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T20: High Law and Low Justice, Part 3

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Saanath scans the room for any signs of danger, doing his best impersonation of a holovid space marine. He pays attention to any signs of recent disturbance of the dust.

"I've got something interesting here in Hold 2. There are some larger, K'ree?, sized low-berths here amoung the others, and it looks like someone was trying to do something. There's a body next to some medical equipment. I'm going to give it a quick look as I pass through."

Saanath moves into the hold, and down the line of berths. He has a quick look at a couple of the status readouts as he passes, particularly of the larger berths. He gives the body a quick once over to see she is breathing or showing any signs of life, and if the equipment she has with her gives him any clues as to what she was trying to do.

But unless something jumps out at him, he'll keep moving on to the hanger.

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"Just give me a bunkup on top of the drives, then go and see if there is power to the turret. There almost certainly won't be, but it's worth checking. If I'm going to be shot at and not able to do anything about it I'd prefer not to have a good view. Besides all our other engineers are otherwise engaged," Ruzz'koff twinges as his wound smarts under his suit and examines the power coupling to the maneveur drives.

Current status as I understand it:
Life Support - Mininmal
Manevuar Drive - No Power
Bridge - Powered
Weapons - ?


First Post
Vrykris frowns at the computer terminal, her tagging wagging in frustration. Then she tries to use the ship's intercom system, to communicate with the water filled stateroom. If she can do that, she'll say, "Hello, hello? Is anyone in there?"
ooc: This assumes that rooms converted to use for Luriani are also supplied with appropriate commo gear.

If there is no answer, or Vrykris can't communicate with the stateroom, she'll go to where Ruzz'koff is working. "Maybe I should go up there? I'm smaller, since I don't have a bulky vacc suit, and...well....I'm just smaller."


Ktarle looks up from her study and frowns. "I can't tell what this is," she says to the room (and the suit comm) in general. "I'd need better equipment to tell if this is toxic." She glances around the group and then back at her supplies. "I'd like to head to the med bay, if someone would be willing to show it to me." When Quinn speaks, though, she shakes her head, uncharacteristically pragmatic. "This isn't a priority. As long as we keep our masks on, we'll be fine. I'l go with you." She packages up her supplies and the sample carefully. She will follow Quinn's lead, unless someone stops her.

[Sorry for not putting in my skill rating(s) earlier, Maerdwyn. That was thoughtless of me.]
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Current status as I understand it:
Life Support - Mininmal. Heat seems to be functioning, no atmospheric
Maneuver Drive - No Power, diagnostics otherwise show as normal
Bridge - Powered - status of certain systems (astrogation, etc.) unknown
Weapons - ?
Seonaid said:
[Sorry for not putting in my skill rating(s) earlier, Maerdwyn. That was thoughtless of me.]
Not a problem at all :)


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doghead said:
Saanath scans the room for any signs of danger, doing his best impersonation of a holovid space marine. He pays attention to any signs of recent disturbance of the dust.

Saanath moves into the hold, and down the line of berths. He has a quick look at a couple of the status readouts as he passes, particularly of the larger berths. He gives the body a quick once over to see she is breathing or showing any signs of life, and if the equipment she has with her gives him any clues as to what she was trying to do.

But unless something jumps out at him, he'll keep moving on to the hanger.
There are partially filled footprints, which almost certainly belong to the luriani, leading to and from the large berths and six of the normal sized ones, then from one normal berth to another, in sequence. The woman has fallen near the last of those she got to. A quick glance at the large berths tell him they have been deactivated, and he notices the panels behind which their oxygen and nutrient supplies are stored are slightly ajar, and six empty (?) liguid oxygen canisters lie scattered on the floor along with the spilled contents of the woman's medical kit.

As far as the regular berths, he's really only vaguely familiar with how human vitals are supposed to look in deep freeze, but most of them seem basically within those parameters, assuming most of them are indeed human.

For now, he moves on out of the hold into the corridor beyond. He moves past Hold P, the door to which is emblazoned with the symbol of the Imperial Courier Service. Continuing on, he reaches Hold 1, and the door slides up and open, revealing the ship's main hold carrying a small (for the size of the hold) amount of cargo. He does notice six large, empty, metal cages amongst the other luggage and cargo. on the far side of the room is a terminal and a door marked "Ships' Vehicles Hangar".


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(more tommorow - very long post just lost after inadvertant computer shutdown. no energy to redo it tonight. :()


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Wilphe said:
"Just give me a bunkup on top of the drives, then go and see if there is power to the turret. There almost certainly won't be, but it's worth checking. If I'm going to be shot at and not able to do anything about it I'd prefer not to have a good view. Besides all our other engineers are otherwise engaged," Ruzz'koff twinges as his wound smarts under his suit and examines the power coupling to the maneveur drives.

Quinn frowns, not used to having his orders questioned. Recognizing that he has no real authority here, however, he shakes his head and turns to leave.

"Fine, but when the boat docks, I need a rated pilot on the bridge ASAP. Assuming we get some power, I can probably get this hulk under way, but that's about it."

"Meanwhile, I'm gonna go get a look at these bastards."

He heads for the bridge with anyone who cares to accompany him.


[QUOTE-Maerdwyn]A quick glance at the large berths tell him they have been deactivated, and he notices the panels behind which their oxygen and nutrient supplies are stored are slightly ajar, and six empty (?) liguid oxygen canisters lie scattered on the floor along with the spilled contents of the woman's medical kit.[/QUOTE]

That gives Saanath pause for thought. His first impulse had been that the large creatures had been of some importance. But then nobody important travels Low. And she wouldn't have been scavenging their oxygen would she? If that is indeed what she was doing. Something to sort out about later, he decides and pushes on.

Maerdwyn said:
He moves past Hold P, the door to which is emblazoned with the symbol of the Imperial Courier Service.

Eh? As Saanath pushes on he tries to recall if he has seen or head of anything like it before.

Watus said:
"Fine, but when the boat docks, I need a rated pilot on the bridge ASAP. Assuming we get some power, I can probably get this hulk under way, but that's about it."

"Saanath here. I can pilot this thing if you can get someone down here to handle the hanger end of things. I'm in the last hold now, heading for the Ships Vehicle Hanger. No sign of life down here so far." But still the Hanger to go ...

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