stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The archivist takes the journal, absently flipping through a few pages in one hand while quickly scratching something with the other. Daellin's sharp eyes pick up the writing, but its appears to be some sort of combination of hashes and such, not a normal language.

"Hmm. Necromantic research. But this is not from the Tome, you say? Hmm. What next."
He pushes the journal aside carefully with his stylus without touching it, to examine in more detail later. If he is worried about any depravity, he does not show it.
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First Post
stonegod said:
Marot follows Jarrith into the Tavern; Sir Khensu, never the talkative type, declines and stays with the rapidly redundant barricades. Following behind are Janis, Daellin, and Perriwimple. Tessa and Ashlyn remain outside to assist the now in-place Jorasco healers with tending the town and caravan wounded.

With one final lingering glance at the group headed into the tavern, Tessa took a single deep breath (or perhaps a sigh) and turned away to see what she could do to help. Now that they were safely inside the barricades, she tucked away her crossbow and rolled and stowed her heavy cloak. Even as she headed over to where the healers were setting up, she rolled up her sleeves, ready to get to work.

Now that the undead incursion seemed to have been dealt with, the aftermath was little different from many war scenes she had encountered before. The same scared children, the same terrible wounds, the same tormented faces- Tessa had seen such things many times before. She kept her same calm and reassuring smile, and her touch was steady and sure.

OOC: [sblock]Tessa will set to work assisting the healers- she will pay particular attention to any who seem to have been actually physically injured, especially those who were wounded by teeth, claws, and similar causes. In addition to actual injury, she is looking for any sign of more lingering trouble (infection or worse). Heal check +11[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ashlyn and Tessa spend some time with the wounded. Many had already been dealt with---either by Ashlyn and Janis before or by the Jorasco staff while the rest were out. Most of wounds are scrapes and bruises and damage from falls or hunger. Any seriously injured by the zombies tended to fall prey to them quickly---and return as the same.


stonegod said:
"Hmm. Necromantic research. But this is not from the Tome, you say? Hmm. What next."
Jarrith now pulls out his notebook upon which he wrote down all the information the group acquired at Madam Eva's. He makes no mention of the gypsy woman and of the information she gave as being from a 'reading'... as the Stalker expects Ochem would disregard the information completely. Instead Jarrith emphasizes that the info he's giving comes from research and 'credible sources'... and prays that the companions don't open their mouths to give more "specifics". Because arguing with the archivist over the credibility of the information is not something he really wants to get into right now.

"Well, based on information we've already acquired from speaking to many members of the community here... the Burgomaster's children, a knight from the area named Sir Urik, Lady Ashlyn and her group The Lightbringers, several other townsfolk... plus papers and journals we've come across and looked through... we've got many good leads."

He begins reading bits and pieces of his notes, wording them in such a way as to be honest about locations, but allowing them to scout out and find the other bits of the mystery along the way, rather than just rush in, grab the tome, then rush out.

"The castle up in the mountain seems to be the nexus of all the problems here, the curses and such. While we suspect the tome in is it... the library we believe... word has it that just walking in is not necessarily possible, nor the safest or most prudent of actions..." an embelishment Jarrith adds for effect. "However there are a pair of relics that are held and hidden in the area here that our two knights... Sir Urik, and Lady Ashlyn... have been looking for and they say are strong in combating the taint that hangs over this land. A sunsword, and a holy symbol of the raven. It's my belief... and I think the others would back me up on this... that if we can reacquire these two holy items first, we would be at a much better position when we then advance on the castle to acquiring the tome."

Jarrith puts away his notebook before Ochem can ask to look through it, and instead then pulls out the two maps he has of Barovia (Ashlyn's and the Burgomaster's). He unfolds them both on the table so Ochem can see them. "The raven's holy symbol is held by the witches on the hill here..." he points to it's location. "And the sunsword is in one of the forests here, guarded by some fey creatures." He motions around some of the surrounding forest area, since they have not yet been able to determine exactly which forested section these fey creatures might be found in.

"So our plan of action is some time tomorrow head out to these two locations and try and reacquire these two relics. Once we have them in hand, we will then journey up into the mountains to the castle and see if the tome is indeed in the library like we suspect."
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The archivist continues his scribbling, though he is obviously listening. As Jarrith talks, another scribe comes over and takes Danovich's journal. Daellin note the scribe take it to another table with another journal. The scribe makes a quick intonation and touches the two journals. There is a brief, low hum. The scribe then begins flipping through pages of both books, and briefly examines the more disquieting flesh parchment, before returning the original journal (sans the fleshy bits---the scribe keeps that) to the table.

Mateusz mutters to himself as he listens to Jarrith and takes notes. He underlines a few of his scratchings when Jarrith mentions the Tome, this sword, the holy symbol. When Jarrith finishes, the man frowns. "You sure? It seems a bit of work just to avoid the local night terror, if your sources are to be trusted. Let us just hope those Claw agents are as indirect in their hunting as you are." He looks to the others, seeing if they have anything else to add.


stonegod said:
"You sure? It seems a bit of work just to avoid the local night terror, if your sources are to be trusted. Let us just hope those Claw agents are as indirect in their hunting as you are."
Jarrith nods once... acknowledging Ochem's concerns. "Well if that is a concern... we could always split up. A few of us could head up the mountain and stand watch over the entrance of the castle... see if Claw agents arrive and/or try to sneak in... and then they can either follow or ambush the agents once they leave with the tome. The others of us could go on the hunt for these two objects and when we acquire them, join up with the others mountainside and then make our own foray into the castle if the Claws haven't yet."

He glances at Janis, Daellin and Perriwimple for their reactions. "I know my Lumin Brother Sir Khensu would probably be willing to lead a guard contingent up the mountain. Marot could go too, maybe with Ladreth, and one or two of the caravan's guards. Janis, Daellin, Lady Ashlyn, and myself..." he sees Perriwimple's eyes widen at the prospect of adventuring and Jarrith gives the barest hint of a smile, "maybe even the big guy here, and Miss Tessa... could go on the hunt for the relics."
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Janis notes with satisfaction the kids take a the offered snacks and munch on them animatedly. They soon loose interest in the adult conversation, however, and continue to follow the continued set-up of the expedition.

Marot nods at Jarrith's suggestion, and uncharacteristic smile on his face. "Yes. Yes, that will work excellently."

The archivist shrugs nocomittally, and pushes Danovich's journal back over the Jarrith with his stylus. The man fixates on Perriwimple a moment, and then absently asks, "And you, large one. I assume you grew up here. What of this castle or these witches or these fey whispers. Any cogent stories to tell?"


For some reason, Marot's attitude and sudden enthusiasm strikes the Stalker oddly. He's known the warlock for quite long time, but something just isn't sitting right. He tries to deduce what it might be. (Sense Motive +11)

As Master Ochem (with Marot looking on) engages Janis and Perriwimple in conversation... Jarrith stands up from the table, walks away towards the tavern bar and makes like he's yawning and stretching. As he stands by the bar facing towards the back wall, he speaks quietly and casts a quick prayer to Detect Evil. He then turns back and scans the room... particularly over Marot. If there's one thing Shadowbane Stalkers are good at, it's knowing when they are being played... and discovering the subterfuge.

James Heard

"With all due respect, splitting up is not an acceptable course of action. We've already had multiple fatalities. These people's 'night terrors' are not to be taken lightly. If Claw agents precede us then they'll either have the strength to deal with these sorts of things handily, in which case we are over-matched, or else they'll have similar difficulties as we or greater. In any case, our strength should be a great as possible to deal with either danger and still recover the items we set out for even if there are further casualties.

These things have been here unchallenged for quite some time and, while Claw agents stalking in the night are hard to identify, once the Emerald Claw acts it opens itself up to the same discernment as any thief or mugger.

Janis cocks her chin.

" If there's an agent ahead of us, we follow it from the point where it acts...and if we're ahead of it we wait for it to come to us. Spread out, we allow it to slice through the strands of our net and fall through. We act together, then we" Janis brings her fist down on the table with an enormous crack.

" Together we kill the Claw agents. We kill those who would deny us the artifacts. We slice the cancer from the Dragon and accomplish our mission."

Janis leans back in her chair, crossing her arms in front of her.

" There's nothing quite so simple as killing, because it's only through death one discovers the essential elements of life," Janis says, turning her head away. Selase...


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=Jarrith][Sense Motive]

Jarrith's instincts were rarely wrong, and right now they screamed at him... something was wrong with Marot. There were to many subtle signs, and his... eagerness... for the work was unlike him.

Toying with something on the bar, Jarrith passed his gaze over the gathered group. He knew he would have to focus---Ochem was a slimy one, and the Stalker was already aware of the taint upon him. So it came as no shock when he saw the oily tang of evil emanating from the group. But a few seconds later, as the auras solidified, his fears were confirmed.

Marot was tainted.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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