Black Flag Tales of the Valiant playtest packet three is live.


I crit!
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Packet 3

Playtest Packet #3: Monsters is here! So let's #BeValiant and build a bright and independent future for 5th Edition. This is very much a community effort, and we appreciate your support.
This PDF covers Monsters and the new Doom System. You can expect a playtest packet released monthly for the Tales of the Valiant RPG through August 2023.

Feedback link

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I crit!
The whole email in the spoiler block.
Playtest Packet #3 is here!​
Hey fellow Kobolds,

Playtest Packet #3: Monsters is here! So let's #BeValiant and build a bright and independent future for 5th Edition. This is very much a community effort, and we appreciate your support.

This PDF covers Monsters and the new Doom System. You can expect a playtest packet released monthly for the Tales of the Valiant RPG through August 2023.​
Game design is an ongoing process, and your part in this journey is vital because your feedback will help refine the game options every step of the way.

Take some time to review Playtest Packet #3 over the next few weeks, and then complete the feedback form.

You have until 11:59 p.m. (PDT) on Monday, May 15 to share your insights and feedback. Playtest feedback for Monsters will close on May 15th as we prepare for the release of Playtest Packet #4: Quick Start Guide in May 2023 along with the ToV Kickstarter.
Don't forget to join the community conversation in the official Kobold Press Discord.

Happy playtesting, Kobolds.

Chaotically good… always,

Kobold Press
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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Doom actions. I’m not sure I like a different set but I will def steal the actions.
Yeah, this appears to be the biggest global change, other than general polishing, creating boss monster variants (the rust mother!) and non-WotC takes on various critters.

I haven't had a chance to give this an in-depth read yet -- it's going to be a hell of a day at work -- but this is all pretty compelling so far.

For those who haven't downloaded the packet, doom points are inspiration points for monsters. A few monsters also can expend doom points to trigger special abilities. Doom points are recovered when players roll a nat 1, as an optional rule.

Voidrunner's Codex

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