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Take, take, and take and never DM. What do players bring to a gaming group?

Raven Crowking

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Emirikol said:
NOTE: Is there anywhere in the PHB that even indicates that the DM deserves any respect or that you should help him out in the least?

There used to be, at the front of the 1st Ed PHB. There was actually a set of general rules for good game manners. Ah, those were the days..... ;)


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Elf Witch

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Emirikol said:
SOunds like you're curious though..wink.


I am curious at what kind of people you are playing with. To make you feel that they are not giving you anything at the table.

Our group has had changes over the years people moving away new people joining and I guess we are lucky because all of them are really into the game. They don't just come to the game and expext to sit there and be lead by the nose by the DM.

We rarely play at the DMs house so it is usually a player hosting. We always tell the DM thank you.

I just left the gaming gaming group after ten years because our current DM just can't DM DnD he does not know the rules he is is railroading and I need a break. I really miss our other DMs one moved to San Diego to work for Upper Deck games he was the best DM I ever played with and our other DM has had to drop gaming because of real life.

Believe me I know the impotence of nurturing good DMs.


Emirikol said:
We wish that we could just haul our ass to a game and show up to have a good evening, but that's not the case. We love our players, but there should be some equality here. If a DM is prepping 5 hours, buying all the scenarios and books, and probably hosting too, there should be a standard of what players need to give back to the DM.
There is equality as far as I'm concerned. I'm not talking about being paid, or being offered books and minis. Nothing of that sort, really.

I would spend 5+ hours preparing the game because I like it. Moreover, I would actually feel rewarded by the presence of the players, that they decide to come the next week and the week after, and would feel a tremendous reward in seeing them having a good time.

Having a good time isn't something I "expect" from players while I'd feel they'd need to pay me back in various goods for my involvement in the game. Having a good time is the reward I get from my involvement in the game.


Elf Witch said:
I am curious at what kind of people you are playing with. To make you feel that they are not giving you anything at the table. Believe me I know the [importance] of nurturing good DMs.

Actually, this whole discussion began with a player at my table who DM's Living Greyhawk. For the Labor day convention, he organized all the slot zero's and ran probably 36 hours of LG during the con. He noted at a game that a regular player, one who NEVER judges and never thanks his DM's, went off on him over some pointless rules (typical) and none of the other players at the table backed him up in the least. It sounded like burnout on both the part of the players and the DM, but WHEN A PLAYER WHO NEVER DOES ANYTHING FOR ANYBODY BUT HIMSELF TREATS A DM LIKE GARBAGE, IT MAKES A DM NOT WANT TO GAME AGAIN EVER. (emphasis added for color)

I sympathized because I was heavily involved with LG and RPGA gaming in the past and have had players like that in both a few home groups and many RPGA games. I've since all but given up on RPGA gaming because it seems like there's one unpleasant person at every table. What I've noticed over the years however is that it's NEVER a player who also DM's and NEVER the player who goes out of his way to thank or help a DM (no matter how bad the session was). Perhaps it's the selfishness of a player that does it.

Here's the thing that I've noticed with burnout. Once you've been treated that way by a player (or players), you do not ever get back your desire to DM. They could buy you food, books or strippers for that matter but a DM gives his heart and spends a lot of time in prep all for the players. It's easier when you have players that are naturally considerate, but some players probably need a talking to about "what it is that they bring to the game."




First Post
Raven Crowking said:
There used to be, at the front of the 1st Ed PHB. There was actually a set of general rules for good game manners. Ah, those were the days..... ;)

Nowadays they just assume that people treat each other with respect, and if not, it's not the game's place to correct their manners.


babomb said:
I can understand being frustrated with players showing a lack of appreciation for the DM, but if you seriously don't think players bring anything to the gaming group, try playing without them.

I think that's why so many DM's have given up the game and switched to online gaming...



It may also be said that is why so many PLAYERS have switched to online gaming too.

There's even less 'responsibility.' Instant gratification with no DM to treat like crap..although I understand the discussion boards still have quite a lot of that towards the designers, operators and writers. Unfortunately in a MMMMROORPRPPROG you don't have the option of 'helping' the designers and operators as much as you would in a home D&D game.

I'm not much for those MMMOROOROPRRFROG games anyways though :)



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