• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Team: TITAN, Class of 2004


First Post
Beast Boy, Full Health, 5/5 HP

OOC: Sadly, I do not have Takedown or Rapid Take Down. How far is it from the second floor to the ground floor and how many mooks are there left? I guess the imminent question is will I get screwed from jumping on top of either Shimmer or Mammoth? If I jump my rhino-self on Shimmer will her concentration be nullified? In the future do you want these questions asked here or in the talking the talk forum?

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Super Girl

First Post
Cat's Eye 4/5 HP|| damage 1L

OOC: Karl from your post, Kitty did not rapid strike, simply took a move action and then a regular strike, meaning she didn't use the hero point for heroic surge, otherwise she would have attacked one of the other 2 enemies with her second attack.

Kitty still in the grips of her ferocious rage simply licked the bloodspatter from around her face. A simple claw slash had opened the man's stomach, releasing his intestines to fall if they weren't held in. The girl barely paused to appreciate her handywork before flowing towards the remaining two thugs in front of her. She was fluid, like she had muscles in places humans did not and knew exactly how to use them. A single lunging step brought her to the closer of the pair and also brought her clawed hand across his throat in a slash almost too fast to see. Kitty continues with the slashing motion, using the energy of it to spin her about in a pirouette to put even more force behind her uppercut of the other goon. Her claws were fully extended and unlike her earlier slash, this strike would put her hand up through the man's throat giving her a grip on the inside of his skull, hopefully one that was firm enough to launch the man with all of her strength into the power armored soldier that had fired on her.

OOC: Not sure the proper way to do all of this, but here goes
5 ft step, rapid strike 1 at each of the men in range
1st attack: 5+11=17, +11L(ignores protection)
2nd attack: 5+14=19, Grab
Heroic Surge:
Throw thug: 20!+7-4(80ft = 2 range increments)...uhhh damage for a flung body? (14=7+7 to confirm crit
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Karl Green

First Post
Super Girl said:
OOC: Karl from your post, Kitty did not rapid strike, simply took a move action and then a regular strike, meaning she didn't use the hero point for heroic surge, otherwise she would have attacked one of the other 2 enemies with her second attack.

(ooc Crude sorry about that... I can edit it if you want to use the HP to attack twice last round... sorry about that... I thought I read it but missed that part :( /occ)

Karl Green

First Post
Gideon said:
OOC: Sadly, I do not have Takedown or Rapid Take Down. How far is it from the second floor to the ground floor and how many mooks are there left? I guess the imminent question is will I get screwed from jumping on top of either Shimmer or Mammoth? If I jump my rhino-self on Shimmer will her concentration be nullified? In the future do you want these questions asked here or in the talking the talk forum?

(occ Yea I was just making suggestions ;) Now as for jumping in Rhino form... well you are not great at it.. 2nd floor is about 20 feet above 1st floor. Shimmer is 80 feet off the ground so 60ft above you so no way. Mammoth is on the ground so if Beast Boy charged he could try and attack him. As for questions, I will answer them where we see them... here or there /occ)

Super Girl

First Post
Karl Green said:
(ooc Crude sorry about that... I can edit it if you want to use the HP to attack twice last round... sorry about that... I thought I read it but missed that part :( /occ)

OOC: its ok, it sets up my actions for this round rather nicely, assuming the grab and the throw is actually how your suppoused to do it. I know she has a range Increment of 40 as long as the guy is under a ton, and the 20 should make sure he hits the powersuit. Its just a matter of whether the grab attack succeeded. The only thing my having done the rapid strike last turn would do would be to get me a double try at grabbing the mook, and I doubt I'd need it. At least I hope not.


Arsenal, status: stunned, 2 lethal hits, HP 4/4

Arsenal lays prone after the brutal blast knocks him silly.

OOC: No HP Spent lay there stunned
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First Post
Wonder Girl; Status: Okay; Damage: None; Hero Points: 4/6

Cassie manages to get within range of one bazooka-type foe and she slams her mystic bracer reinforced right forearm across his torso with all the power of a crashing semi-truck, slamming him off of the balcony to fall far to the ground floor below like some rag doll. Suddenly two power suit armored foes enter the fray and open fire with some sort of heavy weapons at her and her partner, but she manages to reflect one of their own blasts back and it blasts the one clean out of the skirmish to crash into a support column.

Feeling that their safety is more important than attempting a proper offensive, at least until the enemies numbers can be better thinned down, Cassie continues her offensive defense strategy of maintaining her deflective screen around Kitty and herself while seeking to reflect as many of the incoming attacks back at the vicious paramilitary men as she can while also trying to get close enough to slam the one nearby bazooka-type foe with a powerful swipe of one of her mystic bracer reinforced forearms. Fortunately, for both her sensibilities and for her stomach, she is much too occupied at the moment to see the savage carnage brought about by her formally timid and charismatic new friend now turned wanton slayer of men.

OOC: Half Move Flying to stay close to Cat’s Eye. Defense bonus +1 for Aerial Combat. Will do Extra Effort to gain Reflection Extra on Deflection Power and spend Hero Point to prevent Fatigue. Defection +12 with Reflection Extra to screen herself and Cat's Eye against attacks while trying to reflect attacks back at their initiators (Ranged Attack +8, possible +1 bonus for Higher Ground since she’s flying). Attack Action against Bazooka Mook (or Automatic Mook, if her only available target near Cat's Eye) by smashing her forearm bracer into him (Unarmed Attack +8, possible +1 bonus for Higher Ground since she’s flying; Mystic Bracer 14S DC: 29). This is a forearm smash to his torso - not a fist punch to his face, Karl, although it would still put him out of action and send him flying if it connects ; )
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First Post
Beast Boy, Full Health, 4/5 HP

Garfield thinks about dropping his massive weight onto Mammoths head for half a second and stomps his left foot twice and bursts forward smashing through paramilitary men like gigantic-green-horned bowling bowl thorugh pins. "RAAAWWWWWWRRRRRRR"

(OOC: Someone make sure this is right, please. Attacking the closest 6 mooks(BAB +6) with horn +8 10L dmg. I have 10' reach as rhino. Spend hero point to avoid fatigue. Using Move by Attack, Rapid Takedown(heroic surge).)


First Post
Superboy (1S, 1 HP Spent)

OOC: Spend HP to recover from stun.

Floating from amidst the wreckage of the crumbling balcony, Superboy dusts himself off and quickly regains his bearings. "I am not impressed," he says with a laugh, and sails back at Mammoth, full force.

OOC: Powers - Flight, Move-By Attack, Power Attack -3/+3 to compensate some for the stun.

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