• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Team: TITAN, Class of 2004

Dark Nemesis

First Post
Raven mentally blasts the crazy freak cutting the girls…
Damage save vs. Raven’s mental blast, making it by 1
…causing the man to reels back… and then he seems to waver and disappear only to be replaced a moment later by a tall man wearing a black trench coat and gloves… and shockingly where his head should be a glass plate can be seen. He smiles at Raven and says in a sickly voice that oozes and makes her skin crawl “Well now my pet, you have fire don't you… oh the pain I am going to cause you…” as his eyes start to glow and his visible brain pulsing in excitement…

She had been expecting a number of reactions from the wild-eyed man, but his… transformation was not one of them. She tries not to shudder at the sound of his voice. ”What are you?” she demanded. However, she does not wait for an answer. *Upon seeing the glow within his eyes, she moves back a few steps and lashes out twice with dark energy.*

(OOC: Fort save: 18 + 2 fort = 20.
Five foot adjustment back, and two energy blasts. First attempt is 9 + 6 ranged attack = 15. The second is 12 + 6 ranged = 18. If either of those hit, the damage save is +10 S.)

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First Post
Cassandra (Batgirl)

All bothersome words are forgotten now as the girl changes back into the thing she was trained to be. Without emotion she glances at the falling shards, calculating the loss of human life as colleteral damage. It is more efficient to go after the ones causing the destruction to stop the killing faster than to clean up after them. Bent low she runs after the flying man, glancing around to see if whoever caused the gunshots is near.
In one her hands appears a two bladed black knife and with a switch of her fingers the blades snap outward, forming, a not too pleasant looking, razorwing.

ooc: half action to move 40, if anything looking hostile is in range Cassandra will throw a razorwing, +13 to hit, +8L damage. Spending hero points for damage saves under natural 10s as usual...
edit: if no targets are around at all she uses a full action for movement.
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Super Girl

First Post
"Cassie, Whats going on?" Kitty yelps as she feels herself being thrown about by the blast. She twists her head about in time to see the glass and steel beams start to fall. She is off and moving in the direction of the food court and the rest of the students. She hoped that Cassie and Diana would be proud of her. Purely on instinct, as if her body knew what it was capable of better then she, the cat girl made a running leap that carried her across the open space between the levels and toward the food court.

She has barely landed on the 2nd floor bannister before she kicks off, and into another astoundingly graceful leap, again carrying her towards the food court. She looked upward toward Cassie in amazement at what she had accomplished, if she wasn't already scared by the explosion, she would have been scared by what was happening to her.

OOC: Double move action towards the food court using leaping 25 feet per jump.


First Post
Beast Boy

Garfield's attention is drawn out of the discussion he was having with Tara about the merits of mouse and keyboad vs joy stick control by the shriek of terrified people, the shriek of ripping metals, and the KABOOM! of explosions.

"S@#$!" All wit and exuberance has left Garfield for the very second. His 15 year old body quickly shifts out into the form of a green haired wolf. The new lupine races out into the hallway and own the corridor towards the horrible sounds.

OOC: Shapeshift to wolf form, free action...double move (55 ft x 2=110 ft) to food court. This action might change depending on Tara's actions/ closer bad guys.

OOC: Not sure what the current feel in game is about cursing..If you would rather me make us curses than 'beep' them out I could do that. Or drop them altogether.
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Arsenal Initiative 19

Karl Green said:
[occ]well was waiting for Superboy… but for now[/occ]

Superboy bolts up, a bit dizzy from some reason… shaking his head to clear it he finally says "Gunfire… but before he can finish his sentence…

Suddenly, as the students in the café start reacting to Superboy look of pain and confusion, an explosion rips through the huge glass plating that hangs high over the food court (the Mall is a three story affair, but the food court area is open all the way to the roof which is a huge glass and steel sky-window). Screams of panic and fear fill the court as people look up as tons of falling glass and steel are raining down towards them… some jump under tables, a few try to stand and run, while others simple stare stupidly at their impending and likely death!

The food court is about 250 feet wide and 400 feet long. There are maybe 100 a 150 people sitting around in the common tables eating, talking, laughing… and now screaming. Maybe another 50 or so people are around the edges and outside where the glass and steel is going to fall. The teen heroes are sitting about 80 from the edge of where the ceiling is falling…

Over the screams and grating of falling steel and glass, another explosion rips through the back of the food court area where the bathrooms are… looking that way a small flying man wearing a black and green jump suit and carrying an automatic weapon of some kind is laughing and flying away at top speed… his weapon lobbing grenades into the crowd as he goes…(he is 200 feet away at present and moving toward the northwest away from you)

Going to do surprise a little funky here… basically it is an Initiative Check, if your character gets higher then a 13, then you will be going before the glass and steel starts hitting the food court area. Those who get above a 13 on this, post your actions, movements, skill or power checks that you are going to use. This might be a good time to post again how to do your actions, rolling etc.

"Those people they'll be crushed!!" he yells as the ceiling starts to collapse. As he yells he pops out his collapsable Bow from his Belt and knocks an arrow from his quiver disguised as backpack, I hope this works. and lets the arrow fly.

OOC: Movement Equivalent to ready Weapon. Spend a HP to do a "Power Trick" with his Net Arrow to catch debris over a bunch of people. Kinda like Spider Man. With Far Shot I think I have the Range covered Attack Roll +13 total with Nightwing's bonus
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Rogue Warrior

Before Don could speak, Hank saw him approaching. "Dude! What are you doing! You were so gonna score!" He started to block out what Don said then he felt it. That crazy vibe he got when danger was around and he could change. Don was right (again). Then he heard the explosions and screams and felt the tremors.

He smiled as he looked at Garth. A great, big, genuine, smile. "C'mon," he said as he grabbed his shoulder and headed for the door, back into the mall. That's when he saw the insanity that was happening all over. He saw the glass explode back at the food court and saw the thugs rushing in, shooting anything in their way.

"Oh, yeah. It's time to party." He said it to himself, not knowing or caring if Don or Garth (or anyone else) heard. He ran from the store entrance in the direction of the thugs. He jumped towards a banister and simply said, "Hawk!"

The young, athletic boy was instantly replaced by a being bulging in muscles, a snarl creasing his face. The body that appeared was garbed in white and dark red with some sort of banners or tendrils flowing behind him.

His foot touched down right where Hank had planned to place his. The leap that followed took Hawk halfway to the thugs. Hawk closed the rest of the distance quickly, charging into the lead thug at full speed.

OOC: Attack= +2 charge, +1 attack focus, +12 melee. 19-20 Improved Critical. Damage= +3 ramming. -2 Defense (from 19). I need a save against DC 19 or I take +3 damage from ramming.


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First Post
Wonder Girl

Cassie is caught off guard by the sudden explosion originating from the food court area and, as she crouches slightly and brings up her arms around her head to cover herself instinctively, she exclaims, "What the heck!?" She recovers from her surprise quickly and replies to Kitty, "I...I don’t know," but lowers her arms just a split second after Kitty springs over the third floor railing. Believing that Kitty is being thrown over the railing by the force of the explosion, she extends her right arm out towards the seemingly falling girl with her fingers spread out as if trying to catch her, even though she reacts to slow to actually be able to do so before Kitty goes over, and yells out to her with great concern, "Kitty!"

She immediately flies over the edge after Kitty, and she might have caught her too, but she quickly realizes that Kitty seems to be in a controlled fall, so rather than try to catch her, risking fouling up Kitty’s landing and causing her injury in the process, she instead trusts in Kitty’s feline abilities to hopefully land her safely on her feet and shows great relieve when she sees Kitty do so once, and then again, to land down on the first floor.

She looks back towards the South hallway briefly, but then turns towards Kitty and flies down after her, flying beside her and keeping pace, as the catgirl bounds toward the food court. She knew that the other Titans would have heard the explosion too and that most of the others would respond to it, so she thought that is would have been better if they had continued on towards the South hallway to address the situation there instead, but she wasn’t about to allow her inexperienced and newly arrived friend to be separated from her in such a volatile situation.

As she flies alongside Kitty, she thinks.oO("One problem at a time.")

OOC: Full Move Flying Sprint following alongside Kitty as she leaps towards the food court. Defense bonus +1 for Aerial Combat. Will use Deflection as a free action for herself or Kitty, should either be attacked. Will use Hero Point to re-roll if Cassie suffers a Damage save result worse than Stunned.
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kid A

First Post

Originally posted by Hawl
He smiled as he looked at Garth. A great, big, genuine, smile. "C'mon," he said as he grabbed his shoulder and headed for the door, back into the mall. That's when he saw the insanity that was happening all over. He saw the glass explode back at the food court and saw the thugs rushing in, shooting anything in their way.

"Hank! Wait!" Don called after Hank as he flew toward the thugs without even a single thought aside from hurting people. Dammit! Always charging into $#!* without thinking! Once in the hallway, Don Hall yelled, "DOVE!" and he was transformed into the agent of order. Scanning the area, Dove quickly assessed the situation and realized where their talents would be put to best use.

A plan formulated in his mind, he yelled to Garth. "Aqualad! Go help Hawk with those thugs. Combining your strength with his should be enough to take those guys out!" Having already located several innocent bystanders in the vicinity, Dove flew to their aid, helping whomever he could in the immediate area. These terrorists seem to have no specific target! It appears as though they're here to murder as many people as they can! I've got to get these people to safety while Hawk and Aqualad have them distracted!
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I aim to misbehave

Initiative 13

Explosions and screams of panic and fear were definitely not a part of hanging out at the food court. Koriand'r looked to her teammates and saw them jump into action. Starfire herself, lifted into the air several feet, hoping to get a better view on what was going on.

As the debris fell, Starfire targeted falling debris that would hit innocents and fired several blasts of energy from her outstretched hands. She ignored debris that may be falling on her (in fact she didn't even look above herself), instead she tried to save as many as she could by destroying the debris that fell.

OOC: 5' adjust (up), Full Attack (debris), Rapid Shot, Point blank shot, Aerial combat, Power attack (for 5), Nightwing add [9-2+1+1-5+1=5 plus rolls of 7, 18 result 12, 23 with damage of 16L to destroy falling debris]. If possible, she will spend a HP to add the area extra, if that would help.

Karl Green

First Post
Central City Mall, October 30th, 1:47pm

[occ]Ok I am going to post and react for those that have not posted their actions yet to keep the game moving. I will post at least once a day (except the weekends) so if you don't want to be NPC (where I do what I think is your most 'basic' action) ;)

Also, as people are starting to spend Hero Points and that is one more thing I don’t want to track of if possible, would everyone PLEASE include your Hero Points (current and max) and your current Conditions up in the title with your character’s name? So for Kiea it would be Starfire, unhurt, HP 4/5. Cool?

Finally while I will list all the Initiatives in order I am going to split up the action a bit so that it makes better sense. So food count and each of the little battles going on will be separated.

Initiative Round 1…
29 - Cat’s Eye
25 - Wondergirl
23 - Batgirl
22 - Superboy
22 - Terra
22 - Shimmer
20 - Nightwing
19 - Arsenal
19 - Hawk
19 - Jinx
17 - Beast Boy
17 - Flying Gunner/Grenade-launcher aka Gizmo
16 - Robin
13 - Starfire
12 - P.O.W.E.R. Flying agents
11 - Raven
10 - Flying Thugs
9 - Dove
8 - Aqualad
6 - Thugs (running around the Mall)
4 - Crazy man aka Psimon
3 - Mammoth

Raven feels like her blood is on fire for a moment., but it last only a second as she is able to shakes off the affects of the ‘man’s’ assault. Gritting her teeth she unloads two bolts at the man in rapid succession…
Damage saves for crazy man/ (Psimon), first attack missed, second attack, damage save fails by 2, he takes a Stun hit
…her first bolt slams into the wall above the monster head while the second catches him a glancing blow…

The man laughs and says “Some call me Psimon, but you may call me master pet!” and again his eyes and the visible part of his brain seems to glow and a wave of nausea and fatigue washes over Raven
Spending a second Villain points to add Nausea to his Fatigue attack against Raven! Mental Attack roll total for Psimon, is 34, Raven needs to make a Damage save (with Will) and a Fortitude saves this round… the first is vs. Stun and the second vs. Nausea (not letting you know the DC ;)

Batgirl races after the flying man (Gizmo) and launches a razor wing at the little creep…
Move 40ft, now 160ft away from Gizmo, Batgirl's Bat-Razors have a Rgn Increment of 40ft; so 6 to ranged attack; Attack roll 19 +13 -6 =26 a hit! D’oh., Damage save vs. DC23L misses it by two; he takes a 1 Lethal hit
… Gizmo’s eyes go wide as the sharp projectile flies across the room straight at his head. He tries to evade it but it still catches him on the shoulder and causes him to cry out in pain. He curses “You B!#$* I will kill you for that” as he turns his strange multi-barrel rifle her way “Eat hot explosives mama!” (and this is one weird looking six-barreled gun… each barrel looks like it belongs on a completely separate weapon!)

Superboy flies up towards the main mass of steel falls and starts super-speed punching the debris faster then most can keep track of!
Move attack, Power Attack the debris -4 to hit for +4 damage, Attack roll 17 +9+1 -4 = 23 hit. Damage save for debris vs. DC37 is fails by a WHOLE lot, assuming the debris follows the 'mook' rules ;) he uses Takedown attack and keeps hitting debris Attack roll 14 +6 =20, damage save again fails, Attack roll 4 +6=10, hit, Damage save misses by 4…so he has to stop now as it was not 'taken-out'
…smashing huge chucks of debris into dust and powder… while others he breaks into smaller pieces.

Shimmer delays her action…

Nightwing yells "Destroy as much of the debris that you can! Robin, razor-bomb quick!" as he pulls as strange bulky looking razor wing and tossing it at one of the smaller pieces of debris (hoping the others can take out the bigger pieces)…
Nightwing spends a HP and uses Gadgets to give him the Explosive extra on his Razor Wing weapon. Power Attack +5 damage for -5 to hi. Attack roll total 16, Damage save of debris vs. DC28 fails by 9
… and it blows up into smaller chunks.

Arsenal shots and arrow up into the falling debris… with onlookers thinking that he must be crazy; an arrow against a ton of falling rock, steel and glass? But then, just before the arrow strikes one of the larger pieces of falling glass, it splits open into a large net!
HP to add Area Effect with Snare arrow. Attack roll 10+13 (range increment 80ft, so no minuses) =23 a hit. Debris save to 'avoid' (based on the Hardness) is natural 1!
Anchoring itself on the upper landing… it seems to hold!

Jinx makes a double move and smiles silently down at the scene before her such beautiful chaos… and death but no one can see her this round.

Gizmo crackles evilly and shots at Batgirl with laser pulse from his weird rifle…
Attack roll total first attack 30 a hit! Damage save for Batgirl (evasion) 10 +9+1= 20, missing the save by 3. Batgirl takes 1 Lethal hit
…and while she is able to move so that she did not take the blast straight into her chest, it leaves a nasty burn on her left arm. To which Gizmo says "Hey why didn't ye die? OK now ye made me mad!"

Robin (occ normally I would not do this but…[/occ) pulls out another bat-bomb and tosses at a clump of falling glass…
HP for add Explosive extra to his Razor Wing. Power attack -5 to hit +5 damage. Attack roll 9 +12+1-5 =17 a hit. Damage save vs. DC24 is fails by 6
…shattering some of the glass away from a group of teenagers!

Starfire flies up into the air, and from each hand hurls a ball of greenish energy into the debris…
HP for area affect, Both attack rolls hit, Damage save for the Debris vs. DC 31! is
… blasting much of the glass and steel into dust or at least smaller chucks…the young heroes efforts mean that only tens of patrons are killed and hurt instead of hundreds!

Everyone within the area affect of the falling debris still needs to make a Reflex save for half, then a normal Damage saves. Pretty much everyone is in the affects BUT do to all the attacking of it, the damage is lessened to what it would have been. For the sake of speed I will roll for everyone… results…

Batgirl (Reflex save 12+9 +1 =22 for half damage, Damage Save 5+1=6 missing it by 12! Re-Rolling with Hero Point 2 (d’oh) so minimum 10+1+1 =12, missing it by 6! Batgirl takes a lethal hit and is Stunned! Will either leave next action or can spend a Hero Point to become unStunned)
Superboy (Reflex save 19+10+1=30 for half damage, no need for damage save protection lowers it below 0)
Arsenal (Reflex save 1+6+1 fails, Damage save 19!+2+1=22, missing it by 1. Arsenal takes 1 Lethal hit)
Robin (Reflex save 9+11+1=21 for half damage, Armor lowers damage to +0L. Damage save 5+1+1=7, missing it by 8 (can't spend another Hero Point this round BUT next round can spend one to become unStunned if he wishes)
Starfire (Reflex save 18+8+1=27 for half damage, her Protection lowers the damage below 0 so no need to make Damage save)
Nightwing (Reflex save 27 for half damage, Armor lower damage to +0L, Damage save 22 no damage)

As the dust from the debris starts clearing (hey this is comic book stuff here folks!) Flying figures can be seen coming down from where the skylight once stood. They are dressed in black and green military style combat fatigue BDU with flak vests and helmets, glowing red goggles eyes scanning the crowds and focus on the heroes. In the hands most carry military assault rifles (only Batgirl would recognize the type as an advance AKM heavy assault rifle, with extended clips), but a few also bear strange heavy bazooka like rifles. They start pointing them down at the young heroes “There they are… take em out! Shot to kill! Death to the Infidels! All hail the dark lord!
The flying thugs double move to get into the Mall but do not attack this round

Around the Mall, terrorists who where concealed around the outer upper balconies of the Food Court, terrorist pull weapons from the duffle bags and fire randomly down into the court as the court.
Randomly to see if any of the Heroes are targeted by terrorist (15+ on a d20 on the ground, 13+ for flying ones; the higher I roll the more that target you) vs. Batgirl, 3. vs Superboy 18, two attack him. vs. Arsenal 11. vs Robin 11. vs Starfire 17, two attack her. vs Nightwing 6
Attack rolls against Superboy (firing automatic weapons, -4 with Multifire feat) 1st thug (8, 19, and 10), 2nd thug (9. 12, and natural 20! for a 22). Two hits, one is a Critical strike! Against Starfire 1st thug (4, 9, and 14) and 2nd thug (19, 11, 15) all misses.
Damage save for Superboy (note you would normally have to set up a half action to use Defection)… anyway Damage Save not need with the first attack as Protection lowers the damage to less then +0L, The critical hit however he does need a roll, Protection lowers the attack down to DC17L, roll is 19+10+1=30… yea he ignores that attack

Two bullets bonus off Superboy but mundane humans down in the court are not so lucky…

And then, sailing down from the skylight a huge, red haired and bearded man drops out of the sky KA-BOOM! Slamming down 40ft away from some of the young heroes. He screams out “Bring it on… MAMMOTH is here and now yosa goin’ a die kiddies! I’m a gona rip yer arms off and eat them!
full-round movement for Mammoth but he spends a Villain point to give him Heroic Surge, extra half-action to use his Shockwave power when he lands… everyone within 75 feet must make a DEX or STR bonus (whichever is better NOT a Reflex save note) check save vs. (Mammoth's STR check) DC 28 or fall down and are Prone. All the still living patrons fall of course, and again for the sake of speed I will roll for the heroes (Superboy and Starfire are in the air and do not need the save)…
Batgirl already on the ground stunned
Arsenal 16 +8 +1=25 fails!
Robin 20! +5+1 =26 hmm normally fails BUT I am going to say with a natural 20, he does not fall!
Nightwing 8 +8+1=17 fails!
Without Inkstand Stand it takes a half-action to stand and enemies get a +4 to melee attack roll to hit you while you are on the ground, and your melee attacks are at -4!

Pillar near by crack and break, tables and some patrons go flying, windows throughout the Mall shatter, and the boom from his landing can be hear at least a mile away!

Cat’s Eye (occ your running speed double move is 110ft and you can jump 50ft… I am assuming you mostly want to run. But Wondergirl's double move flight speed is 90 soooo I am going to assume that is how far you get /occ) leaps and bounds down towards the Food Court. They are about 60ft away from the open area when they are horrified to see debris of glass, steel and rubble raining down onto the food court area!

Wondergirl (occ NOTE that your spirit flying speed is sooo much faster then Cat’s Eye’s running speed… just as an FYI so I am assuming you are just double move action to keep up with her (speed 90ft) and you do not lost your DEX bonus to Defense /occ) flies beside her friend, watchful for any attacks from unknown quarters…and her paranoia pays off and shots from in front and behind the two rain upon them! Armed men surrounding the food court balcony opening and some coming up from behind (where the girls saw the people running before) pour automatic fire onto the two!

These terrorist are wearing trench coats and carrying large military assault rifles and aiming them straight at the girls “There are two more…kill them now and win glory for our Dark Lord!”. Underneath their trench coats they are wearing military combat BDU with armor, and strapped onto their web-gear are extra magazines, grenades, combat knifes etc. Two in front and one from the rear are instead carrying large bazooka like rifles that they point directly at Wondergirl!
Attack roll for 5 thugs (3 in the front 2 from behind) with Automatic rifles at Cat's Eye (three attacks each, for -4 to attack with the Multifire feat). 2 with Automatic rifles fire at Wondergirl (one in front, 2 in the rear) and 3 with Heavy weapons blast her also (2 in the front 1 in the rear)!
Attack rolls for Assault rifles vs. Cat's Eye; 1st thug (16, 12, 18) 2nd thug (6, 21, 16) 3rd thug (12, 13, 17), 4th thug (12, natural 20! and 16), 5th thug (natural 20! 18, 7). Two hits! No crits though as they would not have hit Cat's Eye's DEF
Verses Wondergirl the two thugs fire at her. 1st (22, 7, and 5) and 2nd thug (12, 7, and 16). One hit
The big gunners fire at Wondergirl also. 1st (9) 2rd (7) and 3rd (22!). One hit
Assuming Wondergirl Defects big gun first Defection roll 3+12 =15, miss. Against the Autofire attack against her 12+10 =22 success. Against the two attacks against Cat's Eye (the DC is 22 BTW) 2 +8 =10, miss; and 12+6=18 miss.
if you wish to use a HP to re-roll any let me know, otherwise
Damage for Cat's Eye 1st Attack 10+8=18, missing it by 2. Takes a Lethal hit. Second damage save 13+8=21, ignores the damage. Cat's Eye has 1 lethal wound
Damage save for Wondergirl vs. the rocket gun, 18+6=24, plus her 3pts of Protection ignores the damage.

Bullets fly everywhere around the pain…one catching Cat's Eye across her right leg, and cries out in pain! Two of the rockets fired at Wondergirl miss and slam into near by stores, while one strikes her square in the chest… and yet when the dust clears she is floating unfazed in midair, the roof and near by shops in tatters.

Terra summons up a large rock from beneath the ground and up through the lower shops and underground as it smashes through the last floor. She then jumps onto it and says "Come on Green, there's trouble afoot!" as she flies towards the Food Court. Double moving she moves out to the court and seeing the falling steel and glass she is somewhat shocked and awed by the sight!

Beast Boy shapeshifts into a large green wolf and races all the way over to the food count to see the debris of glass and steel falling onto the Mall patron bellows…and he sees his friends destroying large parts of it… such that tens of people might be killed and injured instead of hundreds! As he is taking in the situation he suddenly notices men wearing trench coats and carrying large duffle bags takes out military assault rifles and aiming them down into the crowd (mostly as your teammates). Underneath their trench coats, Beast Boy notices that they are wearing military combat BDU with armor, and strapped onto their web-gear are extra magazines, grenades, combat knifes etc. They start flying into the crowd below, although a couple fire at Superboy and Starfire who are flying in the air. Beast Boy also hears a couple yell into radios "We have the alphas here… we need heavy fire power in the food court NOW!"

These terrorist don’t seem to notice the large green wolf coming up behind them (and he can see 4 or 5 on each side of him, to the left and the right… and there are more spread around the 2nd and 3rd level balconies that open into the food court… 30 or 40 at least!! Tara does not seem to see these people and is looking at the roof to try and help)

Transforming into the hulking hero of his dreams, Hawk charges straight into the terrorist mob…
Attack roll 6 +12+2+1= 21, hit! Damage save for thug vs. DC34! Down to 31 with his armor, Damage save 10, fails by 21…Hawk’s Damage save from the ramming vs. DC19 is a 4+10=14, missing it by 5. Hawk takes a Lethal hit from the ram
…one of the terrorist goes flying, cut almost in two by Hawk's slam. The other turn towards Hawk and coldly line up shots against the young hero… a wild zealot like look in their mad eyes “Blasphemer! You and all the old order will be swept away where the dark lord comes! DIE!!

Dove races toward a downed woman who has been shot in the neck and shoulder, who is bleeding out fast and choking on her own blood…her eyes look up pleading at him, but with the touch of the young heroes hands, the bleeding stops and the woman takes in a deep breath… looking up Dove sees that there are at least five other victims within 30ft of him that are in as bad as shape or worst!

Aqualad looks to Dove and nods his head once and yells “Murders!. He then leaps through the air, headlong into the terrorist with reckless disregard…
Attack roll total 29 for charging, a hit (-2DEF until next action). Damage save vs. DC24, down to 21 with his Armor, total of 8, fails by 14.
…slamming his fist into the first one and breaking multiple ribs as he flies back and through a plate glass window some 30ft back.

The still living terrorist yell and curse and open fire at the two heroes!
Two attack Hawk with automatic weapons, two attack Aqualad. Vs Hawk 1st thug (5, 19, 9) thug 2 (19, 9, 10). Vs Aqualad, 1st thug (12, 11, 8), 2nd thug (9, 5, 14). Two of the thug hit Hawk with bullets, Damage save (vs. DC20) is 18, and 13. Missing one by 2, and missing the other by 7. Hawk has taken 3 Lethal hits and is Stunned. All missed Aqualad
…and as bullets rain onto the two young heroes, Hawk is catch on this leg and the shoulder by bullets and staggers back to slam into a large chair in the middle of the hallway.

(ooc Holy cow this is a long one… I might break it up a bit for next round. Anyway ACTIONS for next round…/occ)

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