So, right now it looks like the only way to really invest in properties related to it is through Atproto or Primal. It looks like it could really take off, but as a PBC, it would be difficult to invest money into it as I currently see it.
But if they were something that was easy to invest in, even if it wasn't an IPO (for example, give them a lot more money for their operations in order to be part owner...etc)...with the way it looks to be taking off...I'd be highly tempted at this point.
This is where you want to put down a hundred thousand to a million in a company, right near the beginning.
Venture capital can only take you so far
True, but I think there may be more that are going to gain interest in the company with what's currently happening, or appears could be happening.
The biggest question is how to monetize it. It may not be for a few years that it is monetized, but if that question can be answered to enough people with money, even if it's going to be a few years before it happens, money may not be as big a difficulty as some may think, at least for the near present.