• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Beginner Box

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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Thanks to you two for the clarification. It will be nice that the minis are available to those who might not be interested in the PF beginner box.


First Post
I hope its not just levels 1 to 5. A "simplified" 3E/Pathfinder is certainly possible, as a long running series of threads around here shows (E6?).

So I hope they aren't going the low level only route. It will be as hugely disappointing and as completely useless to me as other similarly done boxed sets have been.

Now if they go the same route as a certain series of boxed sets back in the day did, that would be total win with me! Simplified rules, multiple boxes with which to sell me cool extra's with! Focused new, yet still simple, rules to allow you to go even further...

Yeah, I'd be totally on board with that.


Its already been said its low level stuff only, but I kind of hope I'm wrong. I have no need for either honestly, but would like to see what they do (if they did).
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Perhaps they are aiming to kill two birds with one stone and create a "Basic Pathfinder" game that is also an "E6" (I guess in this case, "E5") rules variant?


First Post
Perhaps they are aiming to kill two birds with one stone and create a "Basic Pathfinder" game that is also an "E6" (I guess in this case, "E5") rules variant?

I hope so, I can't believe Paizo is just going to do something WOTC has done before, twice. To what I believe was very luke warm sales.

I think if Paizo really wants this to have a shot at being a true hot seller and intro into their product lines they will actually give us a different kind of product.

I'll likely buy this just because of the cool sounding extra's, but they don't want me to just buy this, they want me to use this to sell others on their Pathfinder game and products. IF this is just another first few levels introduction to a ton more rules and stuff, I already have the means to do that. Its called the Core Rule book, and its a darn good one. I really like how they did their GMG as well.

This box needs to be a stand alone game that piques peoples interest into the bigger world of Pathfinder, not shove them in the front door and be hit by an avalanche.

Just the first 5 levels and then have to buy the core rule books? Not going to work any better than the attempts made by WOTC.


First Post
They aren't doing what WotC did - it is a lot closer to what early TSR did - to great success. Basic D&D was around for a long while, and with good cause.

Among other things you can actually play the characters in tournament. You can actually generate your own character, instead of just a pre-gen, and you actually get enough levels to start throwing (or dodging) fireballs.

None of the recent 'starter games' from WotC have been much good ('recent' in this case encompasses 3e as well as 4e). A good starter set is likely to succeed, whereas the bits of hype that WotC produced deserved to fail.

The Auld Grump


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever


None of the recent 'starter games' from WotC have been much good ('recent' in this case encompasses 3e as well as 4e). A good starter set is likely to succeed, whereas the bits of hype that WotC produced deserved to fail.

It's not like WotC was the first company to produce these pay-to-preview products. TSR produced something like a dozen of them in a wide variety of formats. All of them reportedly had mediocre sales.

Separate Basic and Advanced product lines seem to have worked from 1977 until they stopped doing that. Pay-to-preview products? They have apparently never worked in the history of the roleplaying industry. (And I'm unaware of any other industry even trying it.)

I really do wish Paizo success with this. (Just like I wished WotC success with their Starter Set.) But I really don't believe any pay-to-preview product is going to be successful. (The niche it tries to fill doesn't seem to actually exist when you analyze it critically.) So Paizo does succeed, it will be because the product somehow elevates itself above being a mere pay-to-preview endeavor.

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