Strange New Worlds season 2 - SPOILERS


The special opening credits for this musical episode and last week's animated episode were some of the best parts of both!!
And managing to enhance the credits is pretty special given that they're already awesome. Usually once I see a show's credits sequence a few times I'll hit the 'skip' button on subsequent episodes, but I've never even been tempted to do so for SNW.

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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Who was someone that Kirk didn't even know existed until he met him, and started wondering at his parentage.
Are you talking about David? Kirk knew about him, he had a conversation with Carol about how it was her choice to have him in her world, not his. They had been estranged for many years (mostly due to Kirk being Kirk), but he certainly knew he had a son.


Are you talking about David? Kirk knew about him, he had a conversation with Carol about how it was her choice to have him in her world, not his. They had been estranged for many years (mostly due to Kirk being Kirk), but he certainly knew he had a son.
I can't seem to find video of the first meeting, so I'll take your word that I'm mis-remembering the movie.

I love this show, but I felt like if you're going to have a musical episode where powerful feelings bubble over, there needed to be something a bit heftier. It was fine, but it didn't have, like, enough personal stakes to compare to the gold standard of Once More With Feeling.

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