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D&D 5E Tall's PotA Campaign - IC

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OOC: I was totally supposed to heal him but I just forgot lol.
Duran pinches the bridge of his nose be all ready knows where this Maygen and orcs don't make good babysitters.


Desairn Valley, Day 8, afternoon

Through coughs and tears the half elf explains, "We were attacked by a band of orcs, five or six of them. Normally that wouldn't be a problem. They come, usually at night, make some noise, trample some crops, that sort of thing. But this time they had something big with them - a giant maybe, I didn't see. Whatever it was, it just smashed the doors in. I guess that's what knocked me out. Maygen must have been taken. Ob and Fip are missing too, they were in the house with us." Ob and Fip are brothers that the farming couple employ as labourers.

Thateous easily follows the footprints in the soft, turned earth. There are bunch of footprints that could be orc and one much larger set. A blind man could follow the trail across the field, but at the far end the trail leads into a thin copse. Even then you should be able to follow them, but the idea of chasing a band of orcs on your own makes you stop.

Thateous Survival: 1D20+2 = [11]+2 = 13


Day 7/Early Afternoon
Round 0

“Orcs,” Errol muses. “And a giant. We need to save this Maygen,” he said, looking to the others. “How long ago was this?” They needed to know how much of a headstart they had on the party. “Thateous, you find something?”

Bonus Action:
Action Surge:
Free Object Interaction:

[sblock=Errol’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 3
AC: 16
HP: 36/36 HD: 4/4d10
Superiority Dice: (4/4/R @ d8 DC 14) (Commander’s Strike, Rally, Trip)
Arrows: 34
Arrows used: 0
Bolts: 13
Bolts Used: 0
Action Surge (1/R)
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+4)
Inspiring Leader (1/R 6)*

[sblock=Party Loot]
21 gp (???)
200 cp (Held by Errol)
Set of Keys (Held by Illvelious) - one key opens the doors to the guard room, +3 more keys
Small figurine of a one-eyed orc (Gruumsh)(Held by Illvelious)
Ring of Fire Resistance (Held by Errol)
Silver ruby ring (600 gp)(Held by Errol)
Reszor, magical rapier - Rapier (uncommon), requires attunement (Held by Errol)
Reszor was commissioned by a soldier turned assassin to enhance his ability to kill without being detected. It has a star motif etched into the blade and the handle is of blue leather. Dried blood clings to the blade and cannot be cleaned off. The weapon counts as magical and when you make an attack against on opponent while hidden the attack will make no noise. Additionally, when you make an attack with this weapon and get to use bonus damage dice, such as superiority dice or sneak attack dice, roll an additional die and discard the lowest. When you say the command word "Reszor" the blade will glow with dim light out to a 5ft radius, saying the command word again will turn the light off. Finally there is a mild curse on the blade that drives the wielder to kill. After rendering an opponent incapacitated or unconscious make a DC7 WIS saving throw to stop yourself from killing the creature.

Charwoman Gene

Nariah whispers, "The Lady guides you," and brushes Thateous's arm. Out loud, she states, "Yes, let us get on our way."

OOC: Guidance on Thateous; + 1d4 to ability check. Will recast as necessary


Desairn Valley, Day 8, Late Afternoon

Following the trails of orcs across the ploughed field proves easy, once they reach the kopse on the other side the trail becomes harder to follow. You note that their chosen approach was by far the best. They would have had great cover from the trees until is was too late for the residents to do much.

Once out the trees on the other side you notice another set of footprints joining the orcs. This second set is a group of 4 to 6 humanoids. It appears that they are also following the trail, rather than joining the orcs.

After walking for about three hours north night is starting to fall and you come to what must be the southern most hills of the Desarin Hills. Certainly a good place to hide a camp of orcs and a giant.


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