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tell me about your non-D&D campaign (a semi-poll)


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Two games, neither D&D:

1) "Not the X-Files" -- d20 Modern in a contemporary setting, very little magic (ie, the PCs are never casting spells, they're investigating stuff that could arguably be magic but never really get any realistic proof), pretty much d20 Modern by the book with special allowances for the FX I inflict on 'em.

2) "Heaven's Pyre" -- d20 Modern ruleset, albeit with armor as DR, a sort-of VP/WP system, and a setting that is late renaissance fantasy, involving swashbuckling political mayhem in a flying city just after a revolution puts the humans in charge of it. A little bit Three Musketeers, a little bit China Mieville, and a little bit Babylon 5 in a fantasy setting. Magic is currently not a PC option, but will become available as a feats & skills homebrew.

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GlassJaw said:
I'm kind of interested in knowing what non-D&D games are played out there. I know that D&D is probably the most popular but I'm curious about other games people are playing.

Also, if you play a game that allows for many possibilities (d20 Modern, Grim Tales, etc), post a little blurb about it.
Riddle of Steel, D20 Modern (thought not currently), Darwin's World II (the standard post-apocalyptic fare), and Mutants & Masterminds (ranging from PL 7 to PL 13 depending on the game).

At the moment.


GlassJaw said:
I'm kind of interested in knowing what non-D&D games are played out there. I know that D&D is probably the most popular but I'm curious about other games people are playing.

Also, if you play a game that allows for many possibilities (d20 Modern, Grim Tales, etc), post a little blurb about it.
Besides D&D I sorta run a M&M game, standard PL 10 characters. I have them running around in Freedom City (since I'm fairly certain I'll buy the book if the players continue liking the game), being one of the standerd superheroes with some personal tweaks of their own choosing. Mostly I've used the game as filler material when one or more of the players can't make it to the game, I've got a slew of one-shot adventures ready. The respons from my players is encouraging and were currently debating if after the current D&D campaign we'll try a longer M&M campaign for variation.

I also posses the d20 modern manual, but haven't had the time to really play with it yet. I've run a single Dark*Matter inspired adventure with it based on the adventure that came with the original hardcover (forgot the name), but placing it in Austria during a ski-trip. The players had constructed characters based on their own personalities. We had a blast that one session but returned to D&D the next session when everyone was there again and haven't played it since, shame really cause it was a heck of a lot of fun.
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Playing some Wraith, if the GM from my home-town ever gets around to emailing me. Other than that, I am sad and alone in the gaming wasteland of Hammond, LA.


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I'm currently in a D&D campaign. In a couple of weeks, the D&D GM is starting a d20 Future campaign. In the past I've played Stargate and Spycraft. I've GMed D&D and Call of Cthulhu (both old school and d20) in the past and will again in the future. Right now, I'm toying with starting up a Masque of the Red Death campaign when Arthaus releases the d20 version of the setting in October.


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My two most recent non-D&D games have been a flobbulated Mage saga (the GM started well, but fumbled the rest of the sessions) and a grand Ars Magica saga set in Sicily.

Of course my current game could be considered non-D&D, since it runs primarily off AU, rather than the PHB, et alia, but I figure those are pretty much the same thing.


Previous campaign was Decipher's LotR. I expect to revisit it sometime in the future.

Prior to that was Marvel Superheroes.

I'm planning Classic Traveller & B/X D&D campaigns relatively soon.

Games I hope to use for at least one-shots in the near future: Lejendary Adventure, Barbarians of Lemuria, & Toon.

Other people in the group may have other plans.

Laman Stahros

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I'm currently trying to reconstruct my Hero system based X-Com: UFO Defense campaign (open to suggestions regarding different systems: D20 Modern, D20 Future - I don't know whether these or others would be better).

The Grumpy Celt

I am intermitantly running an alternate history game for vamprie, where the characters are southern vampires in a time line where the South won the War. It's inspired and influenced by Harry Turtledove's "How Few Remain" series.


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Running a campaign loosely based on Lovecraft's Dreamlands (using the 5th Edition hard back from Chaosium) using FFG's Grimm ruleset.

Voidrunner's Codex

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