D&D 5E Summon Greater Demon, Arcane Focus and blood of a humanoid killed in the last 24 hours


Material (M)
Casting some spells requires particular objects, specified in parentheses in the component entry. A character can use a component pouch or a spellcasting focus (found in “Equipment”) in place of the components specified for a spell. But if a cost is indicated for a component, a character must have that specific component before he or she can cast the spell.

The red is really important wording for a RAW interpretation. It is not if the component has a cost, but if the cost is indicated.

Since you can't surround yourself with your wand and your component pouch presumably does not have the required less than 24 hours old blood, I would still rule you can't get the circle of protection, but you can cast the spell.

The circle of protection is not just listed as a material component, it is actually specific to the use of it.

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Alright, but can you use Gentle Repose on the blood to keep it “fresh” until you need it? If not, what about keeping the whole body with you, casting Gentle Repose on that, and extracting the blood “fresh” from the corpse when you need it?
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Alright, but can you use Gentle Repose on the blood to keep it “fresh” until you need it? If not, what about keeping the whole body with you, casting Gentle Repose on that, and extracting the blood “fresh” from the corpse when you need it?
Ooo... interesting question!

"The spell also effectively extends the time limit on raising the target from the dead, since days spent under the influence of this spell don’t count against the time limit of spells such as raise dead."

Hmm, probably not. Sacrificing someone is de rigueur for demon summoning, after all. Using blood from the same corpse for different demons would be gauche.

However, I could see an enchanted vial, utilizing gentle repose in its creation, that could sample blood from a creature and then keep it "fresh" for the next week or so.


Tasha's "Summon Fiend" is a completely different spell than "Summon Greater Demon". It's 6th level rather than 4th, to start with, and conjures a fiend that's unfailably loyal, unlike the dangerously unreliable one you get with Summon Greater Demon. On the other hand, SGD can potentially summon considerably stronger creatures than other summoning spells at the same level.

Yeah the stat-block version of summon fiend version is less powerful than some of the options for the 4th level summon greater demon.

Anyway, guys and girls and guyvers, the optimal way to use Summon Greater Demon is when you can get your save DC so high that the demon is guaranteed to fail. For example, a vrock has a CHA save bonus of -1, so if the DC is 20 it can never break free. This is doable with DC boosting items like the Rod of the Pact Keeper.


Anyway, guys and girls and guyvers, the optimal way to use Summon Greater Demon is when you can get your save DC so high that the demon is guaranteed to fail. For example, a vrock has a CHA save bonus of -1, so if the DC is 20 it can never break free. This is doable with DC boosting items like the Rod of the Pact Keeper.

It is easier for a Sorc or Warlock. It is very hard for a Wizard to get to DC 20, especially in tier 2/3.

Right now at 8th level multiclass (Cleric 2/Wizard 6) I have a 14 DC. It will be 15 at 9th level and 16 at 10th level, but even a Vrock is going to save often.

I do have true names of two Babau, one Balruga and 2 Vrocks, so that will help a lot. And with careful placement you can usually avoid a lot of friendlies getting harmed even when the inenvitible save goes sideways.

Voidrunner's Codex

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