D&D 5E Storm King's Thunder

Fistan: Miros would stare at the winged cat for a moment before handing them back to you. " We can figure this out when the crisis has passed. No sense breaking up a good team now," he explains while petting the tressym.

Journey: The giant eagles would each screech before taking off. In no time at all the party is hundreds of feet in the air, the fields below growing smaller each moment. Above the clouds sit two different stone buildings connected by a narrow walk way. On the left is some sort of temple. On the right is a stone manor.

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Goldenfields/Northfurrow’s End Inn
Round 0

Dren squeezed his eyes closed and hung on tightly as they took off. He only opened them again -- and tried not to look down! -- when he felt the eagle circling. He glanced at the others, pointing toward the stone manor. If they wanted to talk to someone in charge, that would likely be the place.

Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:


AC: 16
HP: 34/41 HD: 5//5d8+2
Ki: 5/5/R
Darts 10
Arrows: 20

[sblock=Party Treasure]

Tranio - half-elf death cleric
Fistan - human wizard
Carolina - halfling rogue
Dren - dwarf monk
Bethany - human fighter
Aremus - half-elf paladin
Ordrar - dwarf eldritch knight


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"We're now like those guys on the vultures earlier. Let's not end like them too." shouts Ordrar as the group congregates toward the stone keep.


Fistan, Wizard 5

Fistan nods at Dren's suggestion, then realises it'll be hard to notice a nod while mounted so points to the manor as well.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]AC: 12 (15 with mage armour, 17/20 with shield)
Initiative: +2
HP: 30/30 (HD: 5/5d6)
Arcane Ward: 14/14 THP

Spell attack: +7 to hit Spell DC: 16
Quarterstaff: +2 1d6-1B

Luck: 3/3
Healing Potion

CANTRIPS (3): FireBolt, Light, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand
LEVEL 1: (4/4): *Mage Armour, *Shield, *Fog Cloud (C), *Thunderwave, Sleep, Unseen Servant (R), Alarm (R), Find Familiar (R), Comprehend Languages (R)
LEVEL 2: (3/3) Flaming Sphere (C), *Misty Step, *Levitate (C), *Web(C)
LEVEL 3: (2/2) *Counterspell, *Fireball[/SBLOCK]

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tranio enjoys the ride for the most part. He looks at the blackness of the eagle's eye, and the sharpness of its tons and beak. He then looks down, and contemplates the fall, without the assitance of the giant's spell.

His eagle shudders, but Train holds on, and soon alights by the stone manor.


Aremus takes an extra circle while the others land, looking to see if he can find sign of anyone coming to greet (or threaten) them.

[roll0] (For spotting) and [roll1] (to judge intent).

Aremus: You see no sign of a welcoming party, friendly or otherwise.

The Entrance: The path to the manor goes through an outdoor garden. Towering trees and dense foliage cover this huge landcape, which is cut through with trails and walking paths. Where the garden is open to the sky, broad landings jut out into empty air, set with huge ropes and cleats where airships visiting the cloud castle dock. A wall rises up from the other end of the garden, made of glass supported by thin cloudstuff columns. The center section is a gate, also composed of cloudstuff.


"Thank-you for taking us up safely." says Aremus to the giant flock, "Perhaps you would be so kind as to stick around while we go in and see what we can do here. If there's trouble for us, you could get us out in a hurry. However, if there's trouble for you while we're gone, feel free to leave us and fend for yourselves. We will figure something out."

He then turns to the group and says, "Shall we start with calling at the gate? Or should we risk offending our hosts and try a sneaky way in? I have to admit, I'm none too fond of them. They haven't exactly shown to be friendly, but so far they haven't shown to be hostile either."

OOC: Whatever we choose to do, I'd like to use my Inspiring Leader Feat for the first time and give everyone a little pep-talk along the lines of "we can DO this!" (It will grant 8 Temp HP to everyone (as long as there isn't more than six of us... I can't remember. If there's seven, I'll count myself out. Aremus is generous that way.) Aremus isn't the "leader" per se, but he's a friendly guy who honestly makes everyone feel good about themselves. Even the dwarves!
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Goldenfields/Northfurrow’s End Inn
Round 0

Dren was relieved to get his feet back on cloudstuff. It wasn’t like being on the ground, but at least it was something!

“Aye, le’s be ringin’ the bell an’ see wot these giants are up t’.”

Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:


AC: 16
HP: 34/4158 thp HD: 5//5d8+2
Ki: 5/5/R
Darts 10
Arrows: 20

[sblock=Party Treasure]

Tranio - half-elf death cleric
Fistan - human wizard
Carolina - halfling rogue
Dren - dwarf monk
Bethany - human fighter
Aremus - half-elf paladin
Ordrar - dwarf eldritch knight

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