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Storn's art for swipin'!


Getting back to work after Gencon has been slow going. I was very wiped out by the con. Thanks to all the folks who stopped by my booth and said hello. It was nice putting faces to some online handles!

I actually got these done before Gencon, but was too lazy to put them up. Here are a couple of characters from a B 50s horror type scenario... the Menace of the Manpillar!!!! (my title...<g>)

The Manpillar himself:


And the bird watching sherrif


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Folks, I've been gone a long time from posting. I came back from Gencon with a ton of publisher deadlines to hit... then I went straight into a bout with H1N1. The last two weeks have been spent taking care of my 2 cousins (who are teenagers) as my Aunt was in Germany/Italy for her job and the Franklin book fair.

If I owe you a commission, I'm sorry. I am working on the pile in my queue in bits and pieces as I do still have deadlines for publishers.

But!!!! I've got some done and here they are:

oddly, bunch a female in a row, plus a couple of sketches just for funsies....

Here is a 50s sci-fi/horror movie victim....


Another period piece, first time I've done bomber art...


And Death Tribble's evil cheerleader...


This one is a sketch from a RPGnet thread about pulpy sword and planet Mars world building.


and here is the thread that spawned the sketch

Cavaliers of Mars (I think I have my Thanksgiving game) - RPGnet Forums

And lastly, my PC from the Burning Wheel solo game I'm in with Judd/Paka


These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.


Glad you are back and drawing again. Thank goodness the H1N1 was not as bad as it could have been.

Looking forward to seeing more.


A couple more superhero commissions. Speedbump the "accidental speedster" is for Death Tribble and Bob G.

The other is Enermatrix... a power armor energy manipulator.

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Here are couple of color interior pics that I did for Hero 6th edition and now that it is out, I can share...

This first one was really Fred Hicks baby, he is the art director. He came up with the idea of a evil bard as the main antagonist for a intrepid band of adventurers. I really thought that was cool. I sorta went pied piper.


This one was the 2nd in a series about this heroic duo that I made up to represent the more sword and sorcery vibe that Hero 6th could do (as opposed to D&D vibe, the band of heroes thing). I knew Fred loved Apes and Gorillas...so I made one of the duo just that.


images are shown with permission by Hero Games


I thought I would share a couple of my favorite splash pages from Hero Games Book of the Machine



images are shown with permission by Hero Games


This is a character for Diaspora, a sci-fi game that is pretty solid in its science. My character is Anton Kilkenny and is basically Bret Maverick who is an ex-starship engineer.

The "VA" was my quickie logo for "Valiance Arms", a sorta proxy for the Dutch East Indian Company for this scifi world. We work for Valiance Arms as explorers, diplomats and traders in the game itself.

Next up is the spaceship, Libertine. Which is based on some concepts from Atomic Rocket. These ships are never atmospheric. It was my morning warm up sketch this morning.


Atomic Rocket: Atomic Rocket main page

Here is our actual play report and set-up:

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Once in awhile, I get the urge to show the steps I take in creating a painting. This is one of those times. Partly because I have a tough job ahead of me. This private commission came with sketches from the client. The one I worked from the most from is this:


Added to that was 3 staves and a rod... oh...yeah, that doodle of the rod of splendor was done by me at Gencon in front of the client while I was writing down notes from him.

But there is a real joy in working on the imaginations of others. It takes me out of my comfort zone. Like, wow, those are some seriously Georgia O'Keefe inspired staff heads! Not something I would do if left to my own devices. Nor do I tend to do sexy outfits all that often.

Here is my version in pencil sketch form. You might notice there isn't any of the wire/bead/thong holding up the halter and girdle. And the hair is just kinda blasted in there. That is because I find it is much easier to paint those details on top of the skin or cloth or the background than try to paint around those little, thin shapes.

note: I skipped the roman sandals bit. I just couldnt' get it to look right with those bends in the toes.

As soon as I get the underpainting done, I will put that up too.



Continuing on with the underpainting. Now, i am just getting values down, not so concern with chroma of the color or it's hue... like I know her skin tones are going to be cooler and darker, keeping with a drow skintone. Having a warm underpainting, I hope, will keep that cool skin tone believable, yet still read as alien and drow. A tough tightrope to walk.


And an extra. A very late commission for a Scion game (White Wolf) I believe and this is the daughter of Thor. I drew her for the patron one time before and this is her "more experienced"... and there hopefully will be a third. The patron was very specific about the "power pose" and provide reference for everything from the goat head, the motorcycle to what the t-shirt sez. I LOVE working with patrons like that, who do a lot of the reference grunt work for me!!!


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