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The Arena (OOC)


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my character is almost finished. i just have to look him over and let someone else do it too. i'll send it in a coouple of hours

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Electric Ant - Your post is irrelevant.
I never said you loose a lvl for loosing in the arena. You would only loose a lvl via the Ressurection spell if you were killed and ressurected. (Read the spell).

And lvl loss does not mean you will loose every match after that. There are creatures ranging from CR1 to CR20, and characters lvl 1-20. You have as much chance of fighting a higher lvl as you do a lower lvl.

now as to your ideas:
1. that was the original idea.
2. Makes no sense.
4. If the character isn't motivated it has no reason to be here and wouldn't have been brought by the Greater Beings in the first place.
5. That would interfere with the Breater Being's schedule.

Sollir - I like that idea. How's this, before you go in you can buy an insurance document (scroll of True Rez).. so that if you die they'll bring you back with true rez instead of normal rez (No lvl/con loss with true rez).
cost : 8000GP. If you live, you get half(4000) back.

Also, BTW, most of the battles won't be 1v1s. There will be a lot of group battles (Though there may be only 1 PC in the group battle)

OK... I've got 4 characters now, so I'll start the IC thread (Arena IC - Week 1). I'm going to start each of you off with a 'trial' battle vs a random CR9 or 10. When your character is ready, I'll post them appearing in their setting, with their opponent in site. All the trial battles take place in the same type of battleground (I'll describe it IC)


First Post
From your original post:
Anyone killed in the Battleground is Ressurected 24 hours later by the Greater Beings (With apropriate lvl/con loss)

I inferred from this that the majority of losers would have died, and therefore lose a level, essentially losing a level for losing. Not everyone would die, of course, but it seems like that's the norm.

The fact that you can face anything from CR1 to CR20 does mean you will keep losing; the lower your level, the higher the chance you'll face something higher than you.
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The fact that you can face anything from CR1 to CR20 does mean you will keep losing; the lower your level, the higher the chance you'll face something higher than you.

Except that you start at lvl 12, meaning you're 60% of the way to the top. Meaning off the bat you've got a 60% chance of facing lower lvl, and gaining exp from beating them. Meaning you have a much greater chance of going up lvls than down lvls, especially since not even 80% of losses should involve death.
spellcasters might HOLD you and take off with the key
Rogues/bards could steal the key from you while hidden
Monks could stun you and take off with the key.
Paladins would refrain from killing you, instead trying to incapacitate you.
Plus there's the whole 'unconscious at 0, dead at -10' thing, meaning you've got a 10 HP zone where you're beat but not dead (Down but not Out)

And then there's the fact that your characters, due to the fact that you made them specifically for a game like this, are more likely to be victorious than even other people of their own lvl. (I have little doubt you could each take on a CR12 Collosal Zombie or the like with ease.)

And finally - If you do die, and loose a lvl then I have 2 things to say about that:
1) Should've bought insurance.
2) It's not supposed to be a cakewalk.
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First Post
gotta finish gotta finish.

and can we all please just except the rules or leave? :rolleyes:

and jemal, for stuff like flamebolt, does spell specialization deal the extra +2 damage for everyone of them, or just one?

and can I use arms and armor, just for a piece of armor.
costs around a thousand, gives you nothing... at all, but can be enchanted.
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To answer your question Corlon, FAQ-wise its only the first bolt fired, since the rest aren't aimed with the same precision, same with sneak attacks.

Anyhow, Malificus the Mage has been sent in, hope you like him.

Edit-So, stealing ( ingeneral) is allowed from other chars while they're living? Or is that out except for keys?
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