stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. I [IC]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Street Ambush: Round 1
As the zombies inexorably plod towards the party, the hereto silent Marot makes sharp gestures and strikes an arm out at the bloated front zombie. A silvery-white crackle of power shoots from his hands, but goes wide, harmlessly dissipating in the mist. [spirit blast, AC 12 misses]

"Form up! Don't let them get between us!" Khensu cried. "Jarrith - can you banish them?"

Jarrith hears his Lumin Brother's request, and even before the large shifter can get down from his horse, the stalker is already springing into action. He moves a few steps to sneak into the alleyway while drawing his two silver rapiers. He then raises them both up so that the holy symbol of the Silver Flame that is etched into both pommels shines outward, and he shouts to the undead creatures. "The Voice of the Flame compels you! Flee, foul denizens!"

A silvery-blue pulse emanates from the Stalker at his words, casting a bright glow over the scene. In the light, Jarrith notes that the child-like zombie halts in terror at the Flame's light, and a previously unseen fiend---a raggedly looking old man with desicated dead flesh and magical sparks darting between his hands---cowers behind him in the alleyway. The other undead, however, seem unaffected and press onward. [Turn Check 19, 11 Turn Damage]

Janis, singularly nonplussed-looking, frowns. Dismounting, she mumbles a bit, and with a twist of her fingers seems to shift and separate, to all appearances becoming several more of her, as her eyes flash cyan and a rain of sparks seems to fall from each of her. Her three duplicates form around her, hiding her true location. [mirror image, 3 images]

Daellin takes a quick 5-foot step to position himself for a better shot, then lets three arrows fly in quick succession, shooting the fat zombie, each hit a strike. The first two shots are almost ineffectual, being blunted by the dead flesh; the second tears a mighty gouge of flesh away, but the beast lumbers on. [AC 20, 22, and 16 hit zombie at J6; 8, 8, and 15 damage before DR]

At the same time, Daellin's mount smells the unnatural flesh coming toward it, whinnies in fear, and trots away. [Withdraws east]

Khensu tries to quickly dismount his steed but fails. He more slowly dismounts, drawing his large axe in the process. He holds position at the front of the line, preparing for what comes. [Cannot succeed on dismount check]

Selase, seeing the plodding zombies take severe punishment from Daellin and resist the powers of the Flame, cries out, "They are not normal shambling zombies! They are more powerful, somehow!" Grasping her medallion around her neck, she commands, "Stand down by the Power Within! Seek no more harm!" A blood-red flash, similar but darker than Jarrith's earlier power, fills the mist, forcing the fat zombie and another with a face torn by rot to cower in awe. [Turn Check 21, 15 Turn Damage]

The haunting child zombie, terrified by the power of the Flame, shambles away around the corner and disappears into the mists. The fat and the torn faced zombies remain still, fixed by Selase's words, while a blue dress wearing zombie with long, dark tresses, plods towards the holy warrior. A low moan escapes her lips as she tries to pummel the paladin to no effect.

In the fog behind them, everyone notices two more hungry dead---a formerly wizended old man and a corpulent crone---emerge from the mist.

With a disquieting yapping, the ravenous rat-dog beasts descend on Khensu. Their ferocity is not enough to bypass his defenses, however.

Street Ambush: Round 2

M: 19
J: 12
D: 12
J: 12 (mirror image, 60 rounds)
D: 9
K: 7
S: 7
Z: 3 (J6 -31 hp, rest -0hp)
C: 2

Map Key: C: Rabid rat-like creatures, D: Daellin, D: Magic-infused undead, d: Edi, h: Horse, h: Luminous, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, S: Selase, Z: Plodding zombies
Conditions: Mist grants concealment to creatures 30' away. Cyan Border: mirror image, Red Border: Rebuked (10 rounds). Yellow Border: Turned (10 rounds).

Please Indicate your actions for round 2.


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First Post
Hp: 47/47

Sir Khensu will grip his greataxe tightly in both hands and brings it down in a slashing arc towards the leftmost rat creature. He continues his assault on the creature until it falls, then turns his attention to the second one.

[sblock=OOC]I want to take out the left one first, then the second. If I get an additional attacks (from Cleave) then I'll take it on the middle zombie.[/sblock]
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HP 26/26 : AC 18 : Turn Undeads 4/5

Jarrith watches in satisfaction while the small child shuffles off around the corner, and is a bit surprised when he hears the moan of fear come from behind him in the alley. He didn't realize there was anyone behind him down there, and when he turns his head to look at it and sees the zombie's hands crackling with magical energy, he gives a small prayer of thanks to the Flame for protecting him. He steps out of the alley (5' step to K5) and shout "We've got an undead mage down there! Someone want to take it out before it's compulsion wears off?!?"

As he sees Sir Khensu starting to work on the rat on the left side, Jarrith figures to help his friend by taking out the rat on the right (coincidentally the one right in front of him now). His movements with the rapiers and quick and fluid, and he brings them both down towards the rat's thick flank. (Full attack: two rapiers +5/+5)
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First Post
hp 31/31

Daellin will continue methodically shooting arrows into the zombies (OOC: He knows they have DR/slashing, but if they've got the same DR as normal zombies, his favored enemy bonus, strength, point blank shot, and enchanted bow should be sufficient to overcome it.. He'll only shift his target to the rat-like creatures if he runs out of clear shots at zombies.

(continue using improved rapid-shot at point-blank range; +13/+13/+8 to hit; d8+7 to undead, d8+5 to humans, d8+3 to anything else)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Street Ambush: Round 2

Marot once again channels the power he has reclaimed for the Flame. Another silvery bolt flies over the rabid rat-dog, easily striking the awestruck zombie. Dead fat boils away from the wound, grievously harming it. [spirit blast, AC 26 hits, 14 damage]

Jarrith steps out of the alley away from the cowering, magic-infused zombie, and shouts, "We've got an undead mage down there! Someone want to take it out before it's compulsion wears off?!?"

As he sees Sir Khensu starting to work on the rat on the left side, Jarrith figures to help his friend by taking out the rat on the right. His movements with the rapiers and quick and fluid, and he brings them both down towards the rat's thick flank. They easily find their mark, severely wounding the beast. [AC 22 and 16 hit, 7 total damage]

Electricity crackling about her, the contingent of Janises step forward, and with a vigorous thrust, send a jolt through the gathered undead. The rat-dog attacking Jarrith falls dead at his feat, roasted by the blast. The fat zombie, already burnt by Marot's holy power, also collapses under the electrical onslaught. The zombie in the blue dress is also scorched, but does not drop. [storm bolt @ K7, 13 damage]

Daellin continues methodically shooting arrows into the zombies, targeting the one in light blue dress. The first two find their mark, causing more gore to stain the defiled and now burnt garments. [AC 30, 17 hit, 14 misses; 22 total damage before DR)]

Sir Khensu grips his greataxe tightly in both hands and brings it down in a slashing arc towards the leftmost rat creature. It shrieks at the glancing blow, but remains standing. [AC 19 hits, 6 hp]

Selase's mount, startled by the sudden displays of power about it, startles, and it is all she can do to control it.

Heedless of their wounds or the falling of their brethren, the zombies plod on. Both the crone and the wizened one rush the party, arms flailing hungrily. A blow from two of them strike the holy warriors, startling them both; the wounds immediately tingle, as if with gangrene. The feeling of rot rapidly causes Jarrith to retch, distracting him; something sour momentarily washes over Khensu before being banished as he feels the Flame protecting him. [Zombies move forward; all three attack. Jarrith hit for 9 hp, Khensu for 8 hp; Jarrith sickened.]

The remaining feral beast continues to strike at Khensu's heels, but cannot manage to penetrate his defenses.

Street Ambush: Round 3

M: 19
J: 12 (15/26 hp, sickened, 4 turns checks left)
D: 12 (turned)
J: 12 (mirror image, 59 rounds)
D: 9
K: 7 (39/47 hp, 4 rebukes left)
S: 7
Z: 3 (J6: -58 hp [dead], K7: -35 hp [severely wounded], rest -0)
C: 2 (K6: -20 hp [dead], K8: -6 hp [severely wounded])

Map Key: C: Rabid rat-like creatures, D: Daellin, D: Magic-infused undead, d: Edi, h: Horse, h: Luminous, J: Jarrith, J: Janis, K: Khensu, M: Marot, S: Selase, Z: Plodding zombies
Conditions: Mist grants concealment to creatures 30' away. Cyan Border: mirror image, Green Border: sickened, Red Border: Rebuked (9 rounds), Transparent: Dead, Yellow Border: Turned (9 rounds).

Please indicate your actions for round 3.


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First Post
HP 36/36, AC 18, 4/5 Rebukes

Selase awkwardly slides from the back of her frightened Nali, stepping a few feet away and toward Daellin, in case the horse completely panics. She pulls her dagger from its worked leather scabbard at her belt, and the ruby set into the pommel glimmers three times, almost like a pulse.


HP 15/26 : AC 18 : Turn Undead 4/5

"That's it! Die! C'mon you! Attack me! The Flame will... ARRRGGHHH!!! By the Devourer! Damned undead-- ugh... oww... that's... burns... ugh... arhhhhh-- MWOORRRGGGHHH--" *SPLASH*

The contents of Jarrith's stomach splash to the ground at his feet, as the burning from the new wound festers inside of him. Realizing he's in no condition to press the attack at the moment, he steps back into the alley (5' step to L4) to get out of harm's way, drops the rapier in his off-hand (Free Action), pulls out the wand of Cat's Grace that is strapped to the forearm of his main hand (Move Action), and calls out "Gracellus". The magic from within the wand engulfs him... and while it doesn't make him feel any better, he does regain a bit more speed and mobility. (Cast Cat's Grace: Standard Action)


With Cat's Grace & Sickened: AC 20, +7 or +5/+5 to hit, -2 to damage/fort&will saves/non-dex skills/non-dex ability checks

James Heard

hp 32,ac 13, init 12 (mirror image, 59 rounds)

Janis rolls her hands in a circular fashion before her chest, forming a whirling globe of acid which she quickly releases and watches as it speeds across the battlefield toward the remaining rat creature.

OOC: Acidic splatter, ranged (15') touch for 3d6 damage

Voidrunner's Codex

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