Black Flag Tales of the Valiant playtest packet three is live.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
Proficiency bonus is really high!
Yea, I think they might have some problems with bounded accuracy if they use that table. :)

<The joke here is that it looks they put the table for XP gained per CR in for the Proficiency bonus table by accident. I'm pretty sure a CR 9 creature shouldn't have a Proficiency Bonus of 5,000. :) >

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New Publisher
I've been putting my thoughts in the first thread about this....

Love, love, love the simplified statblock with the ability bonuses and stealth.
Many monsters feel unique now, given new abilities.
I want the spellcasters to be laid out like WotC as I hate flipping between books. Maybe not exactly like them, but the idea is good.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I see the designers really like the Last of Us, but didn't want the infected to be zombies. I like all of the Sporeborn critters.

I like how scary the tone is for a lot of these critters, although some of the humanoid write-ups (particularly the orcs) are close to bio-essentialism again.

The ghoul is, as expected, lightly leveled up and made scarier. I hope you can sneak in a few more ghoul variants, although I know you don't want to cannibalize your other monster books too badly.

Good modron replacements.

The void stuff is creepy.

The variants in general are so good, I'd love to see them either replace the regular versions or get a standalone write-up. After this many years of playing D&D, I'd be happy if all trolls were stoneskin trolls, who were damaged by radiant damage and turned to stone in the sun, for instance.

Not sure how I feel about stats being replaced just by stat bonuses. For the people just using Tales of the Valiant -- which is presumably what you're hoping will happen, @Marc Radle -- it's fine, but for what I suspect is the more typical use case, in which people will mix and match books, this hurts compatibility. I don't want to have to look at a cheat sheet for stat bonuses when I'm using the Monster Vault in the middle of combat.

In any case, extremely well done. You've made a great case for the Monster Vault as a product.
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New Publisher
I see the designers really like the Last of Us, but didn't want the infected to be zombies. I like all of the Sporeborn critters.

I like how scary the tone is for a lot of these critters, although some of the humanoid write-ups (particularly the orcs) are close to bio-essentialism again.

The ghoul is, as expected, lightly leveled up and made scarier. I hope you can sneak in a few more ghoul variants, although I know you don't want to cannibalize your other monster books too badly.

Good modron replacements.

The void stuff is creepy.

The variants in general are so good, I'd love to see them either replace the regular versions or get a standalone write-up. After this many years of playing D&D, I'd be happy if all trolls were stoneskin trolls, who were damaged by radiant damage and turned to stone in the sun, for instance.

Not sure how I feel about stats being replaced just by stat bonuses. For the people just using Tales of the Valiant -- which is presumably what you're hoping will happen -- it's fine, but for what I suspect is the more typical use case, in which people will mix and match books, this hurts compatibility. I don't want to have to look at a cheat sheet for stat bonuses when I'm using the Monster Vault in the middle of combat.

In any case, extremely well done. You've made a great case for the Monster Vault as a product.
Other than ability changes, I agree with all this. 100 percent buying this book given this preview.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
It took me a bit, but noticing that monsters don't have ability scores made me question why characters would have ability scorers since nearly zero things use the score rather than the bonus (or negative)

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
If I ever run Expedition to the Barrier Peaks again (I have Goodman's OAR version and Dyson Logos has nice simplified maps for the ship), I can see replacing the vegepygmies (a name that has not aged well) with sporeborn, which would nicely up the danger of the adventure in a very natural way.

Yeah, yeah, it's super-fun that you've got laser blasters. Except now the cleric is a ticking time bomb and you can't figure out how to heal them without taking them back to civilization, where you could unleash the apocalypse. Enjoy!

Voidrunner's Codex

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