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D&D 5E Supplemental books: Why the compulsion to buy and use, but complain about it?

Elf Witch

First Post
there are options in core that in a powergamers hand can break the game...

why yes that is an issue, just not the issue at hand. In less you are suggesting that everyone of us who wants to use the books we bought for the game have some secrete powergaming motive... one that gets played out by asking to play things less powerful then a core only COdzilla :hmm:

there would also be no living game, the company could not stay in business publishing nothing...

so in your mind a gunslinger is more or less powerful then a Codzilla?

hey wait that cuts both ways...
If you need to play with only core options then find players who does not mind that don't try and force players to do it if they don't like your restrictions...

Not nearly as bad because the game designers themselves admit that core gets tested more than the options and that they can't possibly test all the options with everything to make sure that they have not put something in the game that can be broken.

You are making an assumption and you are wrong. I never said that all people who like options are powergamers what I said was in the hands of a powergamer a lot of options can be brought in to break the game.

I never said they should not publish splatbooks in the very first post I made in this thread I said I like splatbooks and that the best way to handle it for individual DMs to say no to what they didn't want in their games.

No a gunslinger use gun powder which the DM didn't want in her world she also knew that he is a huge powergamer and wanted to try and avoid it in the Pathfinder game while she was learning the ins and outs of the game.

I have said that all along that if players don't like what the DM is offering then say I don't want to play it if it turns out the whole table or the majority feel the same way then the DM needs to either change his restrictions or step down and let someone else DM. But if the majority is okay with what the DM wants to do then the player either needs to dedice can he play with the restrictions if he can't then he shouldn't play.

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I have played in all those modules and had a blast. It was fun to use my brain to figure things out then just roll dice to solve everything.
ok, I also know people who have fun skydiving, and boxing... I do not want to box, I do not want to jump out of a perfectly fine plane... if the DM wanted me to box or skydive I would say they were being a jerk... but if they say "you can only use out of game resources" I might ask if that means we can break out the bopper swords for the next fight...

Actually talk to the NPCs and figure out why the lighting was jumping. It was not that hard if you payed attention and actually talked to the NPCs to find the link.
well I have not played it, but by the description it was not easy, again almost none of the clues would come up as part of a normal investigation...

Once we figured it for two of them it was easy to find out the link with the others.
inless you don't see it... then it is a nightmare.

When a DM is running a module the players who agreed to play it in have to expect some limits to just how much freedom they have they need to follow the obvious clues to the next step in the module. Yes it can be limiting but it is not like the DM is hiding the fact that you are playing in a module.
I really don't understand what you are saying here. I read it 4 times, and still don't get it.

This player sounds like a player who does not like any challenges that he can't solve easily and expects the dice to do his thinking for him.
ok, and that is totally a playstyle. Infact I run games for people that would say it is cheating (yes active cheating) to use out of game knowledge and skill this way.

There is a good reason, way back when (2e and the beginning of 3e) we had powergamers who were very smart and fast talkers... they would dump Cha, then just "role-play" it, and if they had no investigation skills or perception would still play as if they were Sherlock homes... until we had a 15 year old with a stutter join our games and complain "Why is my 18 cha and really high Int and Wis Character not able to do what there 7 cha fighter can?"

I don't know where you are getting plural players having issues in this I am reading it as one player.
well we have no idea how many players have a problem with it... I do though

Well maybe you should have compromised with your girlfriend and told her look we will take turns picking out the restaurant and if she picked seafood then do what I have done many times I have gone out to places I didn't like. I ordered a drink and maybe an appetizer or a salad and ate when I got home or before I left. The point is the company as much as the food.
Your advice is dumb... I mean real dumb of cource we alternated who choose... but I never chose something she wont eat. I went to the seafood restaurant, and I still did not enjoy it... and she never should have expected to do so...

It doesn't sound like he bullied the player it sounds like the player is not a good fit.
person A says "I do not like X"
person B says "We are going to try X"
Person A trys X, but still doesn't like it, and mentions it
Person B is trying to teach person A a lesson
Person A is given a choose of taking something more X like or shutting up and continuing as is with what he hates"
Person B continues doing X (remembers he shared his feelings of not enjoying X) but keeps his mouth shut...

please fill X with something that doesn't make this sound jerky and bullying

First of all many DMs use rolling for stats I wouldn't have let him reroll I would have said okay you don't want to take the chance of rolling okay you can do a 25 point buy
that is what he wanted... so you would have given him what he wanted...

Not nearly as bad because the game designers themselves admit that core gets tested more than the options and that they can't possibly test all the options with everything to make sure that they have not put something in the game that can be broken.
yes, but again the core of 3.5 was more broken then a lot of the suplments, and again the exact example was less powerful then core options...
You are making an assumption and you are wrong. I never said that all people who like options are powergamers what I said was in the hands of a powergamer a lot of options can be brought in to break the game.
then I don't understand... there are powergamers that can powergame anything...

I never said they should not publish splatbooks in the very first post I made in this thread I said I like splatbooks and that the best way to handle it for individual DMs to say no to what they didn't want in their games.
and they should expect blow back from PCs if that PC wants to use that book... and the best way to handle that is to talk like adults and make it work somehow...

No a gunslinger use gun powder which the DM didn't want in her world she also knew that he is a huge powergamer and wanted to try and avoid it in the Pathfinder game while she was learning the ins and outs of the game.
and none of that matters if the player is also a jerk when given what he wants... on the other hand if the player who had personal problems was told "Hey I really didn't want to deal with it, but since we are friends sure... play what you want and I will just ignore anyone else having guns" then what?

I have said that all along that if players don't like what the DM is offering then say I don't want to play it if it turns out the whole table or the majority feel the same way then the DM needs to either change his restrictions or step down and let someone else DM. But if the majority is okay with what the DM wants to do then the player either needs to dedice can he play with the restrictions if he can't then he shouldn't play.
so whats the problem... player tried to play under restriction but bucked under them, so the group got a different game... sounds like your solution won out...

Elf Witch

First Post
ok, I also know people who have fun skydiving, and boxing... I do not want to box, I do not want to jump out of a perfectly fine plane... if the DM wanted me to box or skydive I would say they were being a jerk... but if they say "you can only use out of game resources" I might ask if that means we can break out the bopper swords for the next fight...

well I have not played it, but by the description it was not easy, again almost none of the clues would come up as part of a normal investigation...

inless you don't see it... then it is a nightmare.

I really don't understand what you are saying here. I read it 4 times, and still don't get it.

ok, and that is totally a playstyle. Infact I run games for people that would say it is cheating (yes active cheating) to use out of game knowledge and skill this way.

There is a good reason, way back when (2e and the beginning of 3e) we had powergamers who were very smart and fast talkers... they would dump Cha, then just "role-play" it, and if they had no investigation skills or perception would still play as if they were Sherlock homes... until we had a 15 year old with a stutter join our games and complain "Why is my 18 cha and really high Int and Wis Character not able to do what there 7 cha fighter can?"

well we have no idea how many players have a problem with it... I do though

Your advice is dumb... I mean real dumb of cource we alternated who choose... but I never chose something she wont eat. I went to the seafood restaurant, and I still did not enjoy it... and she never should have expected to do so...

person A says "I do not like X"
person B says "We are going to try X"
Person A trys X, but still doesn't like it, and mentions it
Person B is trying to teach person A a lesson
Person A is given a choose of taking something more X like or shutting up and continuing as is with what he hates"
Person B continues doing X (remembers he shared his feelings of not enjoying X) but keeps his mouth shut...

please fill X with something that doesn't make this sound jerky and bullying

that is what he wanted... so you would have given him what he wanted...

yes, but again the core of 3.5 was more broken then a lot of the suplments, and again the exact example was less powerful then core options...
then I don't understand... there are powergamers that can powergame anything...

and they should expect blow back from PCs if that PC wants to use that book... and the best way to handle that is to talk like adults and make it work somehow...

and none of that matters if the player is also a jerk when given what he wants... on the other hand if the player who had personal problems was told "Hey I really didn't want to deal with it, but since we are friends sure... play what you want and I will just ignore anyone else having guns" then what?

so whats the problem... player tried to play under restriction but bucked under them, so the group got a different game... sounds like your solution won out...

No he is not being a jerk. If the DM invited you upfront and said we are skydiving and boxing and then you come and make a fuss you are the ome being a jerk.

It not easy but it is not super hard either. It can be accomplished and I have known several people who have played through the modules and enjoyed them. This is a playstyle issue there are players like this guy who does not like puzzles or mysteries. But other players do I love them more than I like combat. Since I was not at this DM table I am not going to say the DM was bad he had other players at the table were they having fun and was it just this guy who was getting angry. It sounds to me that this guy has a very different playstyle and does not handle failure really well. The clues do come up as part of the investigation they are there if you look for them. The one module does give you quests to lead to you the final answer.

Are you telling me you have never played in a game where you can't figure something out? It happens it is part of the game solving mysteries and puzzles is the sa,e as combat you don't always win at combat. Sometimes players fail.

My point is modules are liner they need to be run basically liner in the one with succubus they lay out some clues but not enough to really solve it without going on the rest of the quests and as you accomplish each quests you get more clues. If you pay attention then you have figured it out that you are facing a succubus in her lair if you don't figure it out it is a surprise but survivable. But the end is the same.

And DMs allowed it but not in the games I played in are DM if a player tried to pull that he would get called out not just by the DM but the other players as well. If you have a low chr don't try and bring in your natural ability as a fast talker because it is not going to fly. DMs need to stand up to players who pull this and say no you don't.

No my advice is not dumb it is called being a grown up and not an entitled brat. In a relationship both people compromise if it is a healthy one that does not mean she never gets to eat seafood again because you don't like it. My one Ex loved golf which I hate with a passion but I went to tournaments to watch him play but then he hated opera and the ballet but he took me to them because I loved them.

person a I don't like X

person b well it is my turn to pick next time you pick

person A but I awlays pick things you like too.

person B but I am not asking you to do that please pick where you really want to go

If you are talking about the game

person a I don't like X

person b but other players do I will make sure thatI also put in things you enjoy

person A tries it does not like it and tell person a

person B well I am sorry but others like it so I guess you need to decide what you are going to do.

Well according to the DM his stats were basically a 29 point buy his issues was that other player rolled better so I think he would have had the same issue in my game.

We will have to agree to disagree that 3.5 core is broken because imo that is a load of horse manure. Again you are not grasping the issue it is not that everything in the supplements are broken it is the more options you have like prestige classes, new feats, spells and classes that can be used to break the game in a way the designers didn't anticipate. If using just core or say using just one supplement like say races of the dragon it is much harder to come up with a PC that is so overpowered that they are breaking the game because you have limited options to do so.

I have always said that DMs and players should communicate and if possible work it out but in the end the DM has the final say and if the players does not like it he needs to decide if he stays or leaves.

There are many DMs I know that don't allow much third party stuff in the game if you know your DM feels this way then if you spend the money on the supplement you are really can't expect him to say yes just because you spent money on a book. He didn't make you buy the book. You can DM amd use the book in your game or find a DM who will let you use it.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
it isn't any more work... they get x number of at will abilities it takes 10 seconds to adapt to that. I mean they are even built like spells. Each time the warlock gets one you learn "Hey he can now do X"

Example: He can shoot a bolt that does 1d6 damage, can see in the dark and cast magic darkness that does damage... goes up a level now his 1d6 blast is 2d6 and can have a larger range...

It's a whole different mode of character building with some fairly complex riders that can come on that eldritch blast. So, yeah, it's more work.

No he is not being a jerk. If the DM invited you upfront and said we are skydiving and boxing and then you come and make a fuss you are the ome being a jerk.
some how I doubt (but I will concead if it is the case) the DM said "Hey this mod is no skill checks all player skill" so bad analogy...

It not easy but it is not super hard either. It can be accomplished
of course it can... it is entirely dependent on the players getting in the right mind set... so it could work or could blow up horrid,.

This is a playstyle issue there are players like this guy who does not like puzzles or mysteries.
wait no one said he didn't like mysteries... just he wants mysteries to rely on in game resources not out of game knowledge...

Are you telling me you have never played in a game where you can't figure something out?
nope happens all the time both as a player and a DM... when I DM I throw out more hints or ask for int or wis checks...

It happens it is part of the game solving mysteries and puzzles is the sa,e as combat you don't always win at combat. Sometimes players fail.
yea, but imagine if your DM made you loose a fight because you couldn't out fight him (as apposed to out think in a mystery) even if your character was better then you at combat...

My point is modules are liner they need to be run basically liner in the one with succubus they lay out some clues but not enough to really solve it without going on the rest of the quests and as you accomplish each quests you get more clues. If you pay attention then you have figured it out that you are facing a succubus in her lair if you don't figure it out it is a surprise but survivable. But the end is the same.

I don't mind liner I mind only one way... and it seems very one way..
And DMs allowed it but not in the games I played in are DM if a player tried to pull that he would get called out not just by the DM but the other players as well. If you have a low chr don't try and bring in your natural ability as a fast talker because it is not going to fly. DMs need to stand up to players who pull this and say no you don't.
so if I was playing in that mod as a Barbarian with an 8 int and 9 wis... what would you say if I figured out the mystry? is that the same?

No my advice is not dumb it is called being a grown up
no it is dumb because your advice was to do exactly what I did...

and not an entitled brat.
again... you are argueing something else not my example... I did exactly what you suggested, so no brats...

In a relationship both people compromise if it is a healthy one that does not mean she never gets to eat seafood again
what are you talking about... who suggested that? We could eat at a place that serves seafood and non seafood, we could eat out with our friends at different reastrants, or I could over 6 months 3 times eat at this place that serves no entrée I like... but at no point was it ever suggested that she not eat anything...
My one Ex loved golf which I hate with a passion but I went to tournaments to watch him play but then he hated opera and the ballet but he took me to them because I loved them.
but did he expect you to play and enjoy golf even if you do not enjoy it? I bet he didn't I bet he would love if you tried even if you didn't like it...

person a I don't like X

person b well it is my turn to pick next time you pick

person A but I awlays pick things you like too.

person B but I am not asking you to do that please pick where you really want to go
not what happened in the game or the dateing... are you reading what I wrote?

Well according to the DM his stats were basically a 29 point buy his issues was that other player rolled better so I think he would have had the same issue in my game.
no his was below that and there's above...

We will have to agree to disagree that 3.5 core is broken because imo that is a load of horse manure.
wait you believe that 3.5 core is balanced? so a Druid and Monk are totally on par? if so you are in denile and we will have to just forget this whole train of thought...

Again you are not grasping the issue it is not that everything in the supplements are broken it is the more options you have like prestige classes, new feats, spells and classes that can be used to break the game in a way the designers didn't anticipate.
I entirely agree, but since you can make a MORE balanced game from supplimints then core I find that a hard postion to defend...

If using just core or say using just one supplement like say races of the dragon it is much harder to come up with a PC that is so overpowered that they are breaking the game because you have limited options to do so.
Human barbarian 1 Cleric X where x= all levels after first... I have seen it core only ruin many games by power gamers...

I have always said that DMs and players should communicate and if possible work it out but in the end the DM has the final say and if the players does not like it he needs to decide if he stays or leaves.
and I disagree DMs may have final say but they should rarely if ever have to use it, and no where near as much as is thrown around this thread...
There are many DMs I know that don't allow much third party stuff in the game if you know your DM feels this way then if you spend the money on the supplement you are really can't expect him to say yes just because you spent money on a book. He didn't make you buy the book. You can DM amd use the book in your game or find a DM who will let you use it.
I know very few people who allow third party stuff, but that is not what we are talking about. We are talking about routinely showing up saying "Hey can I play this basic concept" and the DM basicly saying "No, I don't like it so neaither should you"

It's a whole different mode of character building with some fairly complex riders that can come on that eldritch blast. So, yeah, it's more work.
are we talking about the same thing? Even if I take every page of every book in 3.5 that has warlock stuff on it takes up a lot less then the phb gives to spells. ANd no one has to learn all of them. You start with 2-3 powers, then as you level I don't get one every level... so less then 20 powers the DM needs to know over 20 levels...

I really have no idea what you are talking about, it is not a different mode of character building it is just like building a fighter or rogue... a lot less complex then any other caster...


He believes that DMs should never say no to a player a lot like some people here. It is his opinion that every DM should be able to handle everything and if they can't that is their failing as a DM. Again like a lot of people here in this thread believe.

Or things get amplified in the heat of argument. I'm personally responding to the people who want to run the same hoary old AD&D 1e races and classes, tell me to leave if I don't like it (implying this is an existing group), putting limitations on when I'm justified to leave, and feeling it outrageous if I do say I'm leaving and the rest of the players say "well, let's do something else then". If you're recruiting for a game, that's one thing, but if you're in a group, you're part of a group and need to work with group, not just tell everyone "if you don't like it, leave".


It is apparently completely reasonable for a DM to tell the player, "You may not have X because I do know how X works" [MENTION=9037]Elf Witch[/MENTION]'s example, boiled down)

Why is it so unreasonable for the player to offer to teach the DM how X works and then try it in the game? Apparently K's issue wasn't actually breaking the game, because he's played in perfectly acceptable fun games in the past without breaking the game. So, why not trust K that he again won't break the game, trust him to know the rules of his new option and allow the option with the proviso that perhaps down the line this conversation might be revisited?

Again, why is it perfectly acceptable for the DM to flat out refuse X, but it's not acceptable for the player to refuse to play without X?

I have to admit, there is a part of me that agrees with K and feels that [MENTION=9037]Elf Witch[/MENTION]'s DM needs to grow a pair.


This thread has made me discouraged about our hobby.

Really? Why?

To me, this is the sort of discussions that should be going on around every gaming table. So much time gaming is wasted on poor games that go nowhere and fall apart. And they fall apart for any number of reasons, but, one of the biggies is a mismatch in play style in the group. A lack of communication between everyone at the table is probably responsible for more frustrated gamers and people dumping the hobby than anything else.

I look at it like this. An average campaign lasts about a year (yes, yes, I know your game lasts for decades, but, bear with me, I'm painting with a broad brush here), which means about 45 sessions. Give or take. Figure four hours per session and you're looking at almost a 200 hour investment of your free time. Everyone at that table is putting in a HUGE investment into the game. Sure, the DM puts in more time, but, really, at that point, who cares? Everyone's putting in lots and lots of time into this game.

To put it in perspective, on average, you can learn a new language in about 200 hours of instruction. (It varies depending on your native tongue and what language you are trying to learn, but, 200 hours is a decent benchmark) Heck, 200 hours is probably far more time than you spent learning a given subject in school in a given year. And we're expecting 3-7 people to be able to make this investment and stick to it.

That means that there has to be a lot of feeling things out before you start. Just jumping in and playing is a recipe for failed campaign after failed campaign. If you want someone to sit down for two hundred hours and do something, they bloody well be pretty invested in it if you want success.

So, I look at threads like this and wonder why these sorts of issues aren't being discussed in rule books. We spend thirty pages detailing different ways of sticking a sword in someone, but, we won't spend a page or three on making the game work for everyone at the table? That's some messed up priorities right there. The players handbook should be about 30% this sort of thread - how to start a group and keep that group happy.

It's fantastic advice that isn't given nearly often enough.


I said to myself I would not reply. But once should do no harm.

Because from the outside reading the posts, it comes across as entrenchment and inability to see past differences in opinion. There will be no solution.

One poster said it well. Sometimes its the player causing issues. Sometimes its the dm. Sometimes both.

But posters in general have taken sides to "prove" their view.


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