Surprise in the Blood: Round 1
Picking up the staff Daellin uses far more often as a walking staff than a weapon, the elf moves up to help Jarrith. As he does so, Daellin lunges for Marot, exclaiming,
"I don't know what's happened to you, Marot... or if you're even him... but this ends here!" The off-guard Marot is easily grabbed.
[AC 17 melee touch to initiate grapple hits; 24 grapple checks beats Marot's; combatants grappled (not pinned---need another action)]
Sir Khensu pushes his way through a scribe, prepared to assist in Lumin Brother in need.
Nodding perfunctorily at the expedition leader, Janis issues a curt
"Excuse me," and dives out of her chair trying to put a body between...anything and the children. They children immediately duck behind her, fear on their faces, as Perriwimple looks on dumbfounded and the scribes scatter back in surprise. Arik, the innkeeper, ducks under the bar, not trusting everything to be under control.
And he was right.
'Marot' snarls, and in that instant, a wave of unnatural panic emanates from him. Even with the stalwart paladin's strength nearby, the palatable strength of it unmans Daellin and Jarrith. Marrot then hisses,
"Get the book!" to no one in particular. He then stops struggling a moment---and suddenly a wave of blackness erupts from the warlock, engulfing Jarrith, Daellin, and Khensu! Jarrith grits his teeth and mentally fights off the painful save, but Daellin reels, staggered by the pain while the shifter pales noticeably!
[Will saves 19, 13 fail vs. fear; Jarrith and Daellin shaken. Will saves 12, 14 fail for Daellin and Khensu vs. necromantic effect, 21 succeeds for Jarrith; Daellin and Khensu take 31 hp of damage; Jarrith takes 15; Daellin staggered.]
Mateusz, seeing the necromantic power, calls out,
"Its the Emerald Claw agent! Kill them!" He then begins casting a prolonged spell...
Surprise in the Blood: Round 2
D: 23 (0/31 hp; shaken; staggered)
J: 22 (16/31 hp; shaken)
K: 22 (24/51 hp)
J: 20
S: 16
P: 14
k: 14
I: 11
M: 9
M: 8
A: 5 (arrives round 2)
Map Key:
A: Ashlyn,
D: Daellin,
J: Jarrith,
J: Janis,
I: Inn-keeper,
K: Khensu, k: Kid,
M: Marot,
M: Mateusz,
P: Perriwimple, S: Scribe
Conditions: Moving through chairs cost 2 movement. White border: shaken.
'Marot' and Jarrith share the same square.
[Round 2 actions? Ashlyn will have 1 partial action in round 2.]