D&D 5E Strixhaven Previews Start to Appear

It's that time in the D&D pre-release publicity phase where previews of the upcoming book start to appear across the web on various sites. It looks like each site is getting a different college to preview -- Screenrant has Prismari, and Polygon has Silverquill, for example. There are 5 colleges in total, so if the other three (Lorehold, Witherbloom, and Quandrix) show up I'll post here. Be...

It's that time in the D&D pre-release publicity phase where previews of the upcoming book start to appear across the web on various sites. It looks like each site is getting a different college to preview -- Screenrant has Prismari, and Polygon has Silverquill, for example. There are 5 colleges in total, so if the other three (Lorehold, Witherbloom, and Quandrix) show up I'll post here. Be sure to click through to each site to see the full articles and all the previews.

Strixhaven's release date was pushed back a month or so from November 16th, presumably due to the global production and shipping issues, and should begin showing up in mid-December.

Screenrant has a number of pieces, including a page describing the Prismari college faculty, the prismari student background, and art piece showing an NPC. In that article WotC's James Wyatt described how the "Relationship mechanics and the rules around Extracurricular activities and Jobs ensure that players keep their attention on how they’re relating to other students"; 18 NPCs form part of that Relationship system, and you are a friend or a rival of each: "For example, if you’re friends with Greta Gorunn, an affable, fun-loving, bodybuilding dwarf, members of the Iron-Lifters Society might show up to help you with any tough physical tasks you encounter. If you’ve annoyed her, one night when you return to your dorm you’re likely to find a bunch of heavy furniture blocking your way to your room."


Polygon gets the Silverquill college, again along with its related background and an NPC.


Amanda Hamon talked to Polygon and describes how the book is comprised of four 'arcs', one for each college year. She also talks about "gamifying romantic relationships with non-player characters, a system for taking exams, and a vaguely Quidditch-like ruleset for the popular intramural sport of Mage Tower."

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Gamifying Romantic relationships - I hope WotC does a good job with this. There are all sort of ways this can go cringe to downright scary/dangerous. But if done right - wow that would be such a great add to the game.
I can't imagine how gamifying is going to piss people off... I mean Mario can't get a kiss from his canonical girlfriend for saving her, because it makes woman a prize to be won... but sure lets see how you "Game up" relationships...

ugh I am really going to get together my whole 'charm' spells shouldn't exist in PHB post one of these days, but I think this will side trek me for a while...

(Warning: I am old, I laughed at "if there are any girls there I want to do them", I also have run family and blood line things through 3 1/2 editions... but it is entirely a 'know your players' thing and should NOT be touched by WotC)

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He / Him
I can't imagine how gamifying is going to piss people off... I mean Mario can't get a kiss from his canonical girlfriend for saving her, because it makes woman a prize to be won... but sure lets see how you "Game up" relationships...

ugh I am really going to get together my whole 'charm' spells shouldn't exist in PHB post one of these days, but I think this will side trek me for a while...

(Warning: I am old, I laughed at "if there are any girls there I want to do them", I also have run family and blood line things through 3 1/2 editions... but it is entirely a 'know your players' thing and should NOT be touched by WotC)
You are acting as if you have seen and judged these rules already.


You are acting as if you have seen and judged these rules already.
my written etiquette isn't always the best but what part of discussion of worry makes you think someone is claiming evidence not yet provided? I most likely wont get a first hand look until after the new year?

As I said this is dangerous territory I provided 0 examples of rules or even hints of rules might be.

I also have not yet seen "The Batman" but I can talk about my experiences with dark broody loner batman and that I dislike that take over "batfamily" batman who treats 5+ robins as his children (some adopted but one literally his son)

So allow me to rephrase...

Gamifying something as personal as relationships (especially if it comes with intimacy) is something that needs to be handled with care... a level of care I have never seen WotC (or any RPG company let alone hasbro) show...

I even showed the problem... I don't want "Relationship as prizes/rewards", I even see people call out established relationships (princess and mario) as creepy because when he saves her he gets a kiss...

I'd bet romantic relationships with NPCs will be dealt much like they are in dating sims and RPG games like mass effect and dragon age. Consensual relationships built on multiple interactions through the game...
My exact worries; while I did partake in romance in those games, they are pretty shallow and not great (especially compared to how well handled friendships and other relationships are handled in Bioware games).

I find that romances in games that aren't pre-set or a key part of the narrative tend to feel unfulfilling and somewhat creepy. Protagonist-attracted characters tend to just... not appeal to me.


My exact worries; while I did partake in romance in those games, they are pretty shallow and not great (especially compared to how well handled friendships and other relationships are handled in Bioware games).

I find that romances in games that aren't pre-set or a key part of the narrative tend to feel unfulfilling and somewhat creepy. Protagonist-attracted characters tend to just... not appeal to me.
But that's the thing with TTRPGs, you and the DM can make it as deep and part of the narrative as you want...

But that's the thing with TTRPGs, you and the DM can make it as deep and part of the narrative as you want...
Yes; but it'd be best handled as a natural part of roleplay and something that is much more like just improve, or acting, or something unstructured, than gameified, as I feel the latter has the potential to be really awkward at best, and potentially creepy at its worst.

I just find the talk of gamifying romantic relationships icky. It's best handled by the GM and player talking both openly and privately and understanding how best to naturally handle such a relationship; it's something that can't really be done in a gemified way, honestly.

Especially since many GMs would be uncomfortable with such a system (such as me), and I feel somewhat that including the system could, with some players, lead to pressure to try and use it.

My exact worries; while I did partake in romance in those games, they are pretty shallow and not great (especially compared to how well handled friendships and other relationships are handled in Bioware games).

I find that romances in games that aren't pre-set or a key part of the narrative tend to feel unfulfilling and somewhat creepy. Protagonist-attracted characters tend to just... not appeal to me.
Those games feel like having to fight attractive (but rather dull) people off with a stick.

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