, and have been only met with death and dead ends since we entered your lands. We seek answers, and also seek to protect innocent lives from an unnaturally premature end. Answers.....they have been few and far between in this.... Barovia...."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ireena's eyes narrow at Janis' probing. "We have of course heard of such creatures, and as I said, I have taken additional precautions. Mirrors, garlic, such things are anathema to them as the stories go. I also sleep very little now, at least in the night. I am not completely helpless or uneducated, as you 'civilized' folks must think. The bite has occurred but once, and no more."

At Marot's words, Ireena places a hand on her head wearily, her fiery spats draining her. "The words we had... pleasantries. Stores of the land outside... of the wonders that I have heard only the Vistanti speak, and all know they cannot be trusted. A world not cursed as we are." She pauses a moment in thought, then shakes it clear. "Pleasant things. As for his proof, Father himself was skeptical, but Lord ir'Zarovich produced a writ from the nation of the Conquerer, with a sign of blue and gold that almost shone with its own glow. And in any case, who would claim such a thing if were not true?"

"A madman, a fool, the devil or all three," Sir Urik rejoinders. "None in this valley would claim such, and any outsider who would do so would surely draw the ire of the taint of the land."

[The description of the 'writ' does suggest a Sivis mark upon it. Such would be difficult to forge, though not impossible.]


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Ashlyn has been quiet, withholding comment, as Ireena and the others spoke. It almost seems as if Ireena's words have laid a physical burden upon her shoulders. She clears her throat to get everyone's attention and then gestures for Ireena to take a seat at the table. Although her shoulders seem as if she is carrying a burden, Ashlyn's eyes seem to burn with a cold, controlled, anger that literally radiates from her.
Her voice is soft and almost monotonic, almost emotionless, as she speaks, "The only creatures of which I am aware of that might leave such a mark are undead, and ghouls and other lesser undead are not noted for their restraint or their ability to cloud ones memories of the event. Vampires too might leave such a mark and might be able to employ such mental domination to cloud ones memory, but a vampire should have been repelled by any symbols of faith. Additionally a vampire would have to have been invited inside. Tell me Ireena, have you invited any stranger save us and Lord ir'Zarovich into your home of late?"

[Ashlyn is attempting to be gentle and diplomatic with Ireena, although her zealour against the undead should be readily apparent, perhaps even overwhelming]
[Diplomacy: 1d20+10]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Stormwind said:
"Tell me Ireena, have you invited any stranger save us and Lord ir'Zarovich into your home of late?"
[Diplomacy + Sense Motives]

While Ireena seems willing to answer questions, you doubt she is going to be very appreciative of the way she was treated and will probably have issue with Janis and Marot for a while. You just can't make someone forget an intimidation.]

Ireena shakes her head. "None. We know the villagers for the most part, and none have visited the manor that we have not known. The only other strangers were the dwarf more than two month's hence, and those unseemly gentlemen nearly a year ago. Father had words with them all, and I have not seen any of them since."

James Heard

Janis does little except listen to her companions interact with Ireena, and stay very close to the door to prevent anyone further from entering or leaving.


Jarrith had been listening with only half an ear... not expecting anything of substance to be said by the girl. Marot's passionate questioning surprised him a little, but the Stalker realizes that the warlock probably feels the need to make up for the incident that occur before.

When the talking wraps up, he raises a question to everyone in the room. "So if she's so connected with our Lord ir'Zarovich... how 'bout she come with us and we just go up to the castle for a little tete a tete with His Lordship right now? Maybe we can pick up that thing we need to grab while he and she talk sweet nothings into each other's ears, huh?"


First Post
Ashlyn simply looks hard at Jarrith for a long moment, "I do not think that would be prudent."

She turns back towards Ireena, "I may be being overly cynical, but given the circumstances I would recomend that you avoid contact with ir'Zarovich for the next few days, perhaps stay in the village if you are able. It would also give you the opportunity to spend more time with the villagers which is no bad thing if you are to become the next Burgomaster. I must visit the castle myself soon enough, and I would be willing to endeavour to speak with Lord ir'Zarovich so that we may eliminate him as a suspect in this matter."

[Ashlyn keeps up the Diplomacy]

James Heard

"Avoid contact? How would she do that, if "his lordship" is a creature of Mabar? Furthermore, if he is, how exactly would we plot a conversation as such without finding ourselves enlisted in his cause ourselves in a most intimate way? And, if he's not the beast, that still insists that there is such a thing out there...and where there is one there may be many. I repeat, we must see to the Burgomaster, to see that he has not risen himself."

" I'd be most happy if Ireena stayed with a family with in town with guards from the caravan until we've burnt the nest away. However it happened, it's clear that her home is not a refuge," Janis looks at the girl directly. " I understand you think me shrew and sharp, girl. Consider this though: However course my tongue, tis not my teeth which have sank themselves in you. I succor you not with kindness, for kindness is no remedy. Thunder and steel, these are the pills you must swallow. It may be bitter, but it is better than being bitten."

Voidrunner's Codex

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