• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Team: TITAN, Class of 2004


Rogue Warrior
Hawk (3 Lethal, Stunned, HP 5/5)

Hawk flew back into the mall chair, draped over it uncomfortabley. He sprung back up (half action) and taunted the remaining guards (full defend). "What's wrong with you loosers! You call yourself soldiers? More like washed-up punks! You guys think you're something, shooting at civilians? Let's settle this man to man!"

He faced them crouched and bent at the waist, leaning towards them. His snarl remained on his face, regardless of the beating he had just taken. He was not going to let these goons kill innocents, no matter what he had to do.

OOC: As stated above, Full Defend this round. Next round (assuming he is still up) he will plow back into them. Figured he can't make back to them and fight while standing. Also, Regeneration recovers 1 hit every other round.

OOC: My mistake, I did not list Hawk's Amazing Save: Damage (+5) last round. No more late night posts for me!!
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Karl Green

First Post
Nuke261 said:
OOC: As stated above, Full Defend this round. Next round (assuming he is still up) he will plow back into them. Figured he can't make back to them and fight while standing. Also, Regeneration recovers 1 hit every other round.

OOC: My mistake, I did not list Hawk's Amazing Save: Damage (+5) last round. No more late night posts for me!!

(occ Just a note, Hawk loses his next action unless you spend a Hero Point. You will not be flat-footed but you can't be Full Defensive or Use Taunt if you don't spend the Hero Point. And yep I know about your Regn ;)/occ)


First Post
Casssandra, Hits: 6S 2L , HP: 4/1

He scored even. That's not acceptable Cain would have told her. Even if he has some high-tech rifle and she just a thrown knife that's still not acceptable at all. A split second she sees the various options he would have used to solve the problem.
Take the civilians as cover, get one of those assault rifles, take him down.
But before she acts the image is replaced by the Batman glaring at her, telling her to never what Cain wanted her to be or he would take her down himself.
Groaning softly she puts her will together to get up.
Gunshot in the arm. Shards in the back. Bruises from Nightwing. Who cares...
With a sudden flip she is standing again and races right into the nearest group of armed thugs, intending to stop their random shooting at civilians as fast as possible. She leaps into the fray like a whirwind, her hand reaching for one man's throat as her leg snaps out to crash anothers ribcage, fully intending to puncture his lungs.

ooc: spending a hp to get up, taling me down to 1. Going to attack the nearest group of thugs, if it's close enough with rapid strike, otherwise taking a half action to get there. First attack roll: 18+14 (-2if rapid strike) =32 (30)/ second attack: 12+14-2=24(in case I can do it). Damage: +8L
Using Evasion, Instand Stand, Rapid Strike, Takedown Attack, Rapid Takedown.
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Rogue Warrior
Karl Green said:
(occ Just a note, Hawk loses his next action unless you spend a Hero Point. You will not be flat-footed but you can't be Full Defensive or Use Taunt if you don't spend the Hero Point. And yep I know about your Regn ;)/occ)

OOC: Subtract 1 Hero Point, Please.


First Post
Superboy (Unhurt, No Spent HP)

Assuming the terrorists are close enough:
Superboy ascends into the balconies and commences to bash the terror out of the gunmen therein.

OOC: Powers - Flight, Move-By Attack, Take-Down Attack.

If the terrorists in the balcony are not close enough:
Superboy powerbombs Mammoth from above.

OOC: Powers - Flight, Move-By Attack, Power Attack -4/+4.
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Karl Green

First Post
Central City Mall, 1;47pm, Oct 30, 2004

Spoiler for Batgirl only please
Remember you got your Hero point back that you used fighting Nightwing… I think you should have one more then you have listed. If I am counting wrong let me know

Spoiler for Robin and Arsenal only please
As I mentioned in the beginning… the lower PL character will get HP back easier and faster… well as you spent Hero Points to “Save Innocents” your first round, you both get 1 point back ;) just as an FYI I will reward anyone for doing “Heroic” things BUT the ‘skilled’ people will get Hero Points back the most often for doing this…

Spoiler for Dove only Please
For doing ‘Heroic’ stuff the first round and not attacking, you gain a bonus Hero Point. It has to be used in this ‘encounter’ and goes away at the end of the battle. Yes this is over you basic max BUT it’s special ;) this will not always happen but I like rewarding ‘hero’ stuff

Spoiler for Hawk only please
I have your Regen at Rank 6, did you update him? Just want to make sure

Initiative Round 2…
29 - Cat’s Eye
25 - Wondergirl
23 - Batgirl
22 - Superboy
22 - Terra
22 – Shimmer
21 – Impulse
20 - Nightwing
19 - Arsenal
19 - Hawk
19 – Jinx
17 - Beast Boy
17 - Gizmo
16 - Robin
13 – Starfire
13 - Cyborg
12 – P.O.W.E.R. Flying agents
11 - Raven
10 – Flying Thugs
9 - Dove
8 – Aqualad
6 – Red Tornado
6 – Thugs (running around the Mall)
4 – Psimon
3 – Mammoth

Update from last round
Reeling back, Raven shakes off the affects of the mental assault but then her entire stomach revolts against her and she doubles over to puke out what little food is in her stomach…
Raven is in affect under Stun Power, and is Nausea. Each round, you get to make a new Fortitude save adding +1 for each round after this round. It is a full-round action to recover so if you make your Fort save this round (Round 2, you can not react until next round. SOO Raven needs to make a Fort save (at +2 +1) to try and recover from the nausea

Psimon laughs and coming towards Raven…

This round (2)…
Suddenly the back door that Raven came through smashes open and Cyborg yells “Raven are you in here? The whole mall is going crazy and there are killers everywhere… we need ya… what the #!%% who the #@&$ are you Freak? Hey get away from her…
Cyborg using his Power to DataLink (at Range) focusing in on Raven’s communicator Amix card to locate her last round when the shooting started and half moved to get here. This round, full move action to move and smash open the door (that somehow seems to have locked?) coming into the back room and seeing Raven on the ground, two cut up girls and Psimon standing over them all laughing

Raven tries to stop throwing up Fort save +2 +1, DC unknown

Psimon smiles down at Raven and says “Is this your little boyfriend pet? He seems nice… would you like to watch me kill him?” he then looks up at Cyborg and says “Psimon says DIE!
Mind Control ‘command’ to hold this and stand still (so Psimon can do bad things) Mental Attack roll total 26 to hit, above the 15 +Cyborg’s will required. Cyborg’s Will save 19, not enough
…causing Cyborg to freeze this round motionless. He says “What the h#!!? Let go you freak!

Batgirl shakes her head and kips up instantly onto her feet. Looking up, Batgirl runs jumps onto a pile of rumble and flips up onto the second floor landing (not far from where Cat’s Eye and Wondergirl are but one floor down) and landing in a mass of terrorist punches, kicks, whirs through them like wheat…
HP to become unstunned. Instant stand, normal move (run, leaping stuff) Leap 11 +6 +1 =18, plus Super-Leap. Rapid Takedown attack allows you to hit as many mooks as your BAB so +8 hits all eight in that area, and Attack roll hits! Damage save of the 8 mooks is DC23L (-3 for armor) is 5, 5, 4, 20, 10, 8, 16, 15. One survived!!!
…sending seven terrorist flying back in broken pieces with necks snapped, rips collapsed, windpipes torn and other assorted horrible wounds. One of the thugs took most of the blow on his flak armor and he curses her for her ‘righteous ways’

Superboy noting the many terrorist, but also seeing that if he leaves it is the prone Nightwing, Robin, and Arsenal to take on Mammoth below (just planning a bit ;)) flies down and slams one of his fists into the huge brute’s face…
Charging +2 to hit, -2 to DEF, Power Attack -4 to hit, +4 to damage. Attack roll total for Superboy is 8 +8+1 (Nightwing) +2 -4 =15, a hit. Damage save for Mammoth, vs. DC37 (-11 for his protection) is 22, missing it by 4. Mammoth takes a Stun hit
a KRACK! echoes throughout the mall, and causes Mammoth’s head to snap to the side and take a step back. As Superboy flashes past, Mammoth shakes his head and looking with blood shot eyes says “Wasa that suppose to hurt punk?

Terra raises her hand and rocks spit up out of the food court floor and fly into the air. She then slams a large one down into a mass of terrorist on the 3rd floor (including two bazooka wielders who did not get to fire last round)…
Area Effect attack, targeting one with a bazooka. Attack roll 8+ +1= hitting him! Damage save vs. DC24 (-3 for armor) is 10. Reflex save for the other four thugs vs. DC19 are 22! 20! 17, and 10. Two make it, so their damage save is vs. DC19 (-3 armor) rolling 10 and 21, one makes it! The other two vs. DC23 (-3 pts of armor) 17, 6, both fail
…while one of the thugs is able to leap out of the way of the boulder crashing down on them, four others are not do lucky and are buried in the rubble!

Then a red-haired punk-goth girl drops down out of the hole where the skylight was and says “Nightwing I presume… yer cute… for a dead man! Can you breath if your lungs are full of blood? Lets find out!” as she waves her right hand at him…
Flight normal move 45feet down through the skylight (and movement from last round). Hovering about 80 feet above the floor now. Attack roll total 13! Spend a Villain point total 29! A hit. Nightwing needs to make a Fortitude save vs. Suffocation total 9!? Spending a Hero Point (I give the NPC’s 1 or 2 Hero Points each soo) getting a 14 fail!
…and suddenly Nightwing spits up a red liquid from his mouth and starts gagging! Mammoth yells out “Yea, do it! Kill boy wonder-bread Shimmer! Kill him dead!

Impulse appears on the 2nd floor balcony overlooking the food court between where Terra and Beast Boy are on one side and where Hawk, Dove and Aqualad are fighting. He says “SONIC BOOM” and races along one whole wing of the balcony slamming into all the Thugs along there…
Rapid Takedown Attack allows Impulse to attack a number of mooks equal to his BAB so +5. Heroic Surge to attack two Groups of 5. If he knocks any out, will use Takedown attack to hit more. All along where his normal movement (75ft). Power Attack -5 to hit, +5 to damage Attack roll 18 +9 -5 = 23 a hit! Damage save for five mooks vs. DC29 (-3 for their Armor) is 21, 3, 11, 19 and 5. All failing. Next mook attack roll 6 +9 -5 =10 a miss! No more attacks from that group. Heroic surge attack 9 +9 -5 =13 a hit! Damage save for these five mooks vs DC29 (-3 for their Armor). 20, 4, 5, 18, 13, all fail! Takedown attack natural 20! Crit, save for mook (vs. DC34, -3 for Armor) 16. Takedown attack 5 +9 -5 =9 a miss. And that’s it for that attack
…and 11 terrorists go flying every which way, knocked off their feet and through the air by the speedster.

Nightwing gagging this round and unconscious… next round could start dying if he does not make his next Fort save (he can not issue any more orders this round, so no bonus from Leadership for anyone)

Arsenal taunts the little flying man…
13+7 =20, vs. his Sense Motive or Taunt skill total of 18 He is flatfooted against Arsenal
…and quickdrawing and arrow his fires it straight at his gun while he stares at Arsenal with a stupid (yet mad) look on his face!
Note Gizmo is 160ft way, so with your Bow RI 60ft (Power Rank) -4 to Attack, plus Nightwing did not give order so you total is down to +4. Attack roll 15 +4 =19 a hit (cause he is flat-footed). Disarm is opposing Weapon Checks, Arsenal 14+4=18, vs. Gizmo 14 (I am going to say that because he is flat-footed, he loses his DEX bonus to attack soo)
Arsenal's arrow shots true and knocks the multibarrel gun onto the ground "Hey! You'll pay for that you bastard"

A beautiful bald African American woman suddenly appears 40 feet from Robin. She smiles at his evilly as she raises her jeweled and ring covered hands “You boys sure know how to play… now lets play my game… its called ‘How many does Jinx get to kill today?’ you be my first lover Qual’ korth oh’san BAUT’!
Extra Effort to gain Area Effect on her Attack, Spending a Villain point to ignore fatigue. Attack roll against Robin total 17, miss but still in Area Effect, so you get Reflex save for half 17+11 =28, makes it; and then Damage save vs. half (plus -5 for Armor) is 16+1=17, succeeding easily. Arsenal is also in the area and needs Reflex saves, 8+6 =14, fails. Damage save is 14+1=15, fails by 10. Arsenal takes a Lethal hit, and is Stun (you can spend a HP on your round to become unstunned if you want to, otherwise lose next action)
Thunder cracks through the Mall as huge bolts of lightning slam into the ground around the heroes, blowing the few remaining live patrons apart and shaking the whole mall with its power! Robin somehow dodges through the area avoiding the blast, however Arsenal is not so luck and is thrown back out of the area and disappears under debris.

Morphing into a huge green rhino, Beast Boy bellows and charges the thugs on opposite direction that Terra is raining down rocks onto…
NOTE that if you want to take out mooks, Takedown Attack and Rapid Takedown attack are great! But anyway, Shapeshift, free action, Move action 30ft to nearest thug. Attack roll for Beast Boy, 6 +9-3 =12 a hit! Damage save for mook vs. DC27 (-3 for armor) is 5. Intimidation check 13+7 =20, drawing lots of looks at him
…the first thug he gores with his horn, throwing the man 50 feet into the air where he slams into the ceiling as a bloody pulp! Many of the others stare down at the big green rhino with looks of horror…but also looks of fanatical devotion to their cause (which seems to be killing). The balcony groans and cracks with the weight of a big green rhino running around on top of it…

Gizmo curses his luck and swoops down and recover his multibarreled rifle. “Hey where did boy-boy go?” he then that’s flight flying up 50 feet to get a better look for his target…

Robin flips to his feet and charges Jinx, the words of his first 'trainer' ringing in his ears when you fighting metahumans, get in close and don't them react the way they want to… ranged freaks are use to trading shots from distance while bricks tend to think they can just stand in one place and trade blow… mix it up on them and you have an advantage as he gets close his bo-staff snaps out to its full length and he bring it down towards the woman's head…
Instant stand, change 40ft to get to the woman, +2 to Attack -2 to DEF. Power attack -4 to hit +4 damage. Attack roll 16+12+2-4 =26 a hit. Damage save for Jinx vs. DC25 (-9 for her FF/protection) total is 15, fails by 1. Takes a Stun hit
…catching her on the shoulder. She seems shocked by this "You… you… touched me… beast! I will tear you apart!"

Starfire floating in the air gets a little higher and “HAUPH” in rage again hurls two large glow green balls of energy into the area at the thugs flying around her!
With Area attack, you have to choose a target. If you hit that target does not get a Reflex save for half. If you miss then he gets a Reflex save for half. Everyone else in the area gets a Reflex save for half. Both of Starfire’s bolts hit two flying-mooks, so no Reflex save for them. Damage save vs. DC29 (-3 for armor) is 11 and 3, both fail. Reflex save for the first group (6 additional ones are in the area) vs. DC24 (yikes!) are 5, 14, 16, 20, 8, 7. All fail. Damage save 14, 11, 11, 21 13, 11. All fail. Second ground (catching 4 additional thugs) reflex saves are 21, 8, 7, 20, 12, 13, all fail. Damage saves 13, 16, 11, 17, 12, all fail
…her blasts exploded within two large groups of them, sending 12 flying every which way little rag dolls! With 3/4’s of their numbers decimated the others looks at her and say “Get her! For the Dark Lord! Kill!

A group of ten flying advanced looking power suits then drop out from the Skylight! They are black and green with gold-tinned faceplates. Two fly down the 3rd floor balcony (where one almost instantly appears flying back out from, slamming into a pillar and dropping like a rock to slam into the food court floor below; see Wondergirl below ;)). Four others fly down a hall from northwestern 2nd floor balcony and disappear from sight. The other four start firing at the assembled heroes below!
P.O.W.E.R. Agents, three attacks on Starfire and one Attacking Terra. Attack roll against Starfire (15) 2nd (21), 3rd (14), one hit, two misses. Attack roll against Terra (12) miss!
Starfire Damage save vs. DC23 (-6 for her Protection) is 9+6=15, missing it by 2 points. Starfire takes 1 Lethal hit.

The remaining Flying Agents also concentrate their fire on Starfire, one heavy bazooka and three with advanced assault rifles…
Heavy weapon Attack roll total is (11) miss. Attack roll totals (firing Autofire, so -4 with feat) 1st thug (6, 14, 6), 2nd (6, natural 20! +2 =22, and 12), 3rd (4, 10, 19). One hit and it is a critical!
Damage save for Starfire vs DC21+5 (crit) (-6 for protection) roll is 18+6=24, makes it!

…and while one of the blast strikes Starfire square in her back, and yet she is able to shrug the attack off, turning towards the flying agent with her eyes glowing green!

The terrorist on the 2nd and 3rd floor balconies, seeing Terra, Beast Boy and Impulse tearing through their numbers turn their weapons on to the three…
Two with bazookas fire at Beat Boy/Rhino and five Assault rifle guys open up Autofire at him. Four Autofire at Terra and Four Autofire at Impulse.
Attack rolls for heavy weapons 1st vs. Beast Boy/Rhino (15) 2nd (19) one miss, one hit! Assault riflemen against Beast Boy/Rhino 1st (5, 4, 20) 2nd (4, natural 20!=22, 6), 3rd (11, 14, 14), 4th (13, 14, 19) and 5th (4, 8, 15). Three hits, one crit.
Damage save for Beast vs. heavy weapon DC23 (-2 protection from growth, 2 less due to Armor Penetration) roll is 19+5=24!
Damage Save vs. assault rifles DC21 (-4 protection from Growth) are 16+5=21, 10+5=15 and 17+5=22, making all of them!
Against Terra 1st (12, 21, 3) 2nd (7, 5, 19) 3rd (5, 20, 6) and 4th (6, 13, 10). Three hits… but rocks shot up around Terra and the bullets go flying (FF/Protection lowers the damage to below +0 so have to get a crit to damage her with bullets.
Against Impulse 1st (20, 18, 7) 2nd (21, 15, 15), 3rd (10, 6, 10) and 4th (12, 4, 21) all misses… as I need a natural 20 to hit Impulse

Explosions and a hail of bullet fire chew up the balcony around the three young heroes, but few find their mark except against the Rhino running among them, and yet Beast Boy just bellows and keep on coming!
A couple turn their guns on Batgirl also…
Surviving thug, takes a 5ft step back and fires autofire at Batgirl, Attack roll totals (17, 4, 11) all missing. Two other Autofire gunmen also add their rain of bullets, 1st (15, 16, 15) 2nd (13, 11, 10) all misses. One big bazooka dude also fires a rocket at Batgirl (21) a miss
…and while a rain of bullets and a even rocket explosion all crash around her, none hit the nimble street fighter.

A blast of 'hard' air slam into one of the P.O.W.E.R. armored thugs as they try and line up more shots at the Starfire…
Attack roll (+2 flank) 13 +7+2=22, hit. Damage save for POWER armor thug vs. DC26 (-8 for power armor) is 16, missed it by 2 and as they are mooks
…slamming the armored suit into the ground below. Red Tornado then moves down into the skylight about 100ft off the ground. "Students! Retreat! I will delay these murders as long as I can… you must escape!"

Mammoth yells “Hey Super-girl, meet my FISTS!” and he leaps into the air, swinging both of his massive arms in some crazy double-upper cut…
Leaping charge 50ft, Power Attack -5 to hit, +5 to damage. Attack roll vs. Superboy a natural 1, Villain point to re-roll (hey I am down under 20 now YEA!), total is a 23 a hit! Damage save for Superboy vs. DC36 (-8 for protection) is 22, missing it by 6. Not worst spending a Hero Point to re-roll as the odds are against ya (and you can spend a HP on your action to become unstunned for sure BUT if you want to I will re-roll and edit if I have to), so he takes a Stun hit and is Stunned and suffers knockback… note he is not knocked out, just stunned
…that connect with Superboy’s chin with another KRACK! that is heard hundreds of yards away and sends Superboy sailing fifty feet to slam into the second floor balcony and imbedding him into the floor! Mammoth lands on the lower food court floor causing a tremor to rumble through the mall (and causing more rubble to rain down from the ceiling… it might not last much longer!)

Cat’s Eye leaps down the hallway at one of the terrorist who just shot her, her animal rage coming through for the first time… and it feels good to let it lose!
Move 40ft to get to nearest thug, Attack roll hit. Damage save for the thug vs. DC26 (-3 for armor) is 6, fails! NOTE that now she is within 5ft of two thugs for next round
…cutting the madman down and opening his stomach onto the floor around her!

Wondergirl flies with her friend and slams her first into the bazooka-firing terrorist!
Move 40ft to mook, Attack roll 13 +8 +1 (higher ground sure ;)) =22 a hit. Damage save vs. DC29 (-3 for armor) is 18, fail
Slamming her fist into the mans face with a loud crack! The man goes flying back 50 some feet and disappears over and out off the balcony and down to the Food Court floor 40 some feet below!

Dropping out of the sky Wondergirl sees two men, dressed in advanced looking power suits! They are black and green with gold-tinned faceplates. Each points his gauntlet hand at her and at Cat’s Eye and open fire!
P.O.W.E.R. Agents, Move Action 50ft to get into place, they are now 80 feet away. Attacking with Energy Blasters, one on each girl. Attack roll 22 vs. Cat’s Eye (miss) and 25 vs. Wondergirl (hit). Deflection roll 15 +12 =27! Reflect roll back at P.O.W.E.R. Agent 18 +8 =26 a hit. Damage Save for P.O.W.E.R. Agent vs. DC 23 (-6 for armor, two less because of Penetrating Attack) is 16 d’oh missing it by ONE. As he is a mook, he is OUT
While the first blast misses Cat’s Eye and slams into a Card Gift store window, shattering displays and blowing cards everywhere the other goes straight for Wondergirl’s head. And yet, she brings up her bracers just in time, and knocking the blast straight back at the P.O.W.E.R. Agent! It blows him back 30 feet and he slams into a support column on the other side of the food count and bounce down towards the ground below!

The other terrorist seem to care not for the loses they have suffered against the pair and howl with rage as they open up on the two!
There are now 4 thugs with Automatic rifles firing at Cat’s Eyes (2 in the front, 2 from behind, the ones behind now get an extra -2 to attack due to range). 3 attack Wondergirl again (one in the front, 2 in the rear and they get an extra -2 to their attack due to range). There are only two Heavy weapon bazooka blasters left (1 front, one rear who also gets -2 to his attack roll).
Against Cat’s Eye attack roll total for 1st thug (20, 16, 4) 2nd (5, 7, 18), 4th (18, 12, 10), 4th (17, 8, 6). Vs. Wondergirl automatics. 1st thug (10, 8, 13) 2nd thug (6, 12, 21), 3rd one (12, 16, 11). Heavy weapons 1st one (8) and 2nd one (18) D’oh

Bullets and rockets exploded around the two but all the thugs succeed at is destroying more storefront and hallway plants.

Hawk shakes his head and stands wobbly to his feet and trying to dodge the bullets that are flying throughout the hallway. Taunting the terrorist…
Spend a HP to become unstunned. Defensive (+2DEF, Taunt is a half-round action and Full Defense is a full round action), Taunt check 19 +0 (hehe) for the thug Sense Motive or Taunt, 5+0=5, I am assuming you want them to get -4 to their attack rolls?
…and they seem quite flustered by his words and curse readying to fire!

Then, flying down the hallway at full speed, four men dressed in advanced looking power suits! They are black and green with gold-tinned faceplates. Their gauntlets hands glow with building power as they come on…
P.O.W.E.R. Agents double move this round to get within 80ft of the three heroes. They cannot attack this round…

Dove races to the next injured and bleeding civilian, being largely ignored by the terrorist and P.O.W.E.R. armored agents! Rushing up to an older man, who is bleeding from a wound to his stomach, Dove’s hands against stop the bleeding and heal the man much of the damage that the bullet had done…

Aqualad “KAI!” in rage and his foot lashes out to kick another terrorist…
Attack roll 18 a hit, Damage save from thug vs. DC24 (-3 armor) is 14
…sending the man sailing down the hall to crash into a cement potted plant stand!

The three remaining terrorist responded with their own oath of devotion to the 'Dark Lord' and open up on the Hawk and Aqualad…
Attack rolls for the Thugs Autofire, first two against Hawk 1st (3, 12, 14) 2nd (21, 4, and 4), against Aqualad 3rd (3, 20, 13). All miss Hawk, one hits Aqualad
Aqualad Damage saves vs. DC21 (-5 from protection) is 7+8 =15, missing it by 1, takes a lethal hit

…causing Aqualad to grunt in pain as a bullet snicks into his right arm.

OK just for my own records I have spent a total of 7 Villain points so far.

Conditions of NPC’s…
Mammoth has taken a Stun hit
Gizmo has taken a Lethal hit
Psimon has taken a Stun hit
Jinx has taken a Stun hit

Nightwing is Uncurious and drowning/Suffocating
Cyborg is ‘held’
Aqualad has taken a Lethal hit
There are dead, dying or downed thugs of all type all over the place.

Whew these are getting bigger ;)
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Dark Nemesis

First Post
Raven desperately wished that she had fasted that morning as she sees the apple she had eaten for breakfast for a second time. She felt terribly sick; her whole body was trembling from the nausea. She closed her eyes, trying to tune out Psimon so that she could get her body under control.

(OOC: Raven rolls an 18 + 2 Fort + 1 for a total of 21)

Her eyes snap open as she hears the door beling blown off of its hinges, followed quickly by Cyborg's voice. Her heart sinks at Psimon's words, and even more so when Cyborg freezes. "Leave him alone," she says weakly, struggling to get back on her feet.


First Post
Cassandra, Hits: 2L, HP: 4/1

Cassandra slowly rises from the crouch she landed in after he knee snapped her last opponents neck. Her left hand takes up one of the fallen assault rifles. Her legs don't even move as she seems to just lazily move out of the way of the incoming bullets. It looks almost like an insult epsacialy at the guy leveling a fully automatic weapon from just five feet of her.
Her mind flashes with images as she realizes that Robin will probably see this and know something strange is up but she doesn't care. A few seconds ago this was all well and good. Now the boy with the bow who just helped her out is lying under the rubble, maybe dead, and Nightwing is drowning in his own blood.
With expert ease she readies the weapon, aims at the punk-girl that just attacked Nightwing and blasts away at her at full auto-fire.
Whatever their chances of winning or the commands of the red flying guy, she won't let Nightwing die. Everything she is she owes to the Batman, even the kindness his pupil had shown to her.

Yep, thanks forgot about that point but I used it up for these rolls. Attack roll at range: 4, reroll with HP: natural 20+13=33. Too tired to read up on autofire, if I need more rolls just make them please. Me's happy enough this that one ;).

Whatever the result of attack maybe, if the girl looks down afterward she should see something someone so intend on slaughter should really like. The 16year old stands right between the corpses of the men she just tore apart with her bare hands and stares at her with cold murder in her eyes.
So you get of on killing? I was raised for that game, don't asume you know the slightest thing about it.
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First Post
Karl Green said:
(occ Autofire lets you take up to 3 attacks, each at -6 without the Multifire feat. You are +2 due to flanking though/occ)

ooc: cool, rolls of 13+13-6+2=22/11+13-6+2=20
btw, hurray my pc has arrived so I can do my own rolls at home again but please go on making saves and stuff like that, it is a lot faster that way.

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