stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Forest Trials

Some of their hearts heavy, the group pushed on without Jarrith. They had a job to do. Some sought Light, other sought to end the dark. But all had to venture into the heart of the tainted forest.

Retracing their steps, the group soon gets a better view of the rock outcrop. From where they are, a dark opening can be seen in the side of the rock.


[Please let me know what preparations the group is making (spells chosen and cast, if stealth is being used, the direction of approach [choose squares near the border for your characters]. I'll then update you on what you see.]


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Khensu said:
"I have failed him, Brother."
Jarrith steps forward slowly and gently... trying his best to not distract or shock any of the exhausted people who kneel in pain. He walks over to his Brother and puts his hand on the shifter's shoulder, and replies in a cracked voice "We have all been failing. My Flame is almost out."

He drops to his knees next to his Lumin Brother, then glances down at the litter to see who it was that Khensu was referring to.


First Post
As the group approach the rocky outcropping, Ashlyn dismounts and steps around to the head of her mount. The two of them seem to be communicating something for a moment, and then the sable stallion inclines his head slightly for Ashlyn to stroke his nose.

Ashlyn then looks across at Ladreth, gestures for him to join her, and quietly heads forward towards the rocky outcropping, trusting that the rest of the group will follow.


First Post
Ladreth nods his head toward the warrior woman, following her with a hand on the hilt of his new sword. As he passes the rest of the group, he stands tall and steals a glance to each in turn, some show sorrow while others indifference. He unsheathes his large sword and holds it in one hand, not trusting this dark forest.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
A Lost Flame

DEFCON 1 said:
He drops to his knees next to his Lumin Brother, then glances down at the litter to see who it was that Khensu was referring to.
Hearing his wounds, the other person turns to Jarrith. He is surprised to find it is Ireena, girded in an old breastplate and with fresh wounds apparent. She nods solemnly, but it quiet as the he looks over the litter.

It was Sir Urik, almost as still as death, Hurrn perched protectively on the old man's chest.

From the strained Khensu and tired Ireena, Jarrith puts together the story. The wolves came night from the forest, surrounding the town. Those with lights on were targeted first, but anyone fleeing was cut down. Almost no resistance was put up except at the town square where Ireena and some of the remaining Denieth mercenaries fought. Somewhere in the earlier part of the fight, Urik had arrived, bringing some frightened townfolk into the center of the village.

Then Lord ir'Zarovich appeared.

Khensu had seen the Lord's carriage, a thing of velvet darkness led by horses faster than even the magebred. The paladin had heard the howls of the wolves, but stood at his post until the carriage blew past him. That was when Khensu had to act. Mounting Luminous, he followed faster than was safe. The paladin's instincts told him something was wrong.

Both Ireena and Khensu describe the scene, though differently. Ireena's views of the man are colored by her obvious feelings, and she could not identify the strange metal and wood creations that fought at the Lord's side. Khensu could, however. Warforged, with silver tracings no less. The perfect weapon against a lycanthrope horde. Of the Lord himself, Khensu can only describe him as stately but a fury on the field, fighting with blade and magic.

But that is when things went wrong.

One of the great beasts, having discarded their wolf forms and now walking upon two legs of death, had bitten the paladin. All looked to him, and suddenly a savage fury awakened. "I could not control it. The Beast within only wanted one thing---to kill." Khensu's voice is pained, and he cannot continue. Ireena must finish the tale. Her voice is cold. Steely.

"Your friend became a savage, echoing the beasts around us. His axe cut all around him---wolf, villager, it did not matter. At least one of your guardsmen feel by that blade, his head severed in a single cut." She looks down at Urik. "It was the foolish Knight that stopped him. He possessed a stele, where he found it I do not know, and he strode heedlessly toward the raver, chanting the words of the spell. But you friend, as the last of the chant was intoned, brought his axe down cruelly, nearly cutting Urik in twain." Her look at the Knight softens, a mixture of sadness, curiosity, and perhaps respect. "He is mad, but perhaps you have to be mad to fight here." She looks up at Jarrith again. "But even cut down, Urik held the last of his strength to finish the prayer, and in a flash of light, your friend's madness was lifted." She bows her head again.

Khensu looked at Jarrith, tears flowing freely down his animal-touched face. "I have sinned, Jarrith. The Flame is gone. I cannot hear it."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Forest Trials

The group presses forward towards the outcrop. As they enter the clearing, they see three more of the beastly wereshifters, two patrolling while another hangs back near a cave entrance into the rock. It stands near a sickly green pillar of stone. The shifters turn to the sounds of the lumbering party, menace on their minds.

Forest Trials: Round 1


M: 22
L: 13
T: 11
J: 9
H: 7
A: 5
b: 3

Map Key: A: Ashlyn, b: The Bear, J: Janis, L: Ladreth, M: Marot, H: Shifter Werewolf, T: Tessa.
Conditions: Pink Border: Prone


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First Post
Ashlyn nods her thanks to Tessa as she takes the offered weapon, "Thank you"

Ashlyn then looks at Ladreth and indicates the werewolf to the south. Then without hesitation, she takes two steps forward and waits between the trees for the werewolf to come to her.

[move to F4 (move action; tree provides +2AC, +1 ref)]
[Ready action to smite Werewolf when it comes in range: Smite attack +13, damage 1d8+1d6+10 (standard action)]
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First Post
OOC: Should have posted earlier, but I just got in from a particularly arduous day of work- since Tessa acts before Ashlyn, this ought to work... FWIW, I had been thinking about this for a while- I just kept forgetting to actually do anything about it...

IC: Once they saw what faced them, Tessa hesitated for a moment, steadying herself- and in that moment she had a flash of insight. Ashlyn and Ladreth were their front-line fighters- they ought to have the best weaponry for the task... "Here, Lady Ashlyn," she whispered, holding out the heavy silvered morningstar that she had been wielding with such a spectacular lack of success. "This ought to serve better than a simple dagger..."

OOC2: trying to hand off the +1 silver morningstar to Ashlyn. Tessa will switch to her crossbow, loaded with silver bolts. Action-wise, that is (I guess) amove to hand off the morningstar, and a move or standard to ready the x-bow.

James Heard

Janis shouts, "Green Lady! Come parlay, before your moon children wet the wood again with their blood!"

What would Mother say if she could see me now? Parlaying with witches 'fore the werewolves in the woods?

Janis snorts in amusement to some unsaid comedy.


Khensu said:
"I have sinned, Jarrith. The Flame is gone. I cannot hear it."
Jarrith's tears fell from his eyes as well as he listened to his Brother's story. When the shifter Inquistor had finished, the Stalker puts both his hands upon his brother's broad shoulders.

"You are not alone in this, Brother. In fact is seems as though that even when seperated, we are together. For last night the same action befell me. The others and I were in the forest looking for the sunsword... when we also were attacked by these transformative creatures. I too was bitten. And last night as I slept I apparently turned bestial as well, and caused much suffering to Lady Ashlyn and the others. But all I remember from that experience was a nightmare."

He looks downward and sighs. "I felt unclean... still feel unclean... and I abandoned them... shamefully... to come and find you. And it appears as though we now both have much to atone for."

He looks at the young woman briefly, then motions with his head to the litter. "Is Sir Urik gone? Or does a small spark of life still cling to him? For I have further curative magics as needed."

Jarrith stands up and looks back out the window to the outside... to the morning of despair that covers the village. "Brother... I know not what our group might be coming upon out there in the woods... nor whether we'd be able to catch up to them. But as long as my Flame has the barest of embers, I will relight yours. And perhaps combined we will succeed in fanning the Flames to their former strengths. Will you join me? I think we have much we need to do."

Voidrunner's Codex

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