Fistan, Wizard 5
"Are we still knocking?" asks Fistan
If we are Fistan will try using mage hand to knock with, if that won't work, he'll levitate someone strong enough up to the knocker
[SBLCOK=Mini Stats]
AC: 12 (15 with mage armour, 17/20 with shield)
Initiative: +2
HP: 30+7/30 (HD: 5/5d6)
Arcane Ward: 14/14 THP
Spell attack: +7 to hit Spell DC: 16
Quarterstaff: +2 1d6-1B
Luck: 3/3
Healing Potion
CANTRIPS (3): FireBolt, Light, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand
LEVEL 1: (3/4): *Mage Armour, *Shield, *Fog Cloud (C), *Thunderwave, Sleep, Unseen Servant (R), Alarm (R), Find Familiar (R), Comprehend Languages (R)
LEVEL 2: (3/3) Flaming Sphere (C), *Misty Step, *Levitate (C), *Web(C)
LEVEL 3: (2/2) *Counterspell, *Fireball[/SBLOCK]